#!/usr/bin/env bash # set -ex clear arch=$(uname -m) branch=master repo=SpectreOS repo1=shell-scripte-code cache=/var/cache/pacman/pkg/ repo_url="https://git.brothertec.eu/simono41/SpectreOS/raw/master/repo.sh" if cat /etc/passwd | grep "x:1000" > /dev/null; then tempuser=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep "x:1000" | awk '{print $1}') user=${tempuser%%:*} else user=$(whoami) fi #fastinstall arch-install fastinstall ${name} ${Partition} ${boot} ${device} ${dateisystem} ${raid} ${swap} ${swapspeicher} ${swapverschluesselung} ${offline} ${autodisk} ${autodiskdevice} ${autostartdesktop} ${autologin} ${verschluesselung} ${usbkey} ${usbkeydevice} ${extraparameter} ${skipcheck} ${nvidia} ${nopassword} echo "$(date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")" if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 # while-schleife while (( "$#" )) do echo ${1} startparameter="${startparameter}${1} " shift done sudo "${0}" "${startparameter}" 2>&1 | tee /home/${user}/install.log exit 0 fi echo "Logged in as root" function minimalinstallation() { cp -v /opt/${repo}/mirrorlist* /etc/pacman.d/ pacstrap -G -C /opt/${repo}/pacman.conf -M ${mountpoint} $(cat /opt/${repo}/packages.txt) # hooks cp -v /opt/${repo}/configs/install/* ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/initcpio/install/ cp -v /opt/${repo}/configs/hooks/* ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/initcpio/hooks/ cp -v /opt/${repo}/configs/script-hooks/* ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/initcpio/ mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/etc/pacman.d/hooks cp -v /opt/${repo}/configs/pacman-hooks/* ${mountpoint}/etc/pacman.d/hooks/ cp -v /opt/${repo}/pacman.conf ${mountpoint}/etc/pacman.conf cp -v /opt/${repo}/mirrorlist* ${mountpoint}/etc/pacman.d/ chmod 644 -R ${mountpoint}/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist* cp /opt/${repo}/scripts/update.sh ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/update-script chmod +x ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/update-script cp /opt/${repo}/repo.sh ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/repo-script chmod +x ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/repo-script if ! arch-chroot ${mountpoint} /usr/bin/update-script; then echo "Aktualisierung nicht erfolgreich!!!" fi } function gitclone() { # Lade das Failback herunter falls nicht vorhanden if ! [ -f "/usr/bin/repo" ]; then curl -o /usr/bin/repo "${repo_url}"; fi # Aktualisiere die Repositiories # Überprüfe ob das GIT Repo überhaupt vorhanden ist, sonst verwende das Failback if [ -f "/opt/${repo}/repo.sh" ]; then /opt/${repo}/repo.sh; else /usr/bin/repo; fi # Lese die Umgebungsvariablen neu source /etc/environment if ! [ -f "/usr/bin/git" ]; then pacmanconf; fi # SSH 1/2 git config --global credential.helper store git config --global core.editor "vim" git config --global user.email "user@example.org" git config --global user.name "user" git config --global push.default simple git config --global pull.rebase true git config --global merge.tool vimdiff if [ -d "/opt/${repo}" ]; then echo "${repo} existiert bereits!!!" cd /opt/${repo} git checkout ${branch} if ! git remote set-url origin ${WEBADDRESS_OS}; then git remote add origin ${WEBADDRESS_OS} fi git pull else git clone -b ${arch} ${WEBADDRESS_OS} /opt/${repo} fi if [ -d "/opt/${repo1}" ]; then echo "${repo1} existiert bereits!!!" cd /opt/${repo1} if ! git remote set-url origin ${WEBADDRESS_OS}; then git remote add origin ${WEBADDRESS_OS} fi git pull else git clone ${WEBADDRESS_SCRIPTE} /opt/${repo1} fi cd / } function secureumount() { echo "unmounte alle lvms!!!" if vgchange -an; then echo "Alle Physikalischen Volumen wurde erfolgreich entbunden :-D"; fi if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then if cat /proc/mounts | grep ${mountpoint} > /dev/null; then umount ${mountpoint}/boot btrfs filesystem df ${mountpoint} echo "umount!!!" umount ${mountpoint}/home umount ${mountpoint}/opt umount ${mountpoint}/var/cache/pacman/pkg umount ${mountpoint}/var/lib # custom-mounts for wort in ${mountsnaps} do if cat /proc/mounts | grep ${mountpoint}${wort} > /dev/null; then umount ${mountpoint}${wort} fi done umount ${mountpoint} umount /mnt/btrfs-root #umount -R /mnt fi elif [ "${dateisystem}" == "ext4" ]; then if cat /proc/mounts | grep ${mountpoint}/boot > /dev/null; then umount ${mountpoint}/boot fi if cat /proc/mounts | grep ${mountpoint} > /dev/null; then umount ${mountpoint} fi fi echo "unmounte nochmal alle lvms!!!" if vgchange -an; then echo "Alle Physikalischen Volumen wurde erfolgreich entbunden :-D"; fi if fdisk -l | grep "${deviceluks}" > /dev/null; then read -p "Should ${deviceluks} be removed? [Y/n] : " cryptremove if [ "${cryptremove}" != "n" ]; then if ! cryptsetup remove ${deviceluks}; then umount ${deviceluks}; fi fi fi if [ "${olddeviceluks}" != "" ]; then if fdisk -l | grep "${olddeviceluks}" > /dev/null; then read -p "Should ${olddeviceluks} be removed? [Y/n] : " cryptremove if [ "${cryptremove}" != "n" ]; then if ! cryptsetup remove ${olddeviceluks}; then umount ${deviceluks}; fi fi fi fi if fdisk -l | grep "/dev/mapper/${deviceluksname}" > /dev/null; then read -p "Should /dev/mapper/${deviceluksname} be removed? [Y/n] : " cryptremove if [ "${cryptremove}" != "n" ]; then if ! cryptsetup remove /dev/mapper/${deviceluksname}; then umount ${deviceluks}; fi fi fi if fdisk -l | grep "/dev/mapper/luks0" > /dev/null; then read -p "Should /dev/mapper/luks0 be removed? [Y/n] : " cryptremove if [ "${cryptremove}" != "n" ]; then if ! cryptsetup remove /dev/mapper/luks0; then umount ${deviceluks}; fi fi fi if fdisk -l | grep "/dev/mapper/luks1" > /dev/null; then read -p "Should /dev/mapper/luks1 be removed? [Y/n] : " cryptremove if [ "${cryptremove}" != "n" ]; then if ! cryptsetup remove /dev/mapper/luks1; then umount ${olddeviceluks}; fi fi fi if fdisk -l | grep "cryptsetup remove /dev/mapper/main-root" > /dev/null; then read -p "Should /dev/mapper/main-root be removed? [Y/n] : " cryptremove if [ "${cryptremove}" != "n" ]; then cryptsetup remove /dev/mapper/main-root fi fi if cat /proc/mounts | grep ${device}${m2ssd}1 > /dev/null; then umount ${device}${m2ssd}1 fi if [ -n "${usbkeydevice}" ]; then if cat /proc/mounts | grep ${usbkeydevice} > /dev/null; then umount ${usbkeydevice} fi fi safeumount "${device}${efipartitionnummer}" safeumount "${device}${bootpartitionnummer}" if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then safeumount "${device}${swappartitionnummer}"; fi safeumount "${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" if cat /proc/mounts | grep /mnt > /dev/null; then umount /mnt; fi } function formatencrypt() { if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then if [ "y" != "${lvmsupport}" ]; then echo 'unmounte alle lvms!!!' vgchange -an fi echo "Please write big YES" cryptsetup -c aes-xts-plain64 -y -s 512 luksFormat ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} mountencrypt fi } function mountencrypt() { if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then cryptsetup luksOpen ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${deviceluksname} fi if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mountlvm fi } function partitioniere() { wipefs -a -f ${device} sgdisk -o ${device} if [ "${m2ssddevice}" == "y" ]; then sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}::+1024K -c ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}:"BIOS Boot Partition" -t ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}:ef02 ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${efipartitionnummer: -1}::+1G -c ${efipartitionnummer: -1}:"EFI Boot Partition" -t ${efipartitionnummer: -1}:ef00 ${device} if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${swappartitionnummer: -1}::+${swapspeicher} -c ${swappartitionnummer: -1}:"Linux swap" -t ${swappartitionnummer: -1}:8200 ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:"Linux filesystem" -t ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:8300 ${device} else sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${bootpartitionnummer}::+1024K -c ${bootpartitionnummer}:"BIOS Boot Partition" -t ${bootpartitionnummer}:ef02 ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${efipartitionnummer}::+1G -c ${efipartitionnummer}:"EFI Boot Partition" -t ${efipartitionnummer}:ef00 ${device} if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${swappartitionnummer}::+${swapspeicher} -c ${swappartitionnummer}:"Linux swap" -t ${swappartitionnummer}:8200 ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer}:"Linux filesystem" -t ${rootpartitionnummer}:8300 ${device} fi secureumount formatencrypt } function mountlvm() { vgchange -ay } function makelvm() { echo "unmounte alle lvms!!!" if vgchange -an; then echo "Alle Physikalischen Volumen wurde erfolgreich entbunden :-D"; fi if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then pvcreate -ff /dev/mapper/${deviceluksname} vgcreate ${devicelvmname} /dev/mapper/${deviceluksname} else pvcreate -ff ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} vgcreate ${devicelvmname} ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} fi if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then lvcreate -L ${swapspeicher} -n swap ${devicelvmname} fi lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n root ${devicelvmname} mountlvm fi } function partitionierelvm() { wipefs -a -f ${device} sgdisk -o ${device} if [ "${m2ssddevice}" == "y" ]; then blkdiscard ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}::+1024K -c ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}:"BIOS Boot Partition" -t ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}:ef02 ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${efipartitionnummer: -1}::+1G -c ${efipartitionnummer: -1}:"EFI Boot Partition" -t ${efipartitionnummer: -1}:ef00 ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:"Linux filesystem" -t ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:8300 ${device} secureumount formatencrypt makelvm else #shred -v -n 1 ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${bootpartitionnummer}::+1024K -c ${bootpartitionnummer}:"BIOS Boot Partition" -t ${bootpartitionnummer}:ef02 ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${efipartitionnummer}::+1G -c ${efipartitionnummer}:"EFI Boot Partition" -t ${efipartitionnummer}:ef00 ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer}:"Linux filesystem" -t ${rootpartitionnummer}:8300 ${device} secureumount formatencrypt makelvm fi } function partitionierewithoutboot() { if [ "${m2ssddevice}" == "y" ]; then if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${rootpartitionnummer: -1} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:"Linux filesystem" -t ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:8300 ${device} secureumount formatencrypt makelvm else if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${rootpartitionnummer} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer}:"Linux filesyst" -t ${rootpartitionnummer}:8300 ${device} secureumount formatencrypt makelvm fi } function safebootloader() { mount ${device}${efipartitionnummer} /mnt/ if ! [ -d "/root/bootloader" ]; then mkdir -p /root/bootloader cp -Rv /mnt/ /root/bootloader fi umount /mnt/ } function restorebootloader() { cp -Rv /root/bootloader/mnt/* ${mountpoint}/boot } function partitionieredual() { if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${efipartitionnummer}; then safebootloader fi #repartioniere Windows-Partition echo "WICHTIG!!! DIE WINDOWS PARTITION MUSS VON HAND AUS VERKLEINER WERDEN, ODER ES MUSS NOCH FREIER SPEICHER AUF DER FESTPLATTE ENTHALTEN SEIN!!!" if [ "${m2ssddevice}" == "y" ]; then if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}; then echo "entferne partition ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" sleep 5 #parted -s ${device} rm ${rootpartitionnummer} sgdisk -d ${rootpartitionnummer: -1} ${device} sync fi if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${swappartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${swappartitionnummer: -1} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${swappartitionnummer: -1}::+${swapspeicher} -c ${swappartitionnummer: -1}:"Linux swap" -t ${swappartitionnummer: -1}:8200 ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:"Linux filesystem" -t ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:8300 ${device} echo "WARNING!!! CREATE NEW WINDOWS BOOTLOADER!!!" sleep 10 if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${bootpartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${bootpartitionnummer: -1} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}::+1024K -c ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}:"BIOS Boot Partition" -t ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}:ef02 ${device} if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${efipartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${efipartitionnummer: -1} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${efipartitionnummer: -1}:: -c ${efipartitionnummer: -1}:"Linux/Windows bootloader" -t ${efipartitionnummer: -1}:ef00 ${device} else if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}; then echo "entferne partition ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" sleep 5 #parted -s ${device} rm ${rootpartitionnummer} sgdisk -d ${rootpartitionnummer} ${device} sync fi if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${swappartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${swappartitionnummer} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${swappartitionnummer}::+${swapspeicher} -c ${swappartitionnummer}:"Linux swap" -t ${swappartitionnummer}:8200 ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer}:"Linux filesystem" -t ${rootpartitionnummer}:8300 ${device} echo "WARNING!!! CREATE NEW WINDOWS BOOTLOADER!!!" sleep 10 if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${bootpartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${bootpartitionnummer} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${bootpartitionnummer}::+1024K -c ${bootpartitionnummer}:"BIOS Boot Partition" -t ${bootpartitionnummer}:ef02 ${device} if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${efipartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${efipartitionnummer} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${efipartitionnummer}:: -c ${efipartitionnummer}:"Linux/Windows bootloader" -t ${efipartitionnummer}:ef00 ${device} fi secureumount formatencrypt makelvm } function usbkeyinstallation() { mkdir -p /mnt/usb-stick mount ${usbkeydevice} /mnt/usb-stick if ! [ -f "/mnt/usb-stick/archkey" ]; then dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/usb-stick/archkey bs=512 count=4 fi cryptsetup luksAddKey ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} /mnt/usb-stick/archkey } function usbsecret() { cp /opt/${repo}/install/usbsecret ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/initcpio/install/usbsecret cp /opt/${repo}/hooks/usbsecret ${mountpoint}/root/usbsecret # hooks #cp install/usbsecret ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/initcpio/install/usbsecret #cp hooks/usbsecret ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/initcpio/hooks/usbsecret sed "s|%USB_UUID%|${usbsecretdeviceuuid}|g;" ${mountpoint}/root/usbsecret > ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/initcpio/hooks/usbsecret } function cron() { echo "cron-job snapshot" mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/var/spool/cron/ echo -n "0 18 * * * /usr/bin/snapshot make var/lib/docker opt home " > ${mountpoint}/var/spool/cron/root # custom-mounts for wort in ${mountsnaps} do echo -n "${wort#/*} " >> ${mountpoint}/var/spool/cron/root done echo "ROOT" >> ${mountpoint}/var/spool/cron/root cp /opt/${repo}/scripts/snapshot.sh ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/snapshot chmod 755 ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/snapshot } function makeswapfile() { #swapfile fallocate -l ${swapfilespeicher} ${mountpoint}/swapfile chmod 600 ${mountpoint}/swapfile mkswap ${mountpoint}/swapfile echo "/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab } function makebtrfsswapfile() { # From https://github.com/sebastian-philipp/btrfs-swapon cp -v /opt/${repo}/scripts/btrfs-swapon ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/btrfs-swapon cp -v /opt/${repo}/scripts/btrfs-swapoff ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/btrfs-swapoff cp -v /opt/${repo}/configs/service/btrfs-swapon.service ${mountpoint}/root/btrfs-swapon.service chmod +x ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/btrfs-swapon chmod +x ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/btrfs-swapoff sed "s|%swapfilespeicher%|${swapfilespeicher}|g;" ${mountpoint}/root/btrfs-swapon.service > ${mountpoint}/etc/systemd/system/btrfs-swapon.service arch-chroot ${mountpoint} systemctl enable btrfs-swapon } function safeumount() { echo "unmount \"${1}\"" if cat /proc/mounts | grep "${1}" > /dev/null; then umount "${1}" fi } function installation { #boot echo "format" if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then mkfs.vfat -F 32 ${device}${efipartitionnummer} safeumount "${device}${efipartitionnummer}" fi #root if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then #mkfs.btrfs -f -L p_arch ${device}2 if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then btrfsformat #btrfs fi subvolume #btrfs elif [ "${dateisystem}" == "ext4" ]; then echo "confirm with y" if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then sleep 1 mkfs.ext4 -L p_arch ${deviceluks} #ext4 safeumount "${deviceluks}" fi mount ${deviceluks} ${mountpoint} else if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then mkfs.ext4 -L p_arch ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} #ext4 safeumount "${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" fi mount ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${mountpoint} fi mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/boot mount ${device}${efipartitionnummer} ${mountpoint}/boot fi #swap if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then mkswap -L p_swap ${device}${swappartitionnummer} swapon ${device}${swappartitionnummer} fi fi #installation if [ "${offline}" != "n" ] then if [ -f /run/archiso/bootmnt/arch/${arch}/airootfs.sfs ]; then echo "It is not a copytoram system." if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then unsquashfs -f -d ${mountpoint} /run/archiso/bootmnt/arch/${arch}/airootfs.sfs fi elif [ -f /run/archiso/copytoram/airootfs.sfs ]; then echo "It is a copytoram system." if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then unsquashfs -f -d ${mountpoint} /run/archiso/copytoram/airootfs.sfs fi else read -p "Where is the airootfs.sfs? Please specify the complete path or choose the online installation? [/airootfs.sfs/online] : " installationsfehler if [ "${installationsfehler}" == "online" ]; then minimalinstallation else unsquashfs -f -d ${mountpoint} ${installationsfehler} fi fi else minimalinstallation fi # module and hooks parameter="base udev modconf block keymap " #parameter="base udev autodetect keyboard keymap consolefont " #parameter="base systemd autodetect keyboard sd-vconsole " #parameter="${parameter}modconf block " if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then parameter="${parameter}resume " fi if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then parameter="${parameter}encrypt " #For Systemd Bootloader #parameter="${parameter}sd-encrypt " fi if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then parameter="${parameter}lvm2 " fi parameter="${parameter}filesystems " if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then if [ "${raid}" != "n" ]; then parameter="${parameter}btrfs " fi fi if [ "${usbsecret}" == "y" ]; then parameter="${parameter}usbsecret " fi parameter="${parameter}keyboard fsck " if [ "${nvidia}" == "y" ]; then echo "MODULES=\"amdgpu i915 nvidia\"" > ${mountpoint}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf echo "HOOKS=\"${parameter}\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf echo "COMPRESSION=\"zstd\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf echo "blacklist nouveau" > ${mountpoint}/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf else echo "MODULES=\"amdgpu i915 nouveau\"" > ${mountpoint}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf echo "HOOKS=\"${parameter}\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf echo "COMPRESSION=\"zstd\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf fi echo "blacklist floppy" > ${mountpoint}/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-floppy.conf echo "install dell-smbios /bin/false" > ${mountpoint}/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-dell-smbios.conf echo "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,size=6G 0 0" > ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo "tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab #fstab rootbind=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}) #genfstab -Up ${mountpoint} >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then btrfsfstab #btrfs mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/btrfs-root if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then echo "${deviceluks} /btrfs-root/ btrfs defaults 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab #btrfs else echo "PARTUUID=${rootbind} /btrfs-root/ btrfs defaults 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab #btrfs fi #grep -v "/var/lib" < ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab > fstab.neu; mv fstab.neu ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo "/btrfs-root/__current/ROOT/var/lib /var/lib none bind 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab #btrfs cron elif [ "${dateisystem}" == "ext4" ]; then if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then echo "${deviceluks} / ext4 rw,defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab #ext4 else echo "PARTUUID=${rootbind} / ext4 rw,defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab #ext4 fi fi echo "tmpfs /home/${user}/.cache tmpfs noatime,nodev,nosuid,size=2G 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab bootbind=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${efipartitionnummer}) echo -e "PARTUUID=${bootbind} /boot vfat rw,relatime 0 2" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then if [ "${swapverschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then swappartition=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${swappartitionnummer}) echo "swap PARTUUID=${swappartition} /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256,size=256" > ${mountpoint}/etc/crypttab echo "/dev/mapper/swap none swap defaults 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab else swappartition=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${swappartitionnummer}) echo "PARTUUID=${swappartition} swap swap sw 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab fi fi #makeswapfile+fstab if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then if [ "${swapfile}" == "y" ]; then if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then makebtrfsswapfile elif [ "${dateisystem}" == "ext4" ]; then makeswapfile fi fi fi #hostname hostname=SpectreOS if [ "${amd}" == "deck" ]; then hostname="${hostname}-deck" fi echo "${hostname}" > ${mountpoint}/etc/hostname echo "hostname=\"${hostname}\"" > ${mountpoint}/etc/conf.d/hostname # os-release cp /opt/${repo}/os-release ${mountpoint}/etc/ if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then if [ "${usbsecret}" == "y" ]; then usbsecret fi fi if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then if [ "${usbkey}" == "y" ]; then usbkeyinstallation fi fi if [ "${autodisk}" == "y" ] then for wort in ${autodiskdevice} do echo "fstab ${wort} wird erstellt!!!" autodiskdevicedateisystem=$(blkid -s TYPE -o value ${wort}) autodiskdevicepartuuid=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${wort}) mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/media/${user}/${autodiskdevicepartuuid} echo "PARTUUID=${autodiskdevicepartuuid} /media/${user}/${autodiskdevicepartuuid} ${autodiskdevicedateisystem} defaults 0 2" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab done fi #forbtrfssnapshots cp ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab.backup } function grubinstall() { sleep 1 tobootdevice=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}) if aufloesung=$(xrandr | grep -o -E '[0-9]{3,4}\x[0-9]{3,4}' | head -1); then echo "Deine aufloesung ist ${aufloesung}" fi [[ -z "${aufloesung}" ]] && aufloesung=auto mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/boot/grub/themes/ #cp -Rv /opt/${repo}/grub-config/themes/poly-light/ ${mountpoint}/boot/grub/themes/ cp -Rv /opt/${repo}/grub-config/themes/Stylish/ ${mountpoint}/boot/grub/themes/ cp -Rv /opt/${repo}/grub-config/themes/Vimix/ ${mountpoint}/boot/grub/themes/ sed -i 's|GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=.*$|GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=\"'$repo'\"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub sed -i 's|GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES=.*$|GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES=\"part_gpt part_msdos zstd btrfs lvm\"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub #sed -i 's|GRUB_BACKGROUND=.*$|GRUB_BACKGROUND=\"\/usr\/share\/grub\/background.png\"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub #sed -i 's|GRUB_THEME=.*$|GRUB_THEME="\/boot\/grub\/themes\/poly-light\/theme.txt"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub sed -i 's|#GRUB_THEME=.*$|GRUB_THEME="\/boot\/grub\/themes\/Stylish\/theme.txt"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub sed -i 's|GRUB_THEME=.*$|GRUB_THEME="\/boot\/grub\/themes\/Stylish\/theme.txt"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub #sed -i 's|GRUB_THEME=.*$|GRUB_THEME="\/boot\/grub\/themes\/Vimix\/theme.txt"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub #sed -i 's|#GRUB_BACKGROUND=.*$|GRUB_BACKGROUND=\"\/usr\/share\/grub\/background.png\"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub #sed -i 's|#GRUB_THEME=.*$|GRUB_THEME="\/boot\/grub\/themes\/poly-light\/theme.txt"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub sed -i 's|GRUB_GFXMODE=.*$|GRUB_GFXMODE="'$aufloesung'"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub sed -i 's|GRUB_DEFAULT=.*$|GRUB_DEFAULT=\"saved\"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub sed -i 's|GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=.*$|GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=\"true\"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub sed -i 's|#GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=.*$|GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=\"true\"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then cryptdevicesystem="${devicelvmname}" elif [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then cryptdevicesystem="${deviceluksname}" fi parameter="" if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then rootbootsystem="${deviceluks}" parameter="root=${rootbootsystem} ${parameter}cryptdevice=PARTUUID=${tobootdevice}:${cryptdevicesystem} " echo "GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub else rootbootsystem="$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer})" parameter="${parameter}root=PARTUUID=${rootbootsystem} " fi if [ "${swap}" == "y" ]; then parameter="${parameter}resume=PARTUUID=${swappartition} " fi if [ "${usbkey}" == "y" ]; then parameter="${parameter}cryptkey=UUID=${usbkeyuuid}:${usbkeydateisystem}:\/archkey " fi sed -i '/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=/d' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub echo "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"${parameter}\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub [[ -z "${autostartdesktop}" ]] && autostartdesktop=sway [[ -z "${lang}" ]] && lang=de_DE [[ -z "${keytable}" ]] && keytable=de [[ -z "${tz}" ]] && tz=Europe/Berlin parameter="lang=${lang} keytable=${keytable} tz=${tz} autostartdesktop=sway " sed -i '/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=/d' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub echo "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"${parameter}\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub parameter="lang=${lang} keytable=${keytable} tz=${tz} autostartdesktop=i3 " sed -i '/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT_ALT=/d' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub echo "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT_ALT=\"${parameter}\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub echo "GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub } function btrfsformat() { sleep 1 if [ "$raid" == "raid0" ]; then if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mkfs.btrfs -f -m raid0 -d raid0 ${deviceluks} ${device1} safeumount "${deviceluks}" else mkfs.btrfs -f -m raid0 -d raid0 ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${device1} safeumount "${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" fi elif [ "$raid" == "raid1" ]; then if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mkfs.btrfs -f -m raid1 -d raid1 ${deviceluks} ${device1} safeumount "${deviceluks}" else mkfs.btrfs -f -m raid1 -d raid1 ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${device1} safeumount "${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" fi elif [ "$raid" == "raid10" ]; then if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mkfs.btrfs -f -m raid10 -d raid10 ${deviceluks} ${device1} safeumount "${deviceluks}" else mkfs.btrfs -f -m raid10 -d raid10 ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${device1} safeumount "${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" fi else if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mkfs.btrfs -f -m single ${deviceluks} safeumount "${deviceluks}" else mkfs.btrfs -f -m single ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} safeumount "${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" fi fi btrfs filesystem show } function btrfsfstab() { rootbind=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}) if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then echo -e "${deviceluks} / btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/ROOT 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo -e "${deviceluks} /home btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/home 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo -e "${deviceluks} /opt btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/opt 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo -e "${deviceluks} /var/cache/pacman/pkg btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/var/cache/pacman/pkg 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab # custom-mounts for wort in ${mountsnaps} do echo -e "${deviceluks} ${wort} btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current${wort} 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab done else echo -e "PARTUUID=${rootbind} / btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/ROOT 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo -e "PARTUUID=${rootbind} /home btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/home 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo -e "PARTUUID=${rootbind} /opt btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/opt 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo -e "PARTUUID=${rootbind} /var/cache/pacman/pkg btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/var/cache/pacman/pkg 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab # custom-mounts for wort in ${mountsnaps} do echo -e "PARTUUID=${rootbind} ${wort} btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current${wort} 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab done fi } function btrfsmount() { #[[ -z "${device}" ]] && device=${2} if [ "${1}" == "1" ] || [ "${1}" == "" ]; then if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mkdir -p /mnt/btrfs-root mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd ${deviceluks} /mnt/btrfs-root else mkdir -p /mnt/btrfs-root mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} /mnt/btrfs-root fi fi if [ "${1}" == "2" ] || [ "${1}" == "" ]; then if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mkdir -p ${mountpoint} mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/ROOT ${deviceluks} ${mountpoint} mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/home mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/opt mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/var/cache/pacman/pkg mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/home ${deviceluks} ${mountpoint}/home mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/opt ${deviceluks} ${mountpoint}/opt mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/var/cache/pacman/pkg ${deviceluks} ${mountpoint}/var/cache/pacman/pkg # custom-mounts for wort in ${mountsnaps} do mkdir -p ${mountpoint}${wort} mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current${wort} ${deviceluks} ${mountpoint}${wort} done mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/var/lib mount --bind /mnt/btrfs-root/__current/ROOT/var/lib ${mountpoint}/var/lib else mkdir -p ${mountpoint} mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/ROOT ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${mountpoint} mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/home mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/opt mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/var/cache/pacman/pkg mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/home ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${mountpoint}/home mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/opt ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${mountpoint}/opt mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/var/cache/pacman/pkg ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${mountpoint}/var/cache/pacman/pkg # custom-mounts for wort in ${mountsnaps} do mkdir -p ${mountpoint}${wort} mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current${wort} ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${mountpoint}${wort} done mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/var/lib mount --bind /mnt/btrfs-root/__current/ROOT/var/lib ${mountpoint}/var/lib fi # boot mount mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/boot mount -t vfat ${device}${efipartitionnummer} ${mountpoint}/boot fi } function subvolume() { # Mount btrfsmount 1 # Create if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then mkdir -p /mnt/btrfs-root/__snapshot mkdir -p /mnt/btrfs-root/__current btrfs subvolume create /mnt/btrfs-root/__current/ROOT btrfs subvolume create /mnt/btrfs-root/__current/home btrfs subvolume create /mnt/btrfs-root/__current/opt mkdir -p /mnt/btrfs-root/__current/var/cache/pacman btrfs subvolume create /mnt/btrfs-root/__current/var/cache/pacman/pkg/ # custom-mounts for wort in ${mountsnaps} do mkdir -p /mnt/btrfs-root/__current${wort%/*} btrfs subvolume create /mnt/btrfs-root/__current${wort} done fi btrfs subvolume list -p /mnt/btrfs-root # Mount btrfsmount 2 } function update() { #statements local if="${1}" local of="${2}" local execute="${3}" local parameters="${4}" if [ -f "${of}" ] then rm ${of} else echo "${of} noch nicht vorhanden!" fi /usr/bin/curl -v -C - -f ${if} > ${of} chmod 755 ${of} ${of} ${execute} ${parameters} } function systemdboot() { tobootdeviceuuid=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}) swappartitionpart=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${swappartitionnummer}) # zurücksetzen der parameter parameter="" if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then parameter="${parameter}resume=PARTUUID=${swappartitionpart} " fi if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then tobootdevice=${deviceluks} parameter="${parameter}cryptdevice=PARTUUID=${tobootdeviceuuid}:${deviceluksname} " if [ "${usbkey}" == "y" ]; then parameter="${parameter}cryptkey=UUID=${usbkeyuuid}:${usbkeydateisystem}:/archkey " fi else tobootdevice="PARTUUID=${tobootdeviceuuid} " fi if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then parameter="${parameter}rootflags=subvol=__current/ROOT " fi if [ "${cpusucks}" != "n" ]; then parameter="${parameter} pci=noacpi rcu_nocbs=0-7 processor.max_cstate=1 i8042.noloop i8042.nomux i8042.nopnp i8042.reset" fi parameter="${parameter}autostartdesktop=${autostartdesktop} lang=${lang} keytable=${keytable} tz=${tz} " kernel="initramfs-linux.img" linuz="vmlinuz-linux" kernelback="initramfs-linux-fallback.img" mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/boot/EFI/systemd/ mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/boot/EFI/BOOT/ cp ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/systemd-bootx64.efi ${mountpoint}/boot/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi cp ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/systemd-bootx64.efi ${mountpoint}/boot/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/ echo "title "${repo}"" > ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi.conf echo "linux /${linuz}" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi.conf echo "initrd /intel-ucode.img" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi.conf echo "initrd /${kernel}" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi.conf echo "options root=${tobootdevice} rw ${parameter}" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi.conf echo "title "${repo}"" > ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi-fallback.conf echo "linux /${linuz}" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi-fallback.conf echo "initrd /intel-ucode.img" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi-fallback.conf echo "initrd /${kernelback}" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi-fallback.conf echo "options root=${tobootdevice} rw ${parameter}" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi-fallback.conf echo "default arch-uefi" > ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/loader.conf echo "timeout 1" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/loader.conf echo "Additional boot entries are created !!!" arch-chroot ${mountpoint} efibootmgr -c -d ${device} -p 1 -l /EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi -L "Linux Boot Manager" arch-chroot ${mountpoint} efibootmgr -c -d ${device} -p 1 -l \\${linuz} -L "Arch Linux efistub" -u "initrd=/${kernel} root=${tobootdevice} rw ${parameter}" } function luksabfrage() { if [ "n" != "${verschluesselung}" ]; then if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then deviceluks="/dev/mapper/main-root" deviceluksname="luks0" devicelvmname="main" else deviceluks="/dev/mapper/luks0" deviceluksname="luks0" devicelvmname="luks0" fi if [ "${noinstall}" != "y" ] && fdisk -l | grep ${deviceluks} > /dev/null; then olddeviceluks="${deviceluks}" if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then deviceluks="/dev/mapper/main1-root" deviceluksname="luks1" devicelvmname="main1" else deviceluks="/dev/mapper/luks1" deviceluksname="luks1" devicelvmname="luks1" fi echo "${deviceluks} wird jetzt verwendet!!!" fi fi } function abfrage() { if [ "${fastinstallnext}" == "y" ]; then [[ -z "${name}" ]] && name=arch-linux [[ -z "${user}" ]] && user=user1 [[ -z "${Partition}" ]] && Partition=bios [[ -z "${device}" ]] && device=/dev/sda [[ -z "${raid}" ]] && raid=n [[ -z "${dateisystem}" ]] && dateisystem=btrfs [[ -z "${swap}" ]] && swap=n [[ -z "${swapspeicher}" ]] && swapspeicher=8G [[ -z "${swapverschluesselung}" ]] && swapverschluesselung=n [[ -z "${autologin}" ]] && autologin=y [[ -z "${usbkeydevice}" ]] && usbkeydevice=/dev/sdb1 [[ -z "${autodiskdevice}" ]] && autodiskdevice=/dev/sdb1 [[ -z "${nvidia}" ]] && nvidia=n [[ -z "${cpusucks}" ]] && cpusucks=n [[ -z "${lvmsupport}" ]] && lvmsupport=n luksabfrage if [ "${offline}" != "n" ] then install="offline" else install="online" fi if [ "${device}" == "/dev/nvme0n1" ]; then m2ssddevice=y fi echo "Überspringe die Konfiguration wegen dem fastinstall Parameter!!!" echo "Sie können die Überprüfung mit skipcheck überspringen!!!" else # youre virtual name read -p "What's your name?: " name [[ -z "${name}" ]] && name=arch-linux # youre folder and login name read -p "What's your username?: " user [[ -z "${user}" ]] && user=user1 # Partionierung # UEFI oder Legacy-BIOS echo "" echo "UEFI = Unified Extensible Firmware Interface" echo "Recommended for newer PCs" echo "IMPORTANT FOR THIS MUST BE SELECTED IN THE BOAT MENU THE UEFI USB STICK OTHERWISE CAN NOT BE CREATED A UEFI BOAT ENTRY !!!" echo "" echo "BIOS = basic input/output system" echo "Recommended for old PCs and portable USB sticks " echo "" echo "Please write down the entries: D !!!" echo "For each yes you have to make a y and for every no an n, unless it is interpreted differently!!!" echo "" if mount | grep efi > /dev/null && [ -d /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/ ]; then echo "System supports UEFI" read -p "How would you like to have your hard drive partitioned?: [UEFI/bios] " Partition [[ -z "${Partition}" ]] && Partition=uefi else echo "System supports not UEFI" read -p "How would you like to have your hard drive partitioned?: [uefi/BIOS] " Partition [[ -z "${Partition}" ]] && Partition=bios fi firstdevice=$(fdisk -l | awk '{print $2}' | sed '1!d') read -p "Specify a hard disk: [${firstdevice%?}] : " device [[ -z "${device}" ]] && device=${firstdevice%?} if [ "${device}" == "/dev/nvme0n1" ]; then m2ssddevice=y fi echo "BTRFS dosnt support 32-Bit Systems!!!" read -p "Which file system should be used? [BTRFS/ext4] " dateisystem [[ -z "${dateisystem}" ]] && dateisystem=btrfs if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then read -p "Should a raid be made ?: [raid0/raid1/raid10/N] " raid [[ -z "${raid}" ]] && raid=n if [ "${raid}" == "n" ]; then echo "No raid is generated!" else fdisk -l read -p "Please enter the disks in a row to be connected to a raid !!!: " device1 fi echo "Standard snapshots / /home /opt /var/cache/pacman/pkg" echo "The directories may not overlap otherwise there may be problems with the unmount !!!" read -p "Should more snapshots be created ?: " mountsnaps fi read -p "Do you want to create a swap partition? : [y/N] " swap [[ -z "${swap}" ]] && swap=n if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then echo "The swap is used for the installation immediately because the unpacker of the squashfs file needs at least 1GB of RAM." read -p "Do you want create your swap with : [2G/4G/8G/16G] " swapspeicher [[ -z "${swapspeicher}" ]] && swapspeicher=8G echo "WARNING with a encrypted Swap disk you cant go in the hibernate-modus!!!" read -p "Should the Swap disk be encrypted? : [y/N] " swapverschluesselung [[ -z "${swapverschluesselung}" ]] && swapverschluesselung=n fi read -p "Do you want to create a swapfile? : [y/N] " swapfile if [ "${swapfile}" == "y" ]; then read -p "Do you want create your swapfile with : [2G/4G/8G/16G] " swapfilespeicher [[ -z "${swapfilespeicher}" ]] && swapfilespeicher=8G fi if [ "${raid}" == "n" ]; then read -p "Should the hard disk be encrypted? : [y/N] " verschluesselung if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then modprobe dm-crypt read -p "Should an additional USB stick be created for decryption? : [y/N] " usbkey if [ "${usbkey}" == "y" ]; then read -p "Which USB stick should be selected ?: [/dev/sdb2] : " usbkeydevice [[ -z "${usbkeydevice}" ]] && usbkeydevice=/dev/sdb2 usbkeydateisystem=$(blkid -s TYPE -o value ${usbkeydevice}) usbkeyuuid=$(blkid -s UUID -o value ${usbkeydevice}) fi fi fi # berechnungen read -p "Should an offline installation be carried out? : [Y/n] " offline if [ "${offline}" != "n" ] then install="offline" else install="online" echo "You can choose with an online installation, which distrubtion you want to install!!!" fi echo "WARNING!!! Diese Methode ist wegen einer neuen UDEV Rule unnötig geworden der alle angeschlossen Laufwerke automatisch mountet ;-)" read -p "Should you an disk added to your fstab? : [y/udevautomountrule/N] " autodisk if [ "${autodisk}" == "y" ] then read -p "Which DISK stick should be selected ?: [/dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1] : " autodiskdevice [[ -z "${autodiskdevice}" ]] && autodiskdevice=/dev/sdb1 for wort in ${autodiskdevice} do echo "fstab ${wort} wird erstellt!!!" autodiskdevicedateisystem=$(blkid -s TYPE -o value ${wort}) autodiskdeviceuuid=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${wort}) done elif [ "${autodisk}" == "udevautomountrule" ]; then udevautomountrule=y fi read -p "Should you autologin in youre System? : [Y/n] " autologin [[ -z "${autologin}" ]] && autologin=y read -p "Should you start Sway (default) or I3 (this can selected by the last load GRUB Entry)? : [SWAY/I3] " autostartdesktop [[ -z "${autostartdesktop}" ]] && autostartdesktop=sway if lspci | grep -e VGA -e 3D -m 1 | grep NVIDIA; then read -p "Will you have activate youre Nvidia driver? : [y/N] " nvidia fi [[ -z "${nvidia}" ]] && nvidia=n if lspci | grep -e VGA -e 3D -m 1 | grep AMD; then read -p "Have you a AMD Graphic-Card or a Steam Deck? : [amd/deck/N] " amd fi [[ -z "${amd}" ]] && amd=n read -p "Will you have use youre second Graphic-Card? : [y/N] " multicard [[ -z "${multicard}" ]] && multicard=n echo "On devices cannot acpi fully work, this boot options can help you :-D" read -p "Will youre CPU SUCKS on every boot? : [y/N] " cpusucks [[ -z "${cpusucks}" ]] && cpusucks=n read -p "Will youre Device have LVM Support? : [y/N] " lvmsupport [[ -z "${lvmsupport}" ]] && lvmsupport=n echo "Windows dualboot funktioniert nur im UEFI Modus und auch nur derzeit mit GRUB!!!" echo "Ausserdem muss die UEFI_Bootpartition über 256MB mindesten sein!!!" read -p "Do you want a extra parameter for the installation? : [skipbootpartition/noinstall/noskipuser/debug/windualboot81/windualboot10/dualboot] " extraparameter for wort in ${extraparameter} do echo "$wort" export ${wort}="y" echo "Extra-Parameter ${wort}=y" done fi # Ausgaben cmdlineparameter=$(cat /proc/cmdline) # for-schleife for wort in ${cmdlineparameter} do #echo "$wort" export ${wort%=*}=${wort#*=} #echo "Parameter ${wort%=*} = ${wort#*=}" done # Dateisystem if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then mountpoint="/mnt/btrfs-current" elif [ "${dateisystem}" == "ext4" ]; then mountpoint="/mnt" fi # echo "name: ${name}" echo "username: ${user}" echo "partition type: ${Partition}" echo "Bootloader: ${boot}" echo "Drive: ${device}" if [ "${raid}" != "n" ]; then echo "Raid: ${raid}" echo "Hard Drives: ${device1}" fi echo "File system: ${dateisystem}" if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then echo "Swap-partition ${swapspeicher}" fi if [ "${swapfile}" == "y" ]; then echo "Swapfile ${swapfilespeicher}" fi #echo "Rootpasswort: ${pass}" echo "Architektur: ${arch}" echo "Installation: ${install}" if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then for wort in ${mountsnaps} do echo "Snapshot ${wort} wird erstellt!!!" done fi if [ "${usbsecret}" == "y" ]; then echo "USB-secret: aktiv" echo "USB-UIDD: ${usbsecretdeviceuuid}" echo "USB-Label: ${usbsecretdevice}" fi if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then echo "Fesptplatte with Luks 512KB encryption: aktiv" if [ "${usbkey}" == "y" ]; then echo "${usbkeydevice} is used as key for decrypting: " echo "File system: ${usbkeydateisystem}" fi fi RCLOCALSHUTDOWN="${mountpoint}/etc/rc.local.shutdown" # Partitionierung if [ "${m2ssddevice}" == "y" ]; then m2ssd=p fi luksabfrage echo "Zusatzparameter" if [ "${windualboot81}" == "y" ]; then echo "Windows Dualboot: ${windualboot81}" fi if [ "${windualboot10}" == "y" ]; then echo "Windows Dualboot: ${windualboot10}" fi if [ "${dualboot}" == "y" ]; then echo "SpectreOS Dualboot: ${dualboot}" fi if [ "${skipbootpartition}" == "y" ]; then echo "Überspringe Formatieren der Boot Partition: ${skipbootpartition}" fi if [ "${debug}" == "y" ]; then echo "Debug Menü: ${debug}" fi if [ "${noinstall}" == "y" ]; then echo "Keine Installation: ${noinstall}" if [ "y" == "${noskipuser}" ]; then echo "Der User wird nicht uebersprungen!!!" fi fi if [ "y" == "${windualboot81}" ]; then bootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}1 efipartitionnummer=${m2ssd}2 if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then swappartitionnummer=${m2ssd}5 rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}6 else rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}5 fi elif [ "y" == "${windualboot10}" ]; then bootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}1 efipartitionnummer=${m2ssd}2 if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then swappartitionnummer=${m2ssd}5 rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}6 else rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}5 fi elif [ "y" == "${dualboot}" ]; then bootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}1 efipartitionnummer=${m2ssd}2 if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then swappartitionnummer=${m2ssd}3 rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}5 else rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}4 fi else bootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}1 efipartitionnummer=${m2ssd}2 if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then swappartitionnummer=${m2ssd}3 rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}4 else rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}3 fi fi echo "Boot-Partition = ${device}${bootpartitionnummer}" echo "EFI-Partition = ${device}${efipartitionnummer}" if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then echo "Swap-Partition = ${device}${swappartitionnummer}" fi echo "ROOT-Partition = ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" # if [ "${skipcheck}" != "y" ]; then read -p "Are all the details correct ?: [y/N] " sicherheitsabfrage if [ "$sicherheitsabfrage" != "y" ] then echo "ABGEBROCHEN" exit 1 fi fi echo "Operating system is installed !!!" sleep 5 } # Begin the Script!!! # fastinstall=y device=/dev/sda # for-schleife for wort in ${1} do echo "$wort" export ${wort%=*}=${wort#*=} echo "Parameter ${wort%=*} = ${wort#*=}" done if [ "${fastinstall}" == "y" ] && [ "${fastinstallnext}" != "y" ]; then gitclone /opt/${repo}/arch-install.sh "${1} fastinstallnext=y " exit 0 elif [ "${phaseone}" != "n" ] && [ "${fastinstallnext}" != "y" ]; then if ping -q -c 1 -W 1 >/dev/null; then read -p "Should I look at the internet for a new install script and then run it ?: [Y/n] " update if [ "${update}" == "debug" ] then echo "Skip the download a new script !!!" else if [ "${update}" != "n" ] then read -p "Should I install packages required for the installation and then run it ?: [y/N] " updatepackages if [ "${updatepackages}" == "y" ]; then pacman -Sy arch-install-scripts squashfs-tools dosfstools libisoburn grub efibootmgr dosfstools gptfdisk cronie memtest86+ --needed fi gitclone /opt/${repo}/arch-install.sh "${1} phaseone=n " exit 0 fi fi else echo "No internet connection detected!" update=n fi fi if [ "${update}" != "n" ]; then echo "Online-Modus activated!" #vpntunnel fi # debug = Installation ueberspringen zu arch-graphical-install und DEBEUG-MODUS abfrage secureumount if [ "y" == "${debug}" ] || [ "y" == "${noinstall}" ] then echo "DEBEUG-MODUS" echo "For encrypt mount mountencrypt" echo "Then for normal btrfs mount run: btrfsmount 1 and btrfsmount 2" echo "If no more commands are required, simply press enter" echo "Which command should be executed? " befehl=blablabla while [ "$befehl" != "" ] do read -p "" befehl $befehl done fi # echo "A purge stops the chance of installing on the system." echo "It may take a while!" if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ] && [ "y" != "${skipbootpartition}" ]; then sleep 5 #dd if=/dev/zero of=${device} bs=64M count=10 status=progress fi # if [ "${Partition}" == "uefi" ] then echo "Partitions with UEFI" if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then if ! [ "${skipbootpartition}" == "y" ]; then if [ "y" == "${windualboot81}" ] || [ "y" == "${windualboot10}" ]; then partitionieredual else if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then partitionierelvm else partitioniere fi fi else partitionierewithoutboot fi else if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mountencrypt fi fi echo "installation" installation if [ "y" == "${windualboot81}" ] || [ "y" == "${windualboot10}" ]; then restorebootloader fi grubinstall arch-chroot ${mountpoint} mkinitcpio -P -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf arch-chroot ${mountpoint} grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck ${device} # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GRUB/Tips_and_tricks arch-chroot ${mountpoint} grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id="${repo}" --recheck --removable #systemdboot echo "Finished" elif [ "${Partition}" == "bios" ]; then echo "Partitions with MBR" if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then if ! [ "${skipbootpartition}" == "y" ]; then if [ "y" == "${windualboot81}" ] || [ "y" == "${windualboot10}" ]; then partitionieredual else if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then partitionierelvm else partitioniere fi fi else partitionierewithoutboot fi else if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mountencrypt fi fi echo "installation" installation if [ "y" == "${windualboot81}" ] || [ "y" == "${windualboot10}" ]; then restorebootloader fi grubinstall arch-chroot ${mountpoint} mkinitcpio -P -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf arch-chroot ${mountpoint} grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck ${device} echo "Finished" else echo "Entry Invalid" exit 1 fi # benutzerwechsel # Nur nötig wenn der Name gleich dem Usernamen gleichen soll arch-chroot ${mountpoint} usermod -l "${user}" "user1" arch-chroot ${mountpoint} groupmod -n "${user}" "user1" arch-chroot ${mountpoint} usermod -d /home/"${user}" -m "${user}" arch-chroot ${mountpoint} chfn -f "${name}" "${user}" arch-chroot ${mountpoint} chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh ${user} if ! [ "${fastinstall}" == "y" ]; then read -s -p "Please choose a passwort for you!!! " userpass fi echo "${user}:${userpass}" > user-keys.txt arch-chroot ${mountpoint} chpasswd < user-keys.txt read -s -p "Please choose a passwort for root!!! " rootpass echo "root:${rootpass}" > root-keys.txt arch-chroot ${mountpoint} chpasswd < root-keys.txt if [ ${autologin} != "n" ]; then mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/etc/systemd/system/getty\@tty1.service.d/ echo "[Service]" > ${mountpoint}/etc/systemd/system/getty\@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf echo "ExecStart=" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/systemd/system/getty\@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf echo "ExecStart=-/usr/bin/agetty --autologin ${user} -s %I 115200,38400,9600 vt102" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/systemd/system/getty\@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf else rm ${mountpoint}/etc/systemd/system/getty\@tty1.service.d/autologin.conf fi if [ -f "/etc/locale.conf" ]; then cp /etc/locale.conf ${mountpoint}/etc/locale.conf; fi if [ -f "/etc/vconsole.conf" ]; then cp /etc/vconsole.conf ${mountpoint}/etc/vconsole.conf; fi if [ -f "/etc/locale.gen" ]; then cp /etc/locale.gen ${mountpoint}/etc/locale.gen; fi arch-chroot ${mountpoint} locale-gen if [ -f "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-keyboard.conf" ]; then cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-keyboard.conf ${mountpoint}/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-keyboard.conf fi if [ "${nvidia}" == "y" ]; then arch-chroot ${mountpoint} pacman -Sy nvidia lib32-nvidia-utils nvidia-settings nvidia-utils --needed --noconfirm arch-chroot ${mountpoint} nvidia-xconfig echo "Bitte füge \"Option \"DPI\" \"96 x 96\"\" in der xorg.conf im Section \"Monitor\" Bereich hinzu, falls die Schrift zu klein erscheint :)" #sed -i 's/ServerArguments=.*$/ServerArguments=-nolisten tcp -dpi 96/' ${mountpoint}/etc/sddm.conf # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/xorg#Setting_DPI_manually # Set in Nvidia xorg.conf in Device or Screen # Option "DPI" "96 x 96" # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Vulkan#Selecting_Vulkan_driver echo "VK_ICD_FILENAMES=\"/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/environment fi if [ "${amd}" == "amd" ]; then arch-chroot ${mountpoint} pacman -Sy mesa lib32-mesa vulkan-radeon lib32-vulkan-radeon libva-mesa-driver lib32-libva-mesa-driver mesa-vdpau lib32-mesa-vdpau vulkan-tools --needed --noconfirm # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Vulkan#Selecting_Vulkan_driver echo "VK_ICD_FILENAMES=\"/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/amd_icd64.json\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/environment elif [ "${amd}" == "deck" ]; then arch-chroot ${mountpoint} pacman -Sy mesa lib32-mesa vulkan-radeon lib32-vulkan-radeon libva-mesa-driver lib32-libva-mesa-driver mesa-vdpau lib32-mesa-vdpau vulkan-tools libretro --needed --noconfirm # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Vulkan#Selecting_Vulkan_driver echo "AMD_VULKAN_ICD=RADV" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/environment cp -v /opt/${repo}/steam-deck/xorg.conf.d/* ${mountpoint}/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ cp -v /opt/${repo}/steam-deck/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf ${mountpoint}/etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf sed -i 's|GRUB_GFXMODE=.*$|GRUB_GFXMODE="1280x800"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub # An open-source Linux userspace driver for Valves Steam Deck hardware. # https://open-sd.gitlab.io/opensd-docs/opensd-docs/latest/users_manual/run> arch-chroot ${mountpoint} su "${user}" -c "aurinstaller opensd-git" #arch-chroot ${mountpoint} su "${user}" -c "systemctl --user enable opensd" fi if [ "${multicard}" == "y" ]; then echo "DRI_PRIME=1" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/environment fi # Kopiere Netzwerkonfigurationen wie WLAN-Passwörter (falls vorhanden) if [ -f "/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/*" ]; then cp -v /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/* ${mountpoint}/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ fi touch ${mountpoint}/etc/grub-snapshot arch-chroot ${mountpoint} grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg cp /opt/${repo}/scripts/update.sh ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/update-script chmod +x ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/update-script if ! arch-chroot ${mountpoint} /usr/bin/update-script; then echo "Aktualisierung nicht erfolgreich!!!" fi if [ "${udevautomountrule}" == "y" ]; then #autodiskmount mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/media/ mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/etc/udev/rules.d/ cp /opt/${repo}/configs/11-media-by-label-auto-mount.rules ${mountpoint}/etc/udev/rules.d/11-media-by-label-auto-mount.rules udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger fi echo "df!!!" df -h if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then btrfs filesystem df ${mountpoint} fi echo "umount!!!" read -p "Weiter mit unmount..." secureumount echo "" echo "$(date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")" echo "Fertig!!!" read -p "Allation completed successfully. Do you want to RESTART the PC ?: [Y/n] " sicherheitsabfrage if [ "$sicherheitsabfrage" != "n" ] then echo "restart now" reboot fi exit 0