#!/usr/bin/env bash # set -ex clear git config --global credential.helper store arch=$(uname -m) repo=spectreos repo1=shell-scripte-code cache=/var/cache/pacman/pkg/ repo_url="https://git.spectreos.de/simono41/SpectreOS/raw/x86_64/repo.sh" if cat /etc/passwd | grep "x:1000" > /dev/null; then tempuser=$(cat /etc/passwd | grep "x:1000" | awk '{print $1}') user=${tempuser%%:*} else user=$(whoami) fi #fastinstall arch-install fastinstall ${name} ${Partition} ${boot} ${device} ${dateisystem} ${raid} ${swap} ${swapspeicher} ${swapverschluesselung} ${offline} ${autodisk} ${autodiskdevice} ${autostartdesktop} ${autologin} ${verschluesselung} ${usbkey} ${usbkeydevice} ${extraparameter} ${skipcheck} ${nvidia} ${nopassword} echo "$(date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")" if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 # while-schleife while (( "$#" )) do echo ${1} startparameter="${startparameter}${1} " shift done sudo "${0}" "${startparameter}" 2>&1 | tee /home/${user}/install.log exit 0 fi echo "Logged in as root" function minimalinstallation() { cp -v /opt/${repo}/mirrorlist* /etc/pacman.d/ pacstrap -c -d -G -C /opt/${repo}/pacman.conf -M ${mountpoint} $(cat /opt/${repo}/packages.txt) # hooks cp -v /opt/${repo}/configs/install/* ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/initcpio/install/ cp -v /opt/${repo}/configs/hooks/* ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/initcpio/hooks/ cp -v /opt/${repo}/configs/script-hooks/* ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/initcpio/ mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/etc/pacman.d/hooks cp -v /opt/${repo}/configs/pacman-hooks/* ${mountpoint}/etc/pacman.d/hooks/ cp -v /opt/${repo}/pacman.conf ${mountpoint}/etc/pacman.conf cp -v /opt/${repo}/mirrorlist* ${mountpoint}/etc/pacman.d/ chmod 644 -R ${mountpoint}etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist* arch-chroot ${mountpoint} /usr/bin/arch-graphical-install-auto } function gitclone() { # Lade das Failback herunter falls nicht vorhanden if ! [ -f "/usr/bin/repo" ]; then curl -o /usr/bin/repo "${repo_url}"; fi # Aktualisiere die Repositiories # Überprüfe ob das GIT Repo überhaupt vorhanden ist, sonst verwende das Failback if [ -f "/opt/${repo}/repo.sh" ]; then /opt/${repo}/repo.sh; else /usr/bin/repo; fi # Lese die Umgebungsvariablen neu source /etc/environment if ! [ -f "/usr/bin/git" ]; then pacmanconf; fi # SSH 1/2 git config --global credential.helper store git config --global core.editor "nano" git config --global user.email "user1@spectreos.de" git config --global user.name "user1" git config --global push.default simple git config --global pull.rebase true if [ -d "/opt/${repo}" ]; then echo "${repo} existiert bereits!!!" cd /opt/${repo} git checkout ${arch} if ! git remote set-url origin ${WEBADDRESS_OS}; then git remote add origin ${WEBADDRESS_OS} fi git pull else git clone -b ${arch} ${WEBADDRESS_OS} /opt/${repo} fi if [ -d "/opt/${repo1}" ]; then echo "${repo1} existiert bereits!!!" cd /opt/${repo1} if ! git remote set-url origin ${WEBADDRESS_OS}; then git remote add origin ${WEBADDRESS_OS} fi git pull else git clone ${WEBADDRESS_SCRIPTE} /opt/${repo1} fi cd / } function secureumount() { echo "unmounte alle lvms!!!" if vgchange -an; then echo "Alle Physikalischen Volumen wurde erfolgreich entbunden :-D"; fi if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then if cat /proc/mounts | grep ${mountpoint} > /dev/null; then umount ${mountpoint}/boot btrfs filesystem df ${mountpoint} echo "umount!!!" umount ${mountpoint}/home umount ${mountpoint}/opt umount ${mountpoint}/var/cache/pacman/pkg umount ${mountpoint}/var/lib # custom-mounts for wort in ${mountsnaps} do if cat /proc/mounts | grep ${mountpoint}${wort} > /dev/null; then umount ${mountpoint}${wort} fi done umount ${mountpoint} umount /mnt/btrfs-root #umount -R /mnt fi elif [ "${dateisystem}" == "ext4" ]; then if cat /proc/mounts | grep ${mountpoint}/boot > /dev/null; then umount ${mountpoint}/boot fi if cat /proc/mounts | grep ${mountpoint} > /dev/null; then umount ${mountpoint} fi fi echo "unmounte nochmal alle lvms!!!" if vgchange -an; then echo "Alle Physikalischen Volumen wurde erfolgreich entbunden :-D"; fi if fdisk -l | grep "${deviceluks}" > /dev/null; then read -p "Should ${deviceluks} be removed? [Y/n] : " cryptremove if [ "${cryptremove}" != "n" ]; then if ! cryptsetup remove ${deviceluks}; then umount ${deviceluks}; fi fi fi if [ "${olddeviceluks}" != "" ]; then if fdisk -l | grep "${olddeviceluks}" > /dev/null; then read -p "Should ${olddeviceluks} be removed? [Y/n] : " cryptremove if [ "${cryptremove}" != "n" ]; then if ! cryptsetup remove ${olddeviceluks}; then umount ${deviceluks}; fi fi fi fi if fdisk -l | grep "/dev/mapper/${deviceluksname}" > /dev/null; then read -p "Should /dev/mapper/${deviceluksname} be removed? [Y/n] : " cryptremove if [ "${cryptremove}" != "n" ]; then if ! cryptsetup remove /dev/mapper/${deviceluksname}; then umount ${deviceluks}; fi fi fi if fdisk -l | grep "/dev/mapper/luks0" > /dev/null; then read -p "Should /dev/mapper/luks0 be removed? [Y/n] : " cryptremove if [ "${cryptremove}" != "n" ]; then if ! cryptsetup remove /dev/mapper/luks0; then umount ${deviceluks}; fi fi fi if fdisk -l | grep "/dev/mapper/luks1" > /dev/null; then read -p "Should /dev/mapper/luks1 be removed? [Y/n] : " cryptremove if [ "${cryptremove}" != "n" ]; then if ! cryptsetup remove /dev/mapper/luks1; then umount ${olddeviceluks}; fi fi fi if fdisk -l | grep "cryptsetup remove /dev/mapper/main-root" > /dev/null; then read -p "Should /dev/mapper/main-root be removed? [Y/n] : " cryptremove if [ "${cryptremove}" != "n" ]; then cryptsetup remove /dev/mapper/main-root fi fi if cat /proc/mounts | grep ${device}${m2ssd}1 > /dev/null; then umount ${device}${m2ssd}1 fi if [ -n "${usbkeydevice}" ]; then if cat /proc/mounts | grep ${usbkeydevice} > /dev/null; then umount ${usbkeydevice} fi fi safeumount "${device}${efipartitionnummer}" safeumount "${device}${bootpartitionnummer}" if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then safeumount "${device}${swappartitionnummer}"; fi safeumount "${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" if cat /proc/mounts | grep /mnt > /dev/null; then umount /mnt; fi } function formatencrypt() { if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then if [ "y" != "${lvmsupport}" ]; then echo 'unmounte alle lvms!!!' vgchange -an fi echo "Please write big YES" cryptsetup -c aes-xts-plain64 -y -s 512 luksFormat ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} mountencrypt fi } function mountencrypt() { if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then cryptsetup luksOpen ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${deviceluksname} fi if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mountlvm fi } function partitioniere() { wipefs -a -f ${device} sgdisk -o ${device} if [ "${m2ssddevice}" == "y" ]; then sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}::+1024K -c ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}:"BIOS Boot Partition" -t ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}:ef02 ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${efipartitionnummer: -1}::+1G -c ${efipartitionnummer: -1}:"EFI Boot Partition" -t ${efipartitionnummer: -1}:ef00 ${device} if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${swappartitionnummer: -1}::+${swapspeicher} -c ${swappartitionnummer: -1}:"Linux swap" -t ${swappartitionnummer: -1}:8200 ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:"Linux filesystem" -t ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:8300 ${device} else sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${bootpartitionnummer}::+1024K -c ${bootpartitionnummer}:"BIOS Boot Partition" -t ${bootpartitionnummer}:ef02 ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${efipartitionnummer}::+1G -c ${efipartitionnummer}:"EFI Boot Partition" -t ${efipartitionnummer}:ef00 ${device} if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${swappartitionnummer}::+${swapspeicher} -c ${swappartitionnummer}:"Linux swap" -t ${swappartitionnummer}:8200 ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer}:"Linux filesystem" -t ${rootpartitionnummer}:8300 ${device} fi secureumount formatencrypt } function mountlvm() { vgchange -ay } function makelvm() { echo "unmounte alle lvms!!!" if vgchange -an; then echo "Alle Physikalischen Volumen wurde erfolgreich entbunden :-D"; fi if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then pvcreate -ff /dev/mapper/${deviceluksname} vgcreate ${devicelvmname} /dev/mapper/${deviceluksname} else pvcreate -ff ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} vgcreate ${devicelvmname} ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} fi if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then lvcreate -L ${swapspeicher} -n swap ${devicelvmname} fi lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n root ${devicelvmname} mountlvm fi } function partitionierelvm() { wipefs -a -f ${device} sgdisk -o ${device} if [ "${m2ssddevice}" == "y" ]; then blkdiscard ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}::+1024K -c ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}:"BIOS Boot Partition" -t ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}:ef02 ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${efipartitionnummer: -1}::+1G -c ${efipartitionnummer: -1}:"EFI Boot Partition" -t ${efipartitionnummer: -1}:ef00 ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:"Linux filesystem" -t ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:8300 ${device} secureumount formatencrypt makelvm else #shred -v -n 1 ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${bootpartitionnummer}::+1024K -c ${bootpartitionnummer}:"BIOS Boot Partition" -t ${bootpartitionnummer}:ef02 ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${efipartitionnummer}::+1G -c ${efipartitionnummer}:"EFI Boot Partition" -t ${efipartitionnummer}:ef00 ${device} sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer}:"Linux filesystem" -t ${rootpartitionnummer}:8300 ${device} secureumount formatencrypt makelvm fi } function partitionierewithoutboot() { if [ "${m2ssddevice}" == "y" ]; then if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${rootpartitionnummer: -1} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:"Linux filesystem" -t ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:8300 ${device} secureumount formatencrypt makelvm else if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${rootpartitionnummer} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer}:"Linux filesyst" -t ${rootpartitionnummer}:8300 ${device} secureumount formatencrypt makelvm fi } function safebootloader() { mount ${device}${efipartitionnummer} /mnt/ if ! [ -d "/root/bootloader" ]; then mkdir -p /root/bootloader cp -Rv /mnt/ /root/bootloader fi umount /mnt/ } function restorebootloader() { cp -Rv /root/bootloader/mnt/* ${mountpoint}/boot } function partitionieredual() { if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${efipartitionnummer}; then safebootloader fi #repartioniere Windows-Partition echo "WICHTIG!!! DIE WINDOWS PARTITION MUSS VON HAND AUS VERKLEINER WERDEN, ODER ES MUSS NOCH FREIER SPEICHER AUF DER FESTPLATTE ENTHALTEN SEIN!!!" if [ "${m2ssddevice}" == "y" ]; then if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}; then echo "entferne partition ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" sleep 5 #parted -s ${device} rm ${rootpartitionnummer} sgdisk -d ${rootpartitionnummer: -1} ${device} sync fi if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${swappartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${swappartitionnummer: -1} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${swappartitionnummer: -1}::+${swapspeicher} -c ${swappartitionnummer: -1}:"Linux swap" -t ${swappartitionnummer: -1}:8200 ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:"Linux filesystem" -t ${rootpartitionnummer: -1}:8300 ${device} echo "WARNING!!! CREATE NEW WINDOWS BOOTLOADER!!!" sleep 10 if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${bootpartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${bootpartitionnummer: -1} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}::+1024K -c ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}:"BIOS Boot Partition" -t ${bootpartitionnummer: -1}:ef02 ${device} if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${efipartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${efipartitionnummer: -1} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${efipartitionnummer: -1}:: -c ${efipartitionnummer: -1}:"Linux/Windows bootloader" -t ${efipartitionnummer: -1}:ef00 ${device} else if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}; then echo "entferne partition ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" sleep 5 #parted -s ${device} rm ${rootpartitionnummer} sgdisk -d ${rootpartitionnummer} ${device} sync fi if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${swappartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${swappartitionnummer} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${swappartitionnummer}::+${swapspeicher} -c ${swappartitionnummer}:"Linux swap" -t ${swappartitionnummer}:8200 ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${rootpartitionnummer}:: -c ${rootpartitionnummer}:"Linux filesystem" -t ${rootpartitionnummer}:8300 ${device} echo "WARNING!!! CREATE NEW WINDOWS BOOTLOADER!!!" sleep 10 if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${bootpartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${bootpartitionnummer} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${bootpartitionnummer}::+1024K -c ${bootpartitionnummer}:"BIOS Boot Partition" -t ${bootpartitionnummer}:ef02 ${device} if blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${efipartitionnummer}; then sgdisk -d ${efipartitionnummer} ${device} fi sgdisk -a 2048 -n ${efipartitionnummer}:: -c ${efipartitionnummer}:"Linux/Windows bootloader" -t ${efipartitionnummer}:ef00 ${device} fi secureumount formatencrypt makelvm } function usbkeyinstallation() { mkdir -p /mnt/usb-stick mount ${usbkeydevice} /mnt/usb-stick if ! [ -f "/mnt/usb-stick/archkey" ]; then dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/usb-stick/archkey bs=512 count=4 fi cryptsetup luksAddKey ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} /mnt/usb-stick/archkey } function usbsecret() { cp /opt/${repo}/install/usbsecret ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/initcpio/install/usbsecret cp /opt/${repo}/hooks/usbsecret ${mountpoint}/root/usbsecret # hooks #cp install/usbsecret ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/initcpio/install/usbsecret #cp hooks/usbsecret ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/initcpio/hooks/usbsecret sed "s|%USB_UUID%|${usbsecretdeviceuuid}|g;" ${mountpoint}/root/usbsecret > ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/initcpio/hooks/usbsecret } function cron() { echo "cron-job snapshot" mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/var/spool/cron/ echo -n "0 18 * * * /usr/bin/snapshot make var/cache/pacman/pkg opt home " > ${mountpoint}/var/spool/cron/root # custom-mounts for wort in ${mountsnaps} do echo -n "${wort#/*} " >> ${mountpoint}/var/spool/cron/root done echo "ROOT" >> ${mountpoint}/var/spool/cron/root cp /opt/${repo}/scripts/snapshot.sh ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/snapshot chmod 755 ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/snapshot } function makeswapfile() { #swapfile fallocate -l ${swapfilespeicher} ${mountpoint}/swapfile chmod 600 ${mountpoint}/swapfile mkswap ${mountpoint}/swapfile echo "/swapfile none swap defaults 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab } function makebtrfsswapfile() { # From https://github.com/sebastian-philipp/btrfs-swapon cp -v /opt/${repo}/scripts/btrfs-swapon ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/btrfs-swapon cp -v /opt/${repo}/scripts/btrfs-swapoff ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/btrfs-swapoff cp -v /opt/${repo}/configs/service/btrfs-swapon.service ${mountpoint}/root/btrfs-swapon.service chmod +x ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/btrfs-swapon chmod +x ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/btrfs-swapoff sed "s|%swapfilespeicher%|${swapfilespeicher}|g;" ${mountpoint}/root/btrfs-swapon.service > ${mountpoint}/etc/systemd/system/btrfs-swapon.service arch-chroot ${mountpoint} systemctl enable btrfs-swapon } function safeumount() { echo "unmount \"${1}\"" if cat /proc/mounts | grep "${1}" > /dev/null; then umount "${1}" fi } function installation { #boot echo "format" if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then mkfs.vfat -F 32 ${device}${efipartitionnummer} safeumount "${device}${efipartitionnummer}" fi #root if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then #mkfs.btrfs -f -L p_arch ${device}2 if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then btrfsformat #btrfs fi subvolume #btrfs elif [ "${dateisystem}" == "ext4" ]; then echo "confirm with y" if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then sleep 1 mkfs.ext4 -L p_arch ${deviceluks} #ext4 safeumount "${deviceluks}" fi mount ${deviceluks} ${mountpoint} else if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then mkfs.ext4 -L p_arch ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} #ext4 safeumount "${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" fi mount ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${mountpoint} fi mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/boot mount ${device}${efipartitionnummer} ${mountpoint}/boot fi #swap if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then mkswap -L p_swap ${device}${swappartitionnummer} swapon ${device}${swappartitionnummer} fi fi #installation if [ "${offline}" != "n" ] then if [ -f /run/archiso/bootmnt/arch/${arch}/airootfs.sfs ]; then echo "It is not a copytoram system." if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then unsquashfs -f -d ${mountpoint} /run/archiso/bootmnt/arch/${arch}/airootfs.sfs fi elif [ -f /run/archiso/copytoram/airootfs.sfs ]; then echo "It is a copytoram system." if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then unsquashfs -f -d ${mountpoint} /run/archiso/copytoram/airootfs.sfs fi else read -p "Where is the airootfs.sfs? Please specify the complete path or choose the online installation? [/airootfs.sfs/online] : " installationsfehler if [ "${installationsfehler}" == "online" ]; then minimalinstallation else unsquashfs -f -d ${mountpoint} ${installationsfehler} fi fi else minimalinstallation fi # module and hooks parameter="base udev modconf block keymap " #parameter="base udev autodetect keyboard keymap consolefont " #parameter="base systemd autodetect keyboard sd-vconsole " #parameter="${parameter}modconf block " if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then parameter="${parameter}resume " fi if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then parameter="${parameter}encrypt " #For Systemd Bootloader #parameter="${parameter}sd-encrypt " fi if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then parameter="${parameter}lvm2 " fi parameter="${parameter}filesystems " if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then if [ "${raid}" != "n" ]; then parameter="${parameter}btrfs " fi fi if [ "${usbsecret}" == "y" ]; then parameter="${parameter}usbsecret " fi parameter="${parameter}keyboard fsck " if [ "${nvidia}" == "y" ]; then echo "MODULES=\"amdgpu nvidia i915 radeon\"" > ${mountpoint}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf echo "HOOKS=\"${parameter}\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf echo "COMPRESSION=\"zstd\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf echo "blacklist nouveau" > ${mountpoint}/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf else echo "MODULES=\"amdgpu i915 radeon nouveau\"" > ${mountpoint}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf echo "HOOKS=\"${parameter}\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf echo "COMPRESSION=\"zstd\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/mkinitcpio.conf fi echo "blacklist floppy" > ${mountpoint}/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-floppy.conf echo "install dell-smbios /bin/false" > ${mountpoint}/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-dell-smbios.conf echo "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,size=6G 0 0" > ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo "tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab #fstab rootbind=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}) #genfstab -Up ${mountpoint} >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then btrfsfstab #btrfs mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/btrfs-root if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then echo "${deviceluks} /btrfs-root/ btrfs defaults 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab #btrfs else echo "PARTUUID=${rootbind} /btrfs-root/ btrfs defaults 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab #btrfs fi #grep -v "/var/lib" < ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab > fstab.neu; mv fstab.neu ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo "/btrfs-root/__current/ROOT/var/lib /var/lib none bind 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab #btrfs cron elif [ "${dateisystem}" == "ext4" ]; then if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then echo "${deviceluks} / ext4 rw,defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab #ext4 else echo "PARTUUID=${rootbind} / ext4 rw,defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab #ext4 fi fi echo "tmpfs /home/${user}/.cache tmpfs noatime,nodev,nosuid,size=2G 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab bootbind=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${efipartitionnummer}) echo -e "PARTUUID=${bootbind} /boot vfat rw,relatime 0 2" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then if [ "${swapverschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then swappartition=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${swappartitionnummer}) echo "swap PARTUUID=${swappartition} /dev/urandom swap,cipher=aes-cbc-essiv:sha256,size=256" > ${mountpoint}/etc/crypttab echo "/dev/mapper/swap none swap defaults 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab else swappartition=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${swappartitionnummer}) echo "PARTUUID=${swappartition} swap swap sw 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab fi fi #makeswapfile+fstab if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then if [ "${swapfile}" == "y" ]; then if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then makebtrfsswapfile elif [ "${dateisystem}" == "ext4" ]; then makeswapfile fi fi fi #hostname echo "${hostname}" > ${mountpoint}/etc/hostname echo "hostname=\"${hostname}\"" > /etc/conf.d/hostname # os-release cp /opt/${repo}/os-release ${mountpoint}/etc/ if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then if [ "${usbsecret}" == "y" ]; then usbsecret fi fi if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then if [ "${usbkey}" == "y" ]; then usbkeyinstallation fi fi if [ "${autodisk}" == "y" ] then for wort in ${autodiskdevice} do echo "fstab ${wort} wird erstellt!!!" autodiskdevicedateisystem=$(blkid -s TYPE -o value ${wort}) autodiskdevicepartuuid=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${wort}) mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/media/${user}/${autodiskdevicepartuuid} echo "PARTUUID=${autodiskdevicepartuuid} /media/${user}/${autodiskdevicepartuuid} ${autodiskdevicedateisystem} defaults 0 2" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab done fi #forbtrfssnapshots cp ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab.default } function grubinstall() { sleep 1 tobootdevice=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}) if aufloesung=$(xrandr | grep -o -E '[0-9]{3,4}\x[0-9]{3,4}' | head -1); then echo "Deine aufloesung ist ${aufloesung}" fi [[ -z "${aufloesung}" ]] && aufloesung=auto cp /opt/${repo}/configs/grub.d/10_linux ${mountpoint}/etc/grub.d/10_linux mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/boot/grub/themes/ #cp -Rv /opt/${repo}/grub-config/themes/poly-light/ ${mountpoint}/boot/grub/themes/ cp -Rv /opt/${repo}/grub-config/themes/Stylish/ ${mountpoint}/boot/grub/themes/ cp -Rv /opt/${repo}/grub-config/themes/Vimix/ ${mountpoint}/boot/grub/themes/ sed -i 's|GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=.*$|GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=\"'$repo'\"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub sed -i 's|GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES=.*$|GRUB_PRELOAD_MODULES=\"part_gpt part_msdos zstd btrfs lvm\"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then sed -i 's|GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=.*$|GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"\"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub else sed -i 's|GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=.*$|GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"\"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub fi #sed -i 's|GRUB_BACKGROUND=.*$|GRUB_BACKGROUND=\"\/usr\/share\/grub\/background.png\"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub #sed -i 's|GRUB_THEME=.*$|GRUB_THEME="\/boot\/grub\/themes\/poly-light\/theme.txt"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub sed -i 's|#GRUB_THEME=.*$|GRUB_THEME="\/boot\/grub\/themes\/Stylish\/theme.txt"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub sed -i 's|GRUB_THEME=.*$|GRUB_THEME="\/boot\/grub\/themes\/Stylish\/theme.txt"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub #sed -i 's|GRUB_THEME=.*$|GRUB_THEME="\/boot\/grub\/themes\/Vimix\/theme.txt"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub #sed -i 's|#GRUB_BACKGROUND=.*$|GRUB_BACKGROUND=\"\/usr\/share\/grub\/background.png\"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub #sed -i 's|#GRUB_THEME=.*$|GRUB_THEME="\/boot\/grub\/themes\/poly-light\/theme.txt"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub sed -i 's|GRUB_GFXMODE=.*$|GRUB_GFXMODE="'$aufloesung'"|' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then cryptdevicesystem="${devicelvmname}" elif [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then cryptdevicesystem="${deviceluksname}" fi parameter="" if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then rootbootsystem="${deviceluks}" parameter="root=${rootbootsystem} ${parameter}cryptdevice=PARTUUID=${tobootdevice}:${cryptdevicesystem} " echo "GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub else rootbootsystem="$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer})" parameter="${parameter}root=PARTUUID=${rootbootsystem} " fi if [ "${swap}" == "y" ]; then parameter="${parameter}resume=PARTUUID=${swappartition} " fi if [ "${usbkey}" == "y" ]; then parameter="${parameter}cryptkey=UUID=${usbkeyuuid}:${usbkeydateisystem}:\/archkey " fi parameter="${parameter}autostartdesktop=${autostartdesktop} lang=${lang} keytable=${keytable} tz=${tz} " sed -i '/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=/d' ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub echo "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"${parameter}\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub echo "GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/default/grub } function btrfsformat() { sleep 1 if [ "$raid" == "raid0" ]; then if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mkfs.btrfs -f -m raid0 -d raid0 ${deviceluks} ${device1} safeumount "${deviceluks}" else mkfs.btrfs -f -m raid0 -d raid0 ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${device1} safeumount "${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" fi elif [ "$raid" == "raid1" ]; then if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mkfs.btrfs -f -m raid1 -d raid1 ${deviceluks} ${device1} safeumount "${deviceluks}" else mkfs.btrfs -f -m raid1 -d raid1 ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${device1} safeumount "${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" fi elif [ "$raid" == "raid10" ]; then if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mkfs.btrfs -f -m raid10 -d raid10 ${deviceluks} ${device1} safeumount "${deviceluks}" else mkfs.btrfs -f -m raid10 -d raid10 ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${device1} safeumount "${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" fi else if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mkfs.btrfs -f -m single ${deviceluks} safeumount "${deviceluks}" else mkfs.btrfs -f -m single ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} safeumount "${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" fi fi btrfs filesystem show } function btrfsfstab() { rootbind=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}) if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then echo -e "${deviceluks} / btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/ROOT 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo -e "${deviceluks} /home btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/home 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo -e "${deviceluks} /opt btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/opt 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo -e "${deviceluks} /var/cache/pacman/pkg btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/var/cache/pacman/pkg 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab # custom-mounts for wort in ${mountsnaps} do echo -e "${deviceluks} ${wort} btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current${wort} 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab done else echo -e "PARTUUID=${rootbind} / btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/ROOT 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo -e "PARTUUID=${rootbind} /home btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/home 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo -e "PARTUUID=${rootbind} /opt btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/opt 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab echo -e "PARTUUID=${rootbind} /var/cache/pacman/pkg btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/var/cache/pacman/pkg 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab # custom-mounts for wort in ${mountsnaps} do echo -e "PARTUUID=${rootbind} ${wort} btrfs rw,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current${wort} 0 0" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/fstab done fi } function btrfsmount() { #[[ -z "${device}" ]] && device=${2} if [ "${1}" == "1" ] || [ "${1}" == "" ]; then if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mkdir -p /mnt/btrfs-root mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd ${deviceluks} /mnt/btrfs-root else mkdir -p /mnt/btrfs-root mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} /mnt/btrfs-root fi fi if [ "${1}" == "2" ] || [ "${1}" == "" ]; then if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mkdir -p ${mountpoint} mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/ROOT ${deviceluks} ${mountpoint} mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/home mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/opt mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/var/cache/pacman/pkg mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/home ${deviceluks} ${mountpoint}/home mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/opt ${deviceluks} ${mountpoint}/opt mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/var/cache/pacman/pkg ${deviceluks} ${mountpoint}/var/cache/pacman/pkg # custom-mounts for wort in ${mountsnaps} do mkdir -p ${mountpoint}${wort} mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current${wort} ${deviceluks} ${mountpoint}${wort} done mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/var/lib mount --bind /mnt/btrfs-root/__current/ROOT/var/lib ${mountpoint}/var/lib else mkdir -p ${mountpoint} mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/ROOT ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${mountpoint} mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/home mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/opt mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/var/cache/pacman/pkg mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/home ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${mountpoint}/home mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/opt ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${mountpoint}/opt mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current/var/cache/pacman/pkg ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${mountpoint}/var/cache/pacman/pkg # custom-mounts for wort in ${mountsnaps} do mkdir -p ${mountpoint}${wort} mount -o defaults,noatime,nodiratime,discard,ssd,compress=zstd,subvol=__current${wort} ${device}${rootpartitionnummer} ${mountpoint}${wort} done mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/var/lib mount --bind /mnt/btrfs-root/__current/ROOT/var/lib ${mountpoint}/var/lib fi # boot mount mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/boot mount -t vfat ${device}${efipartitionnummer} ${mountpoint}/boot fi } function subvolume() { # Mount btrfsmount 1 # Create if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then mkdir -p /mnt/btrfs-root/__snapshot mkdir -p /mnt/btrfs-root/__current btrfs subvolume create /mnt/btrfs-root/__current/ROOT btrfs subvolume create /mnt/btrfs-root/__current/home btrfs subvolume create /mnt/btrfs-root/__current/opt mkdir -p /mnt/btrfs-root/__current/var/cache/pacman btrfs subvolume create /mnt/btrfs-root/__current/var/cache/pacman/pkg/ # custom-mounts for wort in ${mountsnaps} do mkdir -p /mnt/btrfs-root/__current${wort%/*} btrfs subvolume create /mnt/btrfs-root/__current${wort} done fi btrfs subvolume list -p /mnt/btrfs-root # Mount btrfsmount 2 } function update() { #statements local if="${1}" local of="${2}" local execute="${3}" local parameters="${4}" if [ -f "${of}" ] then rm ${of} else echo "${of} noch nicht vorhanden!" fi /usr/bin/curl -v -C - -f ${if} > ${of} chmod 755 ${of} ${of} ${execute} ${parameters} } function systemdboot() { tobootdeviceuuid=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}) swappartitionpart=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${device}${swappartitionnummer}) # zurücksetzen der parameter parameter="" if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then parameter="${parameter}resume=PARTUUID=${swappartitionpart} " fi if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then tobootdevice=${deviceluks} parameter="${parameter}cryptdevice=PARTUUID=${tobootdeviceuuid}:${deviceluksname} " if [ "${usbkey}" == "y" ]; then parameter="${parameter}cryptkey=UUID=${usbkeyuuid}:${usbkeydateisystem}:/archkey " fi else tobootdevice="PARTUUID=${tobootdeviceuuid} " fi if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then parameter="${parameter}rootflags=subvol=__current/ROOT " fi if [ "${cpusucks}" != "n" ]; then parameter="${parameter} pci=noacpi rcu_nocbs=0-7 processor.max_cstate=1 i8042.noloop i8042.nomux i8042.nopnp i8042.reset" fi parameter="${parameter}autostartdesktop=${autostartdesktop} lang=${lang} keytable=${keytable} tz=${tz} " kernel="initramfs-linux.img" linuz="vmlinuz-linux" kernelback="initramfs-linux-fallback.img" mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/boot/EFI/systemd/ mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/boot/EFI/BOOT/ cp ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/systemd-bootx64.efi ${mountpoint}/boot/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi cp ${mountpoint}/usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/systemd-bootx64.efi ${mountpoint}/boot/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/ echo "title "${repo}"" > ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi.conf echo "linux /${linuz}" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi.conf echo "initrd /intel-ucode.img" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi.conf echo "initrd /${kernel}" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi.conf echo "options root=${tobootdevice} rw ${parameter}" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi.conf echo "title "${repo}"" > ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi-fallback.conf echo "linux /${linuz}" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi-fallback.conf echo "initrd /intel-ucode.img" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi-fallback.conf echo "initrd /${kernelback}" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi-fallback.conf echo "options root=${tobootdevice} rw ${parameter}" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi-fallback.conf echo "default arch-uefi" > ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/loader.conf echo "timeout 1" >> ${mountpoint}/boot/loader/loader.conf echo "Additional boot entries are created !!!" arch-chroot ${mountpoint} efibootmgr -c -d ${device} -p 1 -l /EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi -L "Linux Boot Manager" arch-chroot ${mountpoint} efibootmgr -c -d ${device} -p 1 -l \\${linuz} -L "Arch Linux efistub" -u "initrd=/${kernel} root=${tobootdevice} rw ${parameter}" } function luksabfrage() { if [ "n" != "${verschluesselung}" ]; then if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then deviceluks="/dev/mapper/main-root" deviceluksname="luks0" devicelvmname="main" else deviceluks="/dev/mapper/luks0" deviceluksname="luks0" devicelvmname="luks0" fi if [ "${noinstall}" != "y" ] && fdisk -l | grep ${deviceluks} > /dev/null; then olddeviceluks="${deviceluks}" if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then deviceluks="/dev/mapper/main1-root" deviceluksname="luks1" devicelvmname="main1" else deviceluks="/dev/mapper/luks1" deviceluksname="luks1" devicelvmname="luks1" fi echo "${deviceluks} wird jetzt verwendet!!!" fi fi } function abfrage() { if [ "${fastinstallnext}" == "y" ]; then [[ -z "${name}" ]] && name=arch-linux [[ -z "${user}" ]] && user=user1 [[ -z "${Partition}" ]] && Partition=bios [[ -z "${device}" ]] && device=/dev/sda [[ -z "${raid}" ]] && raid=n [[ -z "${dateisystem}" ]] && dateisystem=btrfs [[ -z "${swap}" ]] && swap=n [[ -z "${swapspeicher}" ]] && swapspeicher=8G [[ -z "${swapverschluesselung}" ]] && swapverschluesselung=n [[ -z "${autologin}" ]] && autologin=y [[ -z "${usbkeydevice}" ]] && usbkeydevice=/dev/sdb1 [[ -z "${autodiskdevice}" ]] && autodiskdevice=/dev/sdb1 [[ -z "${nvidia}" ]] && nvidia=n [[ -z "${cpusucks}" ]] && cpusucks=n [[ -z "${lvmsupport}" ]] && lvmsupport=n luksabfrage if [ "${offline}" != "n" ] then install="offline" else install="online" fi if [ "${device}" == "/dev/nvme0n1" ]; then m2ssddevice=y fi echo "Überspringe die Konfiguration wegen dem fastinstall Parameter!!!" echo "Sie können die Überprüfung mit skipcheck überspringen!!!" else # youre virtual name read -p "What's your name?: " name [[ -z "${name}" ]] && name=arch-linux # youre folder and login name read -p "What's your username?: " user [[ -z "${user}" ]] && user=user1 # Partionierung # UEFI oder Legacy-BIOS echo "" echo "UEFI = Unified Extensible Firmware Interface" echo "Recommended for newer PCs" echo "IMPORTANT FOR THIS MUST BE SELECTED IN THE BOAT MENU THE UEFI USB STICK OTHERWISE CAN NOT BE CREATED A UEFI BOAT ENTRY !!!" echo "" echo "BIOS = basic input/output system" echo "Recommended for old PCs and portable USB sticks " echo "" echo "Please write down the entries: D !!!" echo "For each yes you have to make a y and for every no an n, unless it is interpreted differently!!!" echo "" if mount | grep efi > /dev/null && [ -d /sys/firmware/efi/efivars/ ]; then echo "System supports UEFI" read -p "How would you like to have your hard drive partitioned?: [UEFI/bios] " Partition [[ -z "${Partition}" ]] && Partition=uefi else echo "System supports not UEFI" read -p "How would you like to have your hard drive partitioned?: [uefi/BIOS] " Partition [[ -z "${Partition}" ]] && Partition=bios fi firstdevice=$(fdisk -l | awk '{print $2}' | sed '1!d') read -p "Specify a hard disk: [${firstdevice%?}] : " device [[ -z "${device}" ]] && device=${firstdevice%?} if [ "${device}" == "/dev/nvme0n1" ]; then m2ssddevice=y fi echo "BTRFS dos´nt support 32-Bit Systems!!!" read -p "Which file system should be used? [BTRFS/ext4] " dateisystem [[ -z "${dateisystem}" ]] && dateisystem=btrfs if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then read -p "Should a raid be made ?: [raid0/raid1/raid10/N] " raid [[ -z "${raid}" ]] && raid=n if [ "${raid}" == "n" ]; then echo "No raid is generated!" else fdisk -l read -p "Please enter the disks in a row to be connected to a raid !!!: " device1 fi echo "Standard snapshots / /home /opt /var/cache/pacman/pkg" echo "The directories may not overlap otherwise there may be problems with the unmount !!!" read -p "Should more snapshots be created ?: " mountsnaps fi read -p "Do you want to create a swap partition? : [y/N] " swap [[ -z "${swap}" ]] && swap=n if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then echo "The swap is used for the installation immediately because the unpacker of the squashfs file needs at least 1GB of RAM." read -p "Do you want create your swap with : [2G/4G/8G/16G] " swapspeicher [[ -z "${swapspeicher}" ]] && swapspeicher=8G echo "WARNING with a encrypted Swap disk you cant go in the hibernate-modus!!!" read -p "Should the Swap disk be encrypted? : [y/N] " swapverschluesselung [[ -z "${swapverschluesselung}" ]] && swapverschluesselung=n fi read -p "Do you want to create a swapfile? : [y/N] " swapfile if [ "${swapfile}" == "y" ]; then read -p "Do you want create your swapfile with : [2G/4G/8G/16G] " swapfilespeicher [[ -z "${swapfilespeicher}" ]] && swapfilespeicher=8G fi if [ "${raid}" == "n" ]; then read -p "Should the hard disk be encrypted? : [y/N] " verschluesselung if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then modprobe dm-crypt read -p "Should an additional USB stick be created for decryption? : [y/N] " usbkey if [ "${usbkey}" == "y" ]; then read -p "Which USB stick should be selected ?: [/dev/sdb2] : " usbkeydevice [[ -z "${usbkeydevice}" ]] && usbkeydevice=/dev/sdb2 usbkeydateisystem=$(blkid -s TYPE -o value ${usbkeydevice}) usbkeyuuid=$(blkid -s UUID -o value ${usbkeydevice}) fi fi fi # berechnungen read -p "Should an offline installation be carried out? : [Y/n] " offline if [ "${offline}" != "n" ] then install="offline" else install="online" echo "You can choose with an online installation, which distrubtion you want to install!!!" fi hostname=deadc0de-remix-os echo "WARNING!!! Diese Methode ist wegen einer neuen UDEV Rule unnötig geworden der alle angeschlossen Laufwerke automatisch mountet ;-)" read -p "Should you an disk added to your fstab? : [y/udevautomountrule/N] " autodisk if [ "${autodisk}" == "y" ] then read -p "Which DISK stick should be selected ?: [/dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1] : " autodiskdevice [[ -z "${autodiskdevice}" ]] && autodiskdevice=/dev/sdb1 for wort in ${autodiskdevice} do echo "fstab ${wort} wird erstellt!!!" autodiskdevicedateisystem=$(blkid -s TYPE -o value ${wort}) autodiskdeviceuuid=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value ${wort}) done elif [ "${autodisk}" == "udevautomountrule" ]; then udevautomountrule=y fi echo "The desktop environments installed by default are sway (preconfigured) or CLI (only for CLI versions!!!)" read -p "Which desktop environment should be started by default?? : [SWAY/i3/plasma/lxqt/gnome/xfce4/cli] " autostartdesktop [[ -z "${autostartdesktop}" ]] && autostartdesktop="sway" read -p "Should you autologin in youre System? : [Y/n] " autologin [[ -z "${autologin}" ]] && autologin=y if lspci | grep -e VGA -e 3D -m 1 | grep NVIDIA; then read -p "Will you have activate youre Nvidia driver? : [y/N] " nvidia fi [[ -z "${nvidia}" ]] && nvidia=n if lspci | grep -e VGA -e 3D -m 1 | grep AMD; then read -p "Will you have activate youre AMD driver? : [y/N] " amd fi [[ -z "${amd}" ]] && amd=n read -p "Will you have use youre second Graphic-Card? : [y/N] " multicard [[ -z "${multicard}" ]] && multicard=n echo "On devices cannot acpi fully work, this boot options can help you :-D" read -p "Will youre CPU SUCKS on every boot? : [y/N] " cpusucks [[ -z "${cpusucks}" ]] && cpusucks=n read -p "Will youre Device have LVM Support? : [y/N] " lvmsupport [[ -z "${lvmsupport}" ]] && lvmsupport=n echo "Windows dualboot funktioniert nur im UEFI Modus und auch nur derzeit mit GRUB!!!" echo "Ausserdem muss die UEFI_Bootpartition über 256MB mindesten sein!!!" read -p "Do you want a extra parameter for the installation? : [skipbootpartition/noinstall/noskipuser/debug/windualboot81/windualboot10/dualboot] " extraparameter for wort in ${extraparameter} do echo "$wort" export ${wort}="y" echo "Extra-Parameter ${wort}=y" done fi # Ausgaben cmdlineparameter=$(cat /proc/cmdline) # for-schleife for wort in ${cmdlineparameter} do #echo "$wort" export ${wort%=*}=${wort#*=} #echo "Parameter ${wort%=*} = ${wort#*=}" done # Dateisystem if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then mountpoint="/mnt/btrfs-current" elif [ "${dateisystem}" == "ext4" ]; then mountpoint="/mnt" fi # echo "name: ${name}" echo "username: ${user}" echo "partition type: ${Partition}" echo "Bootloader: ${boot}" echo "Drive: ${device}" if [ "${raid}" != "n" ]; then echo "Raid: ${raid}" echo "Hard Drives: ${device1}" fi echo "File system: ${dateisystem}" if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then echo "Swap-partition ${swapspeicher}" fi if [ "${swapfile}" == "y" ]; then echo "Swapfile ${swapfilespeicher}" fi #echo "Rootpasswort: ${pass}" echo "Architektur: ${arch}" echo "Installation: ${install}" if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then for wort in ${mountsnaps} do echo "Snapshot ${wort} wird erstellt!!!" done fi if [ "${usbsecret}" == "y" ]; then echo "USB-secret: aktiv" echo "USB-UIDD: ${usbsecretdeviceuuid}" echo "USB-Label: ${usbsecretdevice}" fi if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ]; then echo "Fesptplatte with Luks 512KB encryption: aktiv" if [ "${usbkey}" == "y" ]; then echo "${usbkeydevice} is used as key for decrypting: " echo "File system: ${usbkeydateisystem}" fi fi RCLOCALSHUTDOWN="${mountpoint}/etc/rc.local.shutdown" # Partitionierung if [ "${m2ssddevice}" == "y" ]; then m2ssd=p fi luksabfrage echo "Zusatzparameter" if [ "${windualboot81}" == "y" ]; then echo "Windows Dualboot: ${windualboot81}" fi if [ "${windualboot10}" == "y" ]; then echo "Windows Dualboot: ${windualboot10}" fi if [ "${dualboot}" == "y" ]; then echo "SpectreOS Dualboot: ${dualboot}" fi if [ "${skipbootpartition}" == "y" ]; then echo "Überspringe Formatieren der Boot Partition: ${skipbootpartition}" fi if [ "${debug}" == "y" ]; then echo "Debug Menü: ${debug}" fi if [ "${noinstall}" == "y" ]; then echo "Keine Installation: ${noinstall}" if [ "y" == "${noskipuser}" ]; then echo "Der User wird nicht uebersprungen!!!" fi fi if [ "y" == "${windualboot81}" ]; then bootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}1 efipartitionnummer=${m2ssd}2 if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then swappartitionnummer=${m2ssd}5 rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}6 else rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}5 fi elif [ "y" == "${windualboot10}" ]; then bootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}1 efipartitionnummer=${m2ssd}2 if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then swappartitionnummer=${m2ssd}5 rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}6 else rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}5 fi elif [ "y" == "${dualboot}" ]; then bootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}1 efipartitionnummer=${m2ssd}2 if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then swappartitionnummer=${m2ssd}3 rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}5 else rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}4 fi else bootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}1 efipartitionnummer=${m2ssd}2 if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then swappartitionnummer=${m2ssd}3 rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}4 else rootpartitionnummer=${m2ssd}3 fi fi echo "Boot-Partition = ${device}${bootpartitionnummer}" echo "EFI-Partition = ${device}${efipartitionnummer}" if [ "${swap}" != "n" ]; then echo "Swap-Partition = ${device}${swappartitionnummer}" fi echo "ROOT-Partition = ${device}${rootpartitionnummer}" # if [ "${skipcheck}" != "y" ]; then read -p "Are all the details correct ?: [y/N] " sicherheitsabfrage if [ "$sicherheitsabfrage" != "y" ] then echo "ABGEBROCHEN" exit 1 fi fi echo "Operating system is installed !!!" sleep 5 } # Begin the Script!!! # fastinstall=y device=/dev/sda # for-schleife for wort in ${1} do echo "$wort" export ${wort%=*}=${wort#*=} echo "Parameter ${wort%=*} = ${wort#*=}" done if [ "${fastinstall}" == "y" ] && [ "${fastinstallnext}" != "y" ]; then gitclone /opt/${repo}/arch-install.sh "${1} fastinstallnext=y " exit 0 elif [ "${phaseone}" != "n" ] && [ "${fastinstallnext}" != "y" ]; then if wget -qO- ipv4.icanhazip.com 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then read -p "Should I look at the internet for a new install script and then run it ?: [Y/n] " update if [ "${update}" == "debug" ] then echo "Skip the download a new script !!!" else if [ "${update}" != "n" ] then read -p "Should I update youre packages and then run it ?: [y/N] " updatepackages if [ "${updatepackages}" == "y" ]; then echo "Please dont update the linux kernel!!!" if [ -f /opt/${repo}/packages.txt ]; then pacman -Sy $(cat /opt/${repo}/packages.txt) --noconfirm --needed --ignore linux else echo "Kann keine neuen Packete nachinstallieren weil die base.txt nicht gefunden werden kann!!" echo "Es kann sein das dass Programm nicht korrekt funktioniert!!!" fi fi gitclone /opt/${repo}/arch-install.sh "${1} phaseone=n " exit 0 fi fi else echo "No internet connection detected!" update=n fi fi if [ "${update}" != "n" ]; then echo "Online-Modus activated!" #vpntunnel fi # debug = Installation ueberspringen zu arch-graphical-install und DEBEUG-MODUS abfrage secureumount if [ "y" == "${debug}" ] || [ "y" == "${noinstall}" ] then echo "DEBEUG-MODUS" echo "For encrypt mount mountencrypt" echo "Then for normal btrfs mount run: btrfsmount 1 and btrfsmount 2" echo "If no more commands are required, simply press enter" echo "Which command should be executed? " befehl=blablabla while [ "$befehl" != "" ] do read -p "" befehl $befehl done fi # echo "A purge stops the chance of installing on the system." echo "It may take a while!" if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ] && [ "y" != "${skipbootpartition}" ]; then sleep 5 #dd if=/dev/zero of=${device} bs=64M count=10 status=progress fi # if [ "${Partition}" == "uefi" ] then echo "Partitions with UEFI" if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then if ! [ "${skipbootpartition}" == "y" ]; then if [ "y" == "${windualboot81}" ] || [ "y" == "${windualboot10}" ]; then partitionieredual else if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then partitionierelvm else partitioniere fi fi else partitionierewithoutboot fi else if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mountencrypt fi fi echo "installation" installation if [ "y" == "${windualboot81}" ] || [ "y" == "${windualboot10}" ]; then restorebootloader fi grubinstall arch-chroot ${mountpoint} mkinitcpio -P -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf arch-chroot ${mountpoint} grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck ${device} # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GRUB/Tips_and_tricks arch-chroot ${mountpoint} grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id="${repo}" --recheck --removable #systemdboot echo "Finished" elif [ "${Partition}" == "bios" ]; then echo "Partitions with MBR" if [ "y" != "${noinstall}" ]; then if ! [ "${skipbootpartition}" == "y" ]; then if [ "y" == "${windualboot81}" ] || [ "y" == "${windualboot10}" ]; then partitionieredual else if [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then partitionierelvm else partitioniere fi fi else partitionierewithoutboot fi else if [ "${verschluesselung}" == "y" ] || [ "y" == "${lvmsupport}" ]; then mountencrypt fi fi echo "installation" installation if [ "y" == "${windualboot81}" ] || [ "y" == "${windualboot10}" ]; then restorebootloader fi grubinstall arch-chroot ${mountpoint} mkinitcpio -P -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf arch-chroot ${mountpoint} grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck ${device} echo "Finished" else echo "Entry Invalid" exit 1 fi # benutzerwechsel # Nur nötig wenn der Name gleich dem Usernamen gleichen soll arch-chroot ${mountpoint} usermod -l "${user}" "user1" arch-chroot ${mountpoint} usermod -d /home/"${user}" -m "${user}" arch-chroot ${mountpoint} chfn -f "${name}" "${user}" if ! [ "${fastinstall}" == "y" ]; then read -s -p "Please choose a passwort for you!!! " userpass fi echo "${user}:${userpass}" > user-keys.txt arch-chroot ${mountpoint} chpasswd < user-keys.txt read -s -p "Please choose a passwort for root!!! " rootpass echo "root:${rootpass}" > root-keys.txt arch-chroot ${mountpoint} chpasswd < root-keys.txt # config.fish mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/root/.config/fish/ cp /opt/${repo}/configs/config.fish ${mountpoint}/root/.config/fish/config.fish touch ${mountpoint}/root/.bash_profile touch ${mountpoint}/home/"${user}"/.bash_profile mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/etc/X11/xinit/ if ! grep 'setxkbmap' /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup; then echo "setxkbmap de" >> /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup fi if [ -f "/etc/locale.conf" ]; then cp /etc/locale.conf ${mountpoint}/etc/locale.conf; fi if [ -f "/etc/vconsole.conf" ]; then cp /etc/vconsole.conf ${mountpoint}/etc/vconsole.conf; fi if [ -f "/etc/locale.gen" ]; then cp /etc/locale.gen ${mountpoint}/etc/locale.gen; fi arch-chroot ${mountpoint} locale-gen if [ -f "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-keyboard.conf" ]; then cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-keyboard.conf ${mountpoint}/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-keyboard.conf fi if [ "${nvidia}" == "y" ]; then arch-chroot ${mountpoint} pacman -Sy nvidia lib32-nvidia-utils nvidia-settings nvidia-utils --needed --noconfirm arch-chroot ${mountpoint} nvidia-xconfig echo "Bitte füge \"Option \"DPI\" \"96 x 96\"\" in der xorg.conf im Section \"Monitor\" Bereich hinzu, falls die Schrift zu klein erscheint :)" #sed -i 's/ServerArguments=.*$/ServerArguments=-nolisten tcp -dpi 96/' ${mountpoint}/etc/sddm.conf # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/xorg#Setting_DPI_manually # Set in Nvidia xorg.conf in Device or Screen # Option "DPI" "96 x 96" # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Vulkan#Selecting_Vulkan_driver echo "VK_ICD_FILENAMES=\"/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/nvidia_icd.json\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/environment fi if [ "${amd}" == "y" ]; then # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Vulkan#Selecting_Vulkan_driver echo "VK_ICD_FILENAMES=\"/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/amd_icd64.json\"" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/environment fi if [ "${multicard}" == "y" ]; then echo "DRI_PRIME=1" >> ${mountpoint}/etc/environment fi touch ${mountpoint}/etc/grub-snapshot arch-chroot ${mountpoint} grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg cp /opt/${repo}/scripts/update.sh ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/update-script chmod +x ${mountpoint}/usr/bin/update-script if ! arch-chroot ${mountpoint} /usr/bin/update-script; then echo "Aktualisierung nicht erfolgreich!!!" fi if [ "${udevautomountrule}" == "y" ]; then #autodiskmount mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/media/ mkdir -p ${mountpoint}/etc/udev/rules.d/ cp /opt/${repo}/configs/11-media-by-label-auto-mount.rules ${mountpoint}/etc/udev/rules.d/11-media-by-label-auto-mount.rules udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger fi echo "df!!!" df -h if [ "${dateisystem}" == "btrfs" ]; then btrfs filesystem df ${mountpoint} fi echo "umount!!!" read -p "Weiter mit unmount..." secureumount echo "" echo "$(date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")" echo "Fertig!!!" read -p "Allation completed successfully. Do you want to RESTART the PC ?: [Y/n] " sicherheitsabfrage if [ "$sicherheitsabfrage" != "n" ] then echo "restart now" reboot fi exit 0