#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ex if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 sudo $0 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 exit 0 fi echo "Als root Angemeldet" timetoday="$(date "+%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")" if [ "make" == "$1" ] || [ "add" == "$1" ] || [ "backup" == "$1" ] || [ "cp" == "$1" ] || [ "create" == "$1" ]; then while (( "$(expr $# - 1)" )) do pfad="${2}" echo "${timetoday}" > /btrfs-root/__current/${pfad}/SNAPSHOT echo "BACKUP" >> /btrfs-root/__current/${pfad}/SNAPSHOT sed -i "s|__current/${pfad}|__snapshot/${pfad}@`head -n 1 /btrfs-root/__current/${pfad}/SNAPSHOT`|g;" /etc/fstab.default mkdir -p /btrfs-root/__snapshot/${pfad%/*} btrfs subvolume snapshot /btrfs-root/__current/${pfad} /btrfs-root/__snapshot/${pfad}@`head -n 1 /btrfs-root/__current/${pfad}/SNAPSHOT` #btrfs subvolume snapshot -r /btrfs-root/__current/${pfad} /btrfs-root/__snapshot/${pfad}@`head -n 1 /btrfs-root/__current/${pfad}/SNAPSHOT` #if ! [ "${pfad}" == "ROOT" ]; then # rm /btrfs-root/__current/${pfad}/SNAPSHOT #fi shift done #reset-fstab cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.default kernel="initramfs-linux.img" linuz="vmlinuz-linux" kernelback="initramfs-linux-fallback.img" cp /boot/${kernel} /boot/backup_initramfs-linux.img cp /boot/${linuz} /boot/backup_vmlinuz-linux #stable-snapshot-boot #if [ -f "/boot/arch-uefi.conf.default" ]; then # kernel="initramfs-stable.img" # linuz="vmlinuz-stable" # sed "s|%LINUZ%|${linuz}|g;s|%KERNEL%|${kernel}|g;s|rootflags=subvol=__current/ROOT|rootflags=subvol=__snapshot/ROOT@`head -n 1 /btrfs-root/__current/ROOT/SNAPSHOT`|g" /boot/arch-uefi.conf.default > /boot/loader/entries/arch-uefi-stable.conf #fi echo "__snapshot/ROOT@`head -n 1 /btrfs-root/__current/ROOT/SNAPSHOT`" >> /etc/grub-snapshot grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg #if [ -f /btrfs-root/__current/ROOT/SNAPSHOT ]; then # rm /btrfs-root/__current/ROOT/SNAPSHOT #fi elif [ "restore" == "$1" ] || [ "remake" == "$1" ] || [ "mv" == "$1" ]; then while (( "$(expr $# - 1)" )) do pfad="${2}" if [ -d /btrfs-root/__current/${pfad/@*}.old ]; then btrfs subvolume delete /btrfs-root/__current/${pfad/@*}.old fi mv /btrfs-root/__current/${pfad/@*} /btrfs-root/__current/${pfad/@*}.old btrfs subvolume snapshot /btrfs-root/__snapshot/${pfad} /btrfs-root/__current/${pfad/@*} #only root for the fstab if [ "${pfad}" == "ROOT" ]; then cp /etc/fstab /btrfs-root/__current/${pfad/@*}/etc/fstab fi shift done btrfs subvolume list -p / #echo "Bitte noch die /etc/fstab editieren und die neuen IDs eintragen!!!" echo "Bitte damit die Änderungen wirksam werden das System neustarten!!!" #reboot elif [ "delete" == "$1" ] || [ "del" == "$1" ] || [ "rm" == "$1" ]; then while (( "$(expr $# - 1)" )) do pfad="${2}" if btrfs subvolume delete /btrfs-root/__snapshot/${pfad}\@* ;then echo "${pfad} erfolgreich gelöscht!!!" else echo "${pfad} konnte nicht gefunden werden!!!" fi shift done else echo "bash ./snapshot.sh PARAMETER PFAD" echo "Parameters: make restore" echo "make var/cache/pacman/pkg opt home ROOT" echo "restore ROOT@20170725-235544 home@20170725-235544 opt@20170725-235544 var/cache/pacman/pkg@20170725-235544" btrfs subvolume list -p / fi echo "Fertig !!!"