class Terminalimageviewer < Formula desc "Display images in a terminal using block graphic characters" homepage "" url "" sha256 "727ddaa048643cb0a13e23bc308415060d99d8b1853883ad339ad7b952050d61" head "" depends_on "gcc" => :build unless OS.linux? depends_on "imagemagick" def install cd "src/main/cpp" do system "make" if OS.mac? # No expermimental/filesystem.h on mac. system "/usr/local/bin/g++-#{Formula["gcc"].version_suffix}", "-std=c++17", "-Wall", "-fpermissive", "-fexceptions", "-O2", "-c", "-L/usr/local/opt/gcc/lib/gcc/11/", "tiv.cpp", "-o", "tiv.o" system "/usr/local/bin/g++-#{Formula["gcc"].version_suffix}", "tiv.o", "-o", "tiv", "-L/usr/local/opt/gcc/lib/gcc/11/", "-pthread", "-s" else system "make" end bin.install "tiv" end end test do # Downloads a public domain test file from wikimedia commons and displays it. # For some reason, when you redirect the output it is blank. assert_equal "", shell_output("#{bin}/tiv -0").strip end end