2021-03-28 01:38:18 +01:00
import React from 'react' ;
import { makeStyles , withStyles } from '@material-ui/core/styles' ;
import { Accordion , AccordionDetails , AccordionSummary } from '@material-ui/core' ;
import Typography from '@material-ui/core/Typography' ;
import TextField from '@material-ui/core/TextField' ;
import { CopyToClipboard } from 'react-copy-to-clipboard' ;
import IconButton from '@material-ui/core/IconButton' ;
import ExpandMoreIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ExpandMore' ;
import FileCopyOutlined from '@material-ui/icons/FileCopyOutlined' ;
// import {ExpandMoreIcon, FileCopyOutlined} from '@material-ui/icons';
import OutputFormatSelection from './OutputFormatSelection'
import OSSelector from './OSSelector'
import { Radio , RadioGroup } from '@material-ui/core' ;
import FormControlLabel from '@material-ui/core/FormControlLabel' ;
import FormControl from '@material-ui/core/FormControl' ;
import FormLabel from '@material-ui/core/FormLabel' ;
2021-05-17 22:24:14 +02:00
import OnlineConverter from "./OnlineConverter" ;
2021-03-28 01:38:18 +01:00
class ControlledAccordions extends React . Component {
constructor ( props ) {
super ( props ) ;
this . state = {
expanded : "" ,
outputFormat : "m4b" ,
operatingSystem : "win"
} ;
DarkerDisabledTextField = withStyles ( {
root : {
marginRight : 8 ,
"& .MuiInputBase-root.Mui-disabled" : {
color : "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)"
} ) ( TextField ) ;
setExpanded = x => this . setState ( { expanded : x } )
handleChange = ( panel ) => ( event , isExpanded ) => {
this . setExpanded ( isExpanded ? panel : false ) ;
} ;
getCommand = ( ) => {
const { outputFormat , operatingSystem } = this . state ;
let { fileName , activationBytes } = this . props ;
activationBytes = activationBytes ? ? "00000000" ;
// ffmpeg.exe -y -activation_bytes 9f786605 -i '.\INFINITUM - Die Ewigkeit der Sterne.AAX' -ss 5 -to 20 -c copy out-t01.m4a
// faster:
// ffmpeg.exe -y -activation_bytes 9f786605 -i '.\INFINITUM - Die Ewigkeit der Sterne.AAX' -map_metadata 0 -id3v2_version 3 -ss 5 -to 20 -vn out-t02.m4a
// ffmpeg.exe -y -activation_bytes 9f786605 -i '.\INFINITUM - Die Ewigkeit der Sterne.AAX' -map_metadata 0 -ss 5 -to 20 -vn out-t02.m4a
// -vn: As an output option, disables video recording i.e. automatic selection or mapping of any video stream. For full manual control see the -map option.
// " works on ps and cmd as discriminator
const outputFormatCodecMaps = [
2022-03-04 10:27:51 +01:00
{ format : "m4b" , codec : "copy" } ,
{ format : "flac" , codec : "flac" } ,
{ format : "mp3" , codec : "libmp3lame" } ,
2021-03-28 01:38:18 +01:00
] ;
const osToBinMaps = [
2022-03-01 03:34:15 +01:00
{ os : "win" , cmd : "ffmpeg.exe" , discriminator : '"' , separator : '\\' , } ,
{ os : "linux" , cmd : "ffmpeg" , discriminator : '\'' , separator : '/' , } ,
{ os : "osx" , cmd : "ffmpeg" , discriminator : '\'' , separator : '/' , } ,
2021-03-28 01:38:18 +01:00
] ;
2021-05-17 22:24:14 +02:00
let fileNameWithoutExtension = fileName . split ( '.' ) . slice ( 0 , - 1 ) . join ( '.' ) ;
2021-03-28 01:38:18 +01:00
fileNameWithoutExtension = fileNameWithoutExtension == 'input' ? 'output' : fileNameWithoutExtension ;
const osMap = osToBinMaps . filter ( x => x . os == operatingSystem ) [ 0 ] ;
const codec = outputFormatCodecMaps . filter ( x => x . format == outputFormat ) [ 0 ] . codec ;
const bin = osMap . cmd ;
const di = osMap . discriminator ;
2022-03-01 03:34:15 +01:00
const sep = osMap . separator ;
2021-03-28 01:38:18 +01:00
2022-03-04 10:27:51 +01:00
return ` ${ bin } -y `
+ ` -activation_bytes ${ activationBytes } -i ${ di } . ${ sep } ${ fileName } ${ di } `
+ ` -map_metadata 0 `
+ ` -id3v2_version 3 `
+ ` -codec:a ${ codec } `
+ ` -vn ${ di } ${ fileNameWithoutExtension } . ${ outputFormat } ${ di } ` ;
2021-03-28 01:38:18 +01:00
render ( ) {
2021-05-17 22:24:14 +02:00
const { classes , file , activationBytes } = this . props ;
2021-03-28 01:38:18 +01:00
const { expanded , outputFormat , operatingSystem } = this . state ;
return (
< div className = { classes . root } >
< Accordion expanded = { expanded === 'panel2' } onChange = { this . handleChange ( 'panel2' ) } >
< AccordionSummary
expandIcon = { < ExpandMoreIcon / > }
aria - controls = "panel2bh-content"
id = "panel2bh-header"
2021-05-17 22:24:14 +02:00
< Typography className = { classes . heading } > Command and Convert < / T y p o g r a p h y >
2021-03-28 01:38:18 +01:00
< Typography className = { classes . secondaryHeading } >
2021-05-17 22:24:14 +02:00
Generate ffmpeg command or convert in browser
< / T y p o g r a p h y >
2021-03-28 01:38:18 +01:00
< / A c c o r d i o n S u m m a r y >
< AccordionDetails style = { { display : 'block' } } >
< OutputFormatSelection
outputFormat = { outputFormat }
setOutputFormat = { x => this . setState ( { outputFormat : x } ) }
/ >
< OSSelector
operatingSystem = { operatingSystem }
setOperatingSystem = { x => this . setState ( { operatingSystem : x } ) }
style = { { paddingLeft : '20px' } }
/ >
< this . DarkerDisabledTextField
value = { this . getCommand ( ) }
variant = "outlined"
margin = "normal"
id = "activationBytes"
label = "cmd"
name = "activationBytes"
autoComplete = "activationBytes"
aria - readonly
fontSize = { 5 }
InputProps = { {
readOnly : true ,
endAdornment : (
< CopyToClipboard text = { this . getCommand ( ) } >
< IconButton >
< FileCopyOutlined / >
< / I c o n B u t t o n >
< / C o p y T o C l i p b o a r d >
} }
/ >
2021-05-17 22:24:14 +02:00
< OnlineConverter file = { file }
activationBytes = { activationBytes }
outputFormat = { outputFormat } / >
2021-03-28 01:38:18 +01:00
< / A c c o r d i o n D e t a i l s >
< / A c c o r d i o n >
< / d i v >
) ;
const useStyles = theme => ( {
root : {
width : '100%' ,
} ,
heading : {
fontSize : theme . typography . pxToRem ( 15 ) ,
flexBasis : '33.33%' ,
flexShrink : 0 ,
} ,
secondaryHeading : {
fontSize : theme . typography . pxToRem ( 15 ) ,
color : theme . palette . text . secondary ,
} ,
} ) ;
export default withStyles ( useStyles ) ( ControlledAccordions ) ;