Update dokuwiki service config
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 77 additions and 129 deletions
@ -13,57 +13,6 @@
fpm_cfg = config.services.phpfpm.pools.${fpm_pool};
dw_domain = "wiki.${baseDomain}";
# Comming from Nextcloud module
# Using opcache to cache the php-files in a precompiled state and thus better performance
phpOptions = {
expose_php = "Off";
"opcache.interned_strings_buffer" = "8";
"opcache.max_accelerated_files" = "10000";
"opcache.memory_consumption" = "64";
"opcache.revalidate_freq" = "15";
"opcache.fast_shutdown" = "1";
phpPackage = pkgs.php81.buildEnv {
extraConfig = toKeyValue phpOptions;
toKeyValue = with lib;
generators.toKeyValue {
mkKeyValue = generators.mkKeyValueDefault {} " = ";
# Taken
mkPHPValue = v: let
isHasAttr = s: isAttrs v && hasAttr s v;
if isString v
then escapeShellArg v
# NOTE: If any value contains a , (comma) this will not get escaped
else if isList v && any lib.strings.isCoercibleToString v
then escapeShellArg (concatMapStringsSep "," toString v)
else if isInt v
then toString v
else if isBool v
then toString (if v then 1 else 0)
else if isHasAttr "_file"
then "trim(file_get_contents(${lib.escapeShellArg v._file}))"
else abort "The dokuwiki settings value ${lib.generators.toPretty {} v} can not be encoded.";
# Present until https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/208299 is merged
# so we can still use RFC42-Style settings in the meantime
mkPHPAttrVals = v: flatten (mapAttrsToList mkPHPKeyVal v);
mkPHPKeyVal = k: v: let
values =
if (isAttrs v && hasAttr "_file" v) || !isAttrs v
then [" = ${mkPHPValue v};"]
else mkPHPAttrVals v;
map (e: "[${escapeShellArg k}]${e}") (flatten values);
mkConfigLines = c: map (v: "$conf${v}") (mkPHPAttrVals c);
dokuwikiLocalConfig = settings: ''
${concatStringsSep "\n" (mkConfigLines settings)}
acronyms = rec {
"CCC" = "Chaos Computer Club";
"PR" = "Pull Request";
@ -105,8 +54,6 @@ in {
locations."/robots.txt".return = "200 \"User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\"";
services.phpfpm.pools.${fpm_pool}.phpPackage = lib.mkForce phpPackage;
services.dokuwiki.sites.${dw_domain} = {
package = pkgs.dokuwiki.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
name = "dokuwiki-${dw_domain}-with-acronyms-${oldAttrs.version}";
@ -116,35 +63,29 @@ in {
enable = true;
aclUse = true;
pluginsConfig = let
plugins = {
"tag" = true;
"pagelist" = true;
"smtp" = true;
"sqlite" = true;
"nspages" = true;
"move" = true;
"icalevents" = true;
"legalnotice" = true;
"oauth" = true;
"oauthkeycloak" = true;
"edittable" = true;
"anonip" = true;
pluginsConfig = {
"tag" = true;
"pagelist" = true;
"smtp" = true;
"sqlite" = true;
"nspages" = true;
"move" = true;
"icalevents" = true;
"legalnotice" = true;
"oauth" = true;
"oauthkeycloak" = true;
"edittable" = true;
"anonip" = true;
"extension" = false;
"popularity" = false;
"authad" = false;
"authldap" = false;
"authmysql" = false;
"authpdo" = false;
"authpgsql" = false;
in ''
# Placeholder until https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/208299 is merged
${concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (n: v: "$plugins['${n}'] = ${boolToString v};") plugins)};
"extension" = false;
"popularity" = false;
"authad" = false;
"authldap" = false;
"authmysql" = false;
"authpdo" = false;
"authpgsql" = false;
plugins = with pkgs.dokuwikiPlugins; [
@ -159,57 +100,64 @@ in {
extraConfig = let
settings = let
get_secret = name: {_file = config.sops.secrets.${name}.path;};
settings = rec {
title = "${baseDomain} Wiki";
lang = "de-informal";
template = "dokuwiki";
# authtype = "authplain";
authtype = "oauth";
subscribers = 1;
userewrite = 1;
useslash = 1;
im_convert = "${pkgs.imagemagick}/bin/convert";
superuser = "@admin";
disableactions = "register";
signature = "--- // [[name:@USER@|@USER@]] @DATE@";
in rec {
title = "${baseDomain} Wiki";
lang = "de-informal";
template = "dokuwiki";
# authtype = "authplain";
authtype = "oauth";
subscribers = 1;
userewrite = 1;
useslash = 1;
useacl = true;
im_convert = "${pkgs.imagemagick}/bin/convert";
superuser = "@admin";
disableactions = "register";
signature = "--- // [[name:@USER@|@USER@]] @DATE@";
mailfrom = "\"@USER@\" via ${title} <wiki@chaos.jetzt>}";
plugin.tag.toolbar_icon = 1;
plugin.smtp = {
smtp_host = get_secret "dokuwiki/smtp_host";
smtp_user = get_secret "dokuwiki/smtp_host";
smtp_pass = get_secret "dokuwiki/smtp_host";
smtp_ssl = "ssl";
smtp_port = 465;
plugin.icalevents = {
locationUrlPrefix = "";
"template:default" = ''
=== {date}: {summary} ===
**Location**: {location_link}
"template:list" = ''
=== {date}: {summary} ===
**<sup>Location: {location}</sup>**
"template:custom1" = ''
=== {date}: {summary} ===
**Wo?**: {location_link}'';
plugin.oauth = {
register-on-auth = 1;
singleService = "Keycloak";
plugin.oauthkeycloak = {
key = get_secret "dokuwiki/keycloak_key";
openidurl = "https://sso.chaos.jetzt/auth/realms/chaos-jetzt/.well-known/openid-configuration";
mailfrom = "\"@USER@\" via ${title} <wiki@chaos.jetzt>}";
plugin.tag.toolbar_icon = 1;
plugin.smtp = {
smtp_host = get_secret "dokuwiki/smtp_host";
smtp_user = get_secret "dokuwiki/smtp_host";
smtp_pass = get_secret "dokuwiki/smtp_host";
smtp_ssl = "ssl";
smtp_port = 465;
in ''
${dokuwikiLocalConfig settings}
plugin.icalevents = {
locationUrlPrefix = "";
"template:default" = ''
=== {date}: {summary} ===
**Location**: {location_link}
"template:list" = ''
=== {date}: {summary} ===
**<sup>Location: {location}</sup>**
"template:custom1" = ''
=== {date}: {summary} ===
**Wo?**: {location_link}'';
plugin.oauth = {
register-on-auth = 1;
singleService = "Keycloak";
plugin.oauthkeycloak = {
key = get_secret "dokuwiki/keycloak_key";
openidurl = "https://sso.chaos.jetzt/auth/realms/chaos-jetzt/.well-known/openid-configuration";
phpOptions = {
expose_php = "Off";
"opcache.interned_strings_buffer" = "8";
"opcache.max_accelerated_files" = "10000";
"opcache.memory_consumption" = "64";
"opcache.revalidate_freq" = "15";
"opcache.fast_shutdown" = "1";
Add table
Reference in a new issue