{ lib, config, pkgs, baseDomain, ... }: let matrixPort = 8008; isDev = (builtins.substring 0 3 baseDomain) == "dev"; synapseDb = config.services.matrix-synapse.settings.database.args; initSynapseDb = ''CREATE DATABASE "${synapseDb.database}" WITH OWNER "${synapseDb.user}" ENCODING "UTF8" TEMPLATE template0 LC_COLLATE = "C" LC_CTYPE = "C";''; in { sops.secrets = { "coturn_static_auth_secret".owner = "turnserver"; "synapse/signing_key" = { owner = "matrix-synapse"; path = config.services.matrix-synapse.settings.signing_key_path; mode = "0600"; }; "synapse/secret_config".owner = "matrix-synapse"; "synapse/registration_shared_secret".owner = "matrix-synapse"; }; services.nginx.virtualHosts = { "chat.${baseDomain}" = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; root = pkgs.element-web.override { # Somewhat duplicate of the stuff in website.nix but I am # not sure if we absolutely need to dedup this, just out of complexity perspective conf = { default_server_config."m.homeserver" = { base_url = "https://matrix.${baseDomain}/"; server_name = baseDomain; }; default_country_code = "DE"; }; }; }; "matrix.${baseDomain}" = { enableACME = true; forceSSL = true; # It's also possible to do a redirect here or something else, this vhost is not # needed for Matrix. It's recommended though to *not put* element # here, see also the section about Element. locations."/".extraConfig = '' return 404; ''; # Forward all Matrix API calls to the synapse Matrix homeserver. A trailing slash # *must not* be used here. locations."/_matrix".proxyPass = "http://[::1]:${toString matrixPort}"; # Forward requests for e.g. SSO and password-resets. locations."/_synapse/client".proxyPass = "http://[::1]:${toString matrixPort}"; # # Allow public access to the synapse admin API # # The docs advise against leaving this open to just everyone. That's why this currently is commented out # # if admin things need to be done, it's required to SSH to the server and then direct all admin requests to # # localhost:8008/_synapse/admin # # Leaving that in here for when I (e1mo) wonder why calls to the admin API don't work in the future # locations."/_synapse/admin".proxyPass = "http://[::1]:${toString matrixPort}"; }; }; services.postgresql = { enable = true; ensureUsers = [ { name = synapseDb.user; } ]; }; systemd.services.postgresql = { postStart = '' $PSQL -tAc "SELECT 1 FROM pg_database WHERE datname = 'matrix-synapse'" | grep -q 1 || $PSQL -tAc '${initSynapseDb}' ''; }; security.acme.certs."turn.${baseDomain}" = { group = "turnserver"; reloadServices = [ "coturn.service" ]; }; services.coturn = let sslDir = config.security.acme.certs."turn.${baseDomain}".directory; in { enable = true; cert = "${sslDir}/fullchain.pem"; pkey = "${sslDir}/key.pem"; static-auth-secret-file = config.sops.secrets."coturn_static_auth_secret".path; }; # TODO: Use media storage volume on prod services.matrix-synapse = { enable = true; plugins = [ pkgs.python3Packages.matrix-synapse-saml-mapper ]; settings = { server_name = baseDomain; public_baseurl = "https://matrix.${baseDomain}"; allow_public_rooms_over_federation = true; enable_registration = false; registration_shared_secret_path = config.sops.secrets."synapse/registration_shared_secret".path; log_config = ./synapse-log_config.yaml; database = { name = "psycopg2"; args.database = "matrix-synapse"; }; federation_ip_range_blacklist = [ "" "" "" "" "" "" "::1/128" "fe80::/64" "fc00::/7" ]; admin_contact = "mailto:administration@chaos.jetzt"; url_preview_enabled = true; media_store_path = "/mnt/synapse_media_store"; turn_uris = let turn_base = "turn.${baseDomain}"; ct = config.services.coturn; port = builtins.toString ct.listening-port; tlsPort = builtins.toString ct.tls-listening-port; in [ "turn:${turn_base}:${port}?transport=tcp" "turn:${turn_base}:${port}?transport=udp" "turns:${turn_base}:${tlsPort}?transport=tcp" "turns:${turn_base}:${tlsPort}?transport=udp" ]; auto_join_rooms = builtins.map (v: "#${v}:${baseDomain}") [ "grosse_halle" "allgemein" ]; autocreate_auto_join_rooms = true; enable_metrics = false; user_directory = { enabled = true; search_all_users = true; }; saml2_config = { enabled = true; sp_config.metadata.remote = [{ url = "https://sso.chaos.jetzt/auth/realms/${if isDev then "dev" else "chaos-jetzt"}/protocol/saml/descriptor"; }]; user_mapping_provider.module = "matrix_synapse_saml_mapper.SamlMappingProvider"; }; password_config.enabled = false; }; extraConfigFiles = let format = (pkgs.formats.yaml {}).generate; in [ # Contains turn_shared_secret, macaroon_secret_key, and form_secret config.sops.secrets."synapse/secret_config".path # For our saml sso stuff we need to have additional_ressouces, but they are not possible with the NixOS module listener (format "additional_ressources.yaml" { listeners = [{ bind_addresses = [ "::1" "" ]; port = matrixPort; type = "http"; tls = false; x_forwarded = true; resources = [{ names = [ "client" "federation" ]; compress = false; }]; additional_resources."/_matrix/saml2/pick_username".module = "matrix_synapse_saml_mapper.pick_username_resource"; }]; }) ]; }; system.activationScripts."synapse-media-store-mnt".text = '' mkdir -p ${lib.escapeShellArg config.services.matrix-synapse.settings.media_store_path} chown matrix-synapse:matrix-synapse ${lib.escapeShellArg config.services.matrix-synapse.settings.media_store_path} ''; systemd.services.matrix-synapse = { unitConfig.RequiresMountsFor = [ config.services.matrix-synapse.settings.media_store_path ]; serviceConfig.ReadWritePaths = [ config.services.matrix-synapse.settings.media_store_path ]; }; }