import tape from 'tape' import _ndjson from 'ndjson' const {parse: ndjsonParser} = _ndjson import {loyaltyCards} from '../lib/loyalty-cards.js' import {fetchWithTestApi} from './util.js' import {pStations as pAllStations} from '../lib/db-stations.js' const NO_JOURNEYS = { // todo? journeys: [], } tape.test('/journeys?firstClass works', async (t) => { await fetchWithTestApi({ journeys: async (from, to, opt = {}) => { t.equal(opt.firstClass, true, 'journeys() called with invalid opt.firstClass') return NO_JOURNEYS } }, {}, '/journeys?from=123&to=234&firstClass=true') }) tape.test('/journeys?loyaltyCard works', async (t) => { await fetchWithTestApi({ journeys: async (from, to, opt = {}) => { t.deepEqual(opt.loyaltyCard, { type: loyaltyCards.SHCARD, }, 'journeys() called with invalid opt.loyaltyCard') return NO_JOURNEYS } }, {}, '/journeys?from=123&to=234&loyaltyCard=shcard') await fetchWithTestApi({ journeys: async (from, to, opt = {}) => { t.deepEqual(opt.loyaltyCard, { type: loyaltyCards.BAHNCARD, discount: 50, class: 2, }, 'journeys() called with invalid opt.loyaltyCard') return NO_JOURNEYS } }, {}, '/journeys?from=123&to=234&loyaltyCard=bahncard-2nd-50') }) tape.test('/stations works', async (t) => { const {data: allStations} = await pAllStations const someStationId = Object.keys(allStations)[0] { const {headers, data} = await fetchWithTestApi({}, {}, '/stations', { headers: { 'accept': 'application/json', }, }) t.equal(headers['content-type'], 'application/json') t.equal(typeof data, 'object') t.ok(data) t.ok(data[someStationId]) t.equal(Object.keys(data).length, Object.keys(allStations).length) } { const {headers, data} = await fetchWithTestApi({}, {}, '/stations', { headers: { 'accept': 'application/x-ndjson', }, }) t.equal(headers['content-type'], 'application/x-ndjson') let nrOfStations = 0 const parser = ndjsonParser() parser.end(data) for await (const station of parser) nrOfStations++ t.equal(nrOfStations, Object.keys(allStations).length) } }) tape.test('/stations?query=frankfurt%20ha works', async (t) => { const FRANKFURT_MAIN_HBF = '8000105' { const {headers, data} = await fetchWithTestApi({}, {}, '/stations?query=frankfurt%20ha', { headers: { 'accept': 'application/json', }, }) t.equal(headers['content-type'], 'application/json') t.equal(typeof data, 'object') t.ok(data) t.ok(data[FRANKFURT_MAIN_HBF]) t.ok(Object.keys(data).length > 0) } { const {headers, data} = await fetchWithTestApi({}, {}, '/stations?query=frankfurt%20ha', { headers: { 'accept': 'application/x-ndjson', }, }) t.equal(headers['content-type'], 'application/x-ndjson') const stations = [] const parser = ndjsonParser() parser.end(data) for await (const station of parser) stations.push(station) t.ok(stations.find(s => === FRANKFURT_MAIN_HBF)) t.ok(Object.keys(stations).length > 0) } })