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input-file Path to a docker compose file [default: "./docker-compose.yml"]
-o, --output-file=OUTPUT-FILE Path to a output file (Only for "dot" and "image" output format) [default: "./docker-compose.dot" or "./docker-compose.png"]
Volumes (from `services.<service>.volumes_from`) are displayed as dashed arrows pointing to the service that uses the volumes:
If we look at the link between `logs` and `api`, it reads as follow: "`api` uses volumes from `logs`."
Volumes (from `services.<service>.volumes`) are displayed as folders with the host directory as label and are linked to the service that uses them dashed arrows.
If we look at the link between `./api` and `api`, it reads as follow: "the host directory `./api`is mounted as a read-write folder on `/src` in `api`." Bidirectional arrows mean the directory is writable from the container.
If we look at the link between `./etc/api/php-fpm.d` and `api`, it reads as follow: "the host directory `./etc/api/php-fpm.d`is mounted as a read-only folder on `/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.d` in `api`." Unidirectional arrows mean the directory is not writable from the container.
### Dependencies
Dependencies (from `services.<service>.depends_on`) are displayed as dotted arrows pointing to the service that declares the dependencies:
If we look at the link between `mysql` and `logs`, it reads as follow: "`mysql` depends on `logs`."
### Ports
Ports (from `services.<service>.ports`) are displayed as circle and are linked to containers using plain arrows pointing to the service that declares the ports:
If we look at the link between port `2480` and `orientdb`, it reads as follow: "traffic coming to host port `2480` will be routed to port `2480` of `orientdb`."
If we look at the link between port `2580` and `elk`, it reads as follow: "traffix coming to host port `2580` will be routed to port `80` of `elk`."
Extended services (from `services.<service>.extends`) are displayed as components (just like normal services). The links between them and the extending services are
Networks (from `networks.<network>`) are displayed as pentagon. The links between them and services are displayed as plain arrows pointing to the network:
If we look at the link between `mysql` and the `global` network, it reads as follow: "`mysql` is known as `mysql`, `db` and `reldb` in the `global` network.
The `legacy` network is an external so it's displayed as a grayed pentagone.