#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import argparse import random import docker import typing from dataclasses import dataclass from graphviz import Graph from graphviz.backend import FORMATS # colorlover.scales["12"]["qual"]["Paired"] converted to hex strings COLORS = ["#1f78b4", "#33a02c", "#e31a1c", "#ff7f00", "#6a3d9a", "#b15928", "#a6cee3", "#b2df8a", "#fdbf6f", "#cab2d6", "#ffff99"] i = 0 @dataclass class Network: name: str gateway: str internal: bool isolated: bool color: str @dataclass class Interface: endpoint_id: str address: str aliases: typing.List[str] @dataclass class Container: container_id: str name: str interfaces: typing.List[Interface] @dataclass class Link: container_id: str endpoint_id: str network_name: str def get_unique_color() -> str: global i if i < len(COLORS): c = COLORS[i] i += 1 else: # Generate random color if we've already used the 12 preset ones c = "#%06x".format(random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF)) return c def get_networks(client: docker.DockerClient, verbose: bool) -> typing.Dict[str, Network]: networks: typing.Dict[str, Network] = {} for net in sorted(client.networks.list(), key=lambda k: k.name): try: gateway = net.attrs["IPAM"]["Config"][0]["Subnet"] except (KeyError, IndexError): # This network doesn't seem to be used, skip it continue internal = False try: if net.attrs["Internal"]: internal = True except KeyError: pass isolated = False try: if net.attrs["Options"]["com.docker.network.bridge.enable_icc"] == "false": isolated = True except KeyError: pass if verbose: print(f"Network: {net.name} {'internal' if internal else ''} {'isolated' if isolated else ''} gw:{gateway}") color = get_unique_color() networks[net.name] = Network(net.name, gateway, internal, isolated, color) networks["host"] = Network("host", "", False, False, "#808080") return networks def get_containers(client: docker.DockerClient, verbose: bool) -> (typing.List[Container], typing.List[Link]): containers: typing.List[Container] = [] links: typing.List[Link] = [] for container in client.containers.list(): interfaces: typing.List[Interface] = [] # Iterate over container interfaces for net_name, net_info in container.attrs["NetworkSettings"]["Networks"].items(): endpoint_id = net_info["EndpointID"] aliases = [] if net_info["Aliases"]: for alias in net_info["Aliases"]: # The aliases always contain the shortened container id and container name if alias != container.id[:12] and alias != container.name: aliases.append(alias) interfaces.append(Interface(endpoint_id, net_info['IPAddress'], aliases)) links.append(Link(container.id, endpoint_id, net_name)) if verbose: print(f"Container: {container.name} {''.join([iface.address for iface in interfaces])}") containers.append(Container(container.id, container.name, interfaces)) return containers, links def draw_network(g: Graph, net: Network): label = f"{{ {net.gateway} | {net.name}" if net.internal: label += " | Internal" if net.isolated: label += " | Containers isolated" label += "}" g.node(f"network_{net.name}", shape="record", label=label, fillcolor=net.color, style="filled" ) def draw_container(g: Graph, c: Container): iface_labels = [] for iface in c.interfaces: iface_label = "{" for alias in iface.aliases: iface_label += f" {alias} |" iface_label += f"<{iface.endpoint_id}> {iface.address} }}" iface_labels.append(iface_label) label = f"{{ {c.name} | {{ {' | '.join(iface_labels)} }} }}" g.node(f"container_{c.container_id}", shape="record", label=label, fillcolor="#ff9999", style="filled" ) def draw_link(g: Graph, networks: typing.Dict[str, Network], link: Link): g.edge(f"container_{link.container_id}:{link.endpoint_id}", f"network_{link.network_name}", color=networks[link.network_name].color ) def generate_graph(verbose: bool, file: str): docker_client = docker.from_env() networks = get_networks(docker_client, verbose) containers, links = get_containers(docker_client, verbose) if file: base, ext = os.path.splitext(file) g = Graph(comment="Docker Network Graph", engine="sfdp", format=ext[1:], graph_attr=dict(splines="true")) else: g = Graph(comment="Docker Network Graph", engine="sfdp", graph_attr=dict(splines="true")) for _, network in networks.items(): draw_network(g, network) for container in containers: draw_container(g, container) for link in links: if link.network_name != "none": draw_link(g, networks, link) if file: g.render(base) else: print(g.source) def graphviz_output_file(filename: str): ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1][1:] if ext.lower() not in FORMATS: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("Must be valid graphviz output format") return filename if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Visualize docker networks.") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", help="Verbose output", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("-o", "--out", help="Write output to file", type=graphviz_output_file) args = parser.parse_args() generate_graph(args.verbose, args.out)