The base image for the container is the [official Pi-Hole container](, with an extra build step added to install the Unbound resolver directly into to the container based on [instructions provided directly by the Pi-Hole team](
| `TZ` | UTC | `<Timezone>` | Set your [timezone]( to make sure logs rotate at local midnight instead of at UTC midnight.
| `WEBPASSWORD` | random | `<Admin password>` | http://pi.hole/admin password. Run `docker logs pihole \| grep random` to find your random pass.
| `FTLCONF_REPLY_ADDR4` | unset | `<Host's IP>` | Set to your server's LAN IP, used by web block modes and lighttpd bind address.
| `REV_SERVER` | `false` | `<"true"\|"false">` | Enable DNS conditional forwarding for device name resolution |
| `REV_SERVER_DOMAIN` | unset | Network Domain | If conditional forwarding is enabled, set the domain of the local network router |
| `REV_SERVER_TARGET` | unset | Router's IP | If conditional forwarding is enabled, set the IP of the local network router |
| `REV_SERVER_CIDR` | unset | Reverse DNS | If conditional forwarding is enabled, set the reverse DNS zone (e.g. ``) |
| `WEBTHEME` | `default-light` | `<"default-dark"\|"default-darker"\|"default-light"\|"default-auto"\|"lcars">`| User interface theme to use.
Portainer stacks are a little weird and don't want you to declare your named volumes, so remove this block from the top of the `docker-compose.yaml` file before copy/pasting into Portainer's stack editor: