renew config
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 118 additions and 480 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
# sway does not set DISPLAY/WAYLAND_DISPLAY in the systemd user environment
# See FS#63021
# Adapted from xorg's, which achieves a similar goal.
exec systemctl --user import-environment DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
exec hash dbus-update-activation-environment 2>/dev/null && \
dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY WAYLAND_DISPLAY SWAYSOCK XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP
@ -1,27 +1,14 @@
# This file has been auto-generated by i3-config-wizard(1).
# It will not be overwritten, so edit it as you like.
# Should you change your keyboard layout some time, delete
# this file and re-run i3-config-wizard(1).
# xmodmap -pke
# xev
# i3 config file (v4)
# Please see for a complete reference!
set $mod Mod1
# Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
# is used in the bar {} block below.
#font pango:Noto Sans Bold 9
#font pango:Droid Sans 9
#font pango:FontAwesome 8, pango: Droid Sans Mono 8
#font pango:System San Francisco Display 10
#font pango:System San Francisco Display 6
#font pango:monospace 8
#font pango:monospace 12
font pango:Terminus (TTF) Bold 12
set $bg-color #2f343f
set $inactive-bg-color #2f343f
@ -29,11 +16,6 @@ set $text-color #f3f4f5
set $inactive-text-color #676E7D
set $urgent-bg-color #E53935
#font pango:Terminus (TTF) Bold 12
#font pango:Hack Nerd Font 13
#font pango:Hack 12
font pango:monospace 12
# window colors
# border background text indicat>
client.focused $bg-color $bg-color $text-color #00ff00
@ -41,24 +23,9 @@ client.unfocused $inactive-bg-color $inactive-bg-color $inactive-text-col
client.focused_inactive $inactive-bg-color $inactive-bg-color $inactive-text-color #00ff00
client.urgent $urgent-bg-color $urgent-bg-color $text-color #00ff00
# This font is widely installed, provides lots of unicode glyphs, right-to-left
# text rendering and scalability on retina/hidpi displays (thanks to pango).
#font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 8
# Before i3 v4.8, we used to recommend this one as the default:
# font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
# The font above is very space-efficient, that is, it looks good, sharp and
# clear in small sizes. However, its unicode glyph coverage is limited, the old
# X core fonts rendering does not support right-to-left and this being a bitmap
# font, it doesn’t scale on retina/hidpi displays.
# Use Mouse+$mod to drag floating windows to their wanted position
floating_modifier $mod
workspace_auto_back_and_forth yes
force_display_urgency_hint 0 ms
focus_on_window_activation urgent
# start a terminal
bindsym $mod+Return exec wezterm
@ -66,23 +33,9 @@ bindsym $mod+Return exec wezterm
bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill
# Menu
#bindsym $mod+d exec rofi -show run -lines 3 -bw 1 -font "Cantarell 18" -opacity "75"
bindsym $mod+d exec fuzzel
bindsym $mod+Shift+d exec clipman pick --tool=CUSTOM --tool-args="fuzzel -d"
bindsym $mod+y exec ~/.config/fuzzel/
#bindsym $mod+shift+y exec passdmenu -P -x clipboard
#bindsym $mod+d exec wofi --show run --width 900 --height 200
#bindsym $mod+d exec rofi -show run -lines 3 -eh 2 -width 100 -padding 800 -opacity "85" -bw 0 -bc "$bg-color" -bg "$bg-color" -fg "$text-color" -hlbg "$bg-color" -hlfg "#9575cd" -font "System San Francisco Display 18"
#bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id i3-dmenu-desktop --dmenu='rofi -i -dmenu -font "snap 12" -bg "#222222" -fg "#888888" -hlbg "#285577" -hlfg "#ffffff" -opacity 90 -m 0 -location 2'
# start dmenu (a program launcher)
#bindsym $mod+d exec dmenu_run
#bindsym $mod+d exec j4-dmenu-desktop --dmenu='bemenu -i --nb "#3f3f3f" --nf "#dcdccc" --fn "pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 12"' --term='termite'
# There also is the (new) i3-dmenu-desktop which only displays applications
# shipping a .desktop file. It is a wrapper around dmenu, so you need that
# installed.
# bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id i3-dmenu-desktop
# change focus
bindsym $mod+j focus left
@ -131,22 +84,6 @@ bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle
# focus the parent container
bindsym $mod+a focus parent
# focus the child container
#bindsym $mod+d focus child
# Define names for default workspaces for which we configure key bindings later on.
# We use variables to avoid repeating the names in multiple places.
#set $ws1 "1: Terminals "
#set $ws2 "2: Browser "
#set $ws3 "3: Mail "
#set $ws4 "4: Office "
#set $ws5 "5: Music "
#set $ws6 "6: Speakprogram "
#set $ws7 "7: IDE "
#set $ws8 "8: Steam "
#set $ws9 "9: Chat "
#set $ws10 "10: Others "
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+1 workspace number 1; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+2 workspace number 2; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+3 workspace number 3; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
@ -158,6 +95,17 @@ bindsym --no-repeat $mod+8 workspace number 8; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+9 workspace number 9; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+0 workspace number 10; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+Ctrl+1 workspace number 11; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+Ctrl+2 workspace number 12; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+Ctrl+3 workspace number 13; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+Ctrl+4 workspace number 14; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+Ctrl+5 workspace number 15; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+Ctrl+6 workspace number 16; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+Ctrl+7 workspace number 17; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+Ctrl+8 workspace number 18; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+Ctrl+9 workspace number 19; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+Ctrl+0 workspace number 20; exec "echo 1 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --release $mod+1 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --release $mod+2 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --release $mod+3 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
@ -169,6 +117,17 @@ bindsym --release $mod+8 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --release $mod+9 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --release $mod+0 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+1 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+2 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+3 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+4 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+5 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+6 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+7 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+8 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+9 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym --release $mod+Ctrl+0 exec "echo 0 > /tmp/sov"
bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace number 1
bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace number 2
bindsym $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace number 3
@ -180,94 +139,20 @@ bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace number 8
bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace number 9
bindsym $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace number 10
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+1 [workspace="1"] move workspace to output current
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+2 [workspace="2"] move workspace to output current
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+3 [workspace="3"] move workspace to output current
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+4 [workspace="4"] move workspace to output current
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+5 [workspace="5"] move workspace to output current
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+6 [workspace="6"] move workspace to output current
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+7 [workspace="7"] move workspace to output current
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+8 [workspace="8"] move workspace to output current
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+9 [workspace="9"] move workspace to output current
bindsym $mod+Ctrl+0 [workspace="10"] move workspace to output current
# reload the configuration file
bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload
# restart i3 inplace (preserves your layout/session, can be used to upgrade i3)
bindsym $mod+Shift+r reload
# exit sway (logs you out of your Wayland session)
bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec swaynag -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -b 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'
# resize window (you can also use the mouse for that)
mode "resize" {
# These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode
# Pressing left will shrink the window’s width.
# Pressing right will grow the window’s width.
# Pressing up will shrink the window’s height.
# Pressing down will grow the window’s height.
bindsym j resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym k resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym l resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym odiaeresis resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
# same bindings, but for the arrow keys
bindsym Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
# back to normal: Enter or Escape or $mod+r
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
bindsym $mod+r mode "default"
bindsym $mod+r mode "resize"
# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
# finds out, if available)
#client.focused #81a2be #81a2be #1d1f21 #282a2e
#client.focused_inactive #373b41 #373b41 #969896 #282a2e
#client.unfocused #282a2e #282a2e #969896 #282a2e
#client.urgent #373b41 #cc6666 #ffffff #cc6666
# Status-Bar
#exec_always --no-startup-id $HOME/.config/polybar/ --cuts
# bar {
# swaybar_command /usr/bin/swaybar
# #font pango:Terminus (TTF) Bold 12
# #font pango:Hack Nerd Font 13
# font pango:Hack Bold 14
# #font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono, FontAwesome 12
# #font pango:MesloLGM Nerd Font Bold 13
# position top
# status_command i3status-rs ~/.config/i3status-rust/config.toml
# #
# separator_symbol
# colors {
# background $bg-color
# statusline #263238
# separator #757575
# #colors outline background number
# active_workspace #009688 #009688 #eceff1
# focused_workspace $bg-color $bg-color $text-color
# inactive_workspace $inactive-bg-color $inactive-bg-color $inactive-text-color
# urgent_workspace $urgent-bg-color $urgent-bg-color $text-color
# }
# }
# Read `man 5 sway-bar` for more information about this section.
bar {
swaybar_command waybar
mode "resize" {
bindsym Left resize shrink width 10px
bindsym Down resize grow height 10px
bindsym Up resize shrink height 10px
bindsym Right resize grow width 10px
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
input * {
@ -276,7 +161,7 @@ input * {
natural_scroll disabled
middle_emulation enabled
# Flat or adaptative
# Flat (deactivated) or adaptative (activated)
accel_profile adaptive
# Between -1.0 and 1.0
@ -294,10 +179,12 @@ seat seat0 xcursor_theme capitaine-cursors 16
# display resoulution
output eDP-1 pos 0 0 res 1920x1080
set $gnome-schema org.gnome.desktop.interface
exec_always {
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-theme capitaine-cursors
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme Arc-Dark
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme Papirus-Dark
gsettings set $gnome-schema cursor-theme capitaine-cursors
gsettings set $gnome-schema gtk-theme Arc-Dark
gsettings set $gnome-schema icon-theme Papirus-Dark
gsettings set $gnome-schema font-name 'Cantarell 12'
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme "Arc-Dark"
@ -340,131 +227,46 @@ bindsym $mod+t exec pcmanfm-qt
bindsym $mod+shift+t exec thunderbird
bindsym $mod+n exec wezterm start nmtui
#bindsym $mod+o exec termite -e /usr/bin/alsamixer
#bindsym $mod+y exec alacritty -e ncmpcpp
# Alsa-Steuerung & Lautstärke einstellen
#bindsym $mod+i exec amixer set Speaker 5%+
#bindsym $mod+u exec amixer set Speaker 5%-
bindsym $mod+i exec pamixer --allow-boost -i 5
bindsym $mod+shift+i exec pamixer --allow-boost -d 5
bindsym $mod+shift+v exec "if pamixer --get-mute; then pamixer --unmute; else pamixer --mute; fi"
#bindsym $mod+shift+v exec amixer set Speaker toggle
#bindsym $mod+shift+h exec amixer set Capture toggle
# xprop
# Einstellungen für spezielle Programme (exact match instead of substring)
# Remmina (swaymsg -t get_tree)
for_window [app_id="org.remmina.Remmina"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="org.remmina.Remmina"] resize set 1000 600
for_window [app_id="foot"] border pixel 1
for_window [app_id="iwgtk"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="blueman-manager"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="blueman-manager"] resize set 1000 600
for_window [app_id="pavucontrol"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="pavucontrol"] resize set 1000 600
for_window [app_id="org.gnome.Nautilus"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="pcmanfm-qt"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="pcmanfm-qt"] resize set 1000 600
for_window [app_id="gnome-system-monitor"] floating enable; resize shrink down 100px; resize shrink up 100px
for_window [app_id="wdisplays"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="wdisplays"] resize set 1000 600
for_window [app_id="pavucontrol"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="pavucontrol"] resize set 1000 600
for_window [app_id="pavucontrol-qt"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="pavucontrol-qt"] resize set 1000 600
for_window [app_id="lxqt-archiver"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="lxqt-archiver"] resize set 1000 600
for_window [app_id="pcmanfm"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="pcmanfm"] resize set 1000 600
for_window [app_id="pcmanfm-qt"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="pcmanfm-qt"] resize set 1000 600
for_window [app_id="imv"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="pamac-manager"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="lxqt-policykit-agent"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="org.remmina.Remmina"] floating enable
for_window [app_id="org.remmina.Remmina"] resize set 1000 600
for_window [class="(?i)vlc"] floating disable border none
for_window [class="(?i)virtualbox"] floating enable border normal
for_window [class="(?i)claws-mail"] floating enable border normal
for_window [class="mplayer"] floating disable border none
for_window [title="Wicd"] floating enable border normal
for_window [title="galculator"] floating enable border normal
for_window [title="Verbindungsinformationen"] floating enable border normal
for_window [title="Lautstärkeregler"] floating enable border normal
for_window [title="Freundesliste"] floating enable border normal
# Einstellungen Fensterverhalten für bestimmte Programme im Terminal
for_window [class="Alpine"] floating enable border none
for_window [class="calcurse"] floating enable border none
for_window [class="newsbeuter"] floating enable border none
for_window [class="weechat"] floating enable border none
# Starter für Progs im Terminal
bindsym $mod+F1 exec wezterm start arch-install
bindsym $mod+F2 exec wezterm start bashtop
bindsym $mod+F3 exec wezterm start nmtui
# assign special properties
for_window [class="^Pavucontrol$"] floating enable
for_window [title="MonoDevelop External Console"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Shutter$"] floating enable
# Enables floating windows of the chrome extension "Videostream for Chromecast"
for_window [instance="^crx_cnciopoikihiagdjbjpnocolokfelagl$"] floating enable
# The Chrome "Page Unresponsive" dialog is not floating...
for_window [title="Page Unresponsive"] floating enable
# Share your screen from Google Cast extension
for_window [title="Share your screen - Google Cast"] floating enable
# TeamSpeak new features window
for_window [class="^TeamSpeak 3$" title="^New TeamSpeak Features"] floating enable
# Android Device Monitor startup window
for_window [class="^Monitor$" instance="^Monitor$" title="^Monitor$"] floating enable
# chromeIPass "No logins found." window
for_window [title="^chromeIPass$"] floating enable
# Jetbrains
for_window [class="^com-intellij-updater-Runner$" title="^Update$"] floating enable
for_window [instance="^sun-awt-X11-XDialogPeer$" title="^Complete Installation$"] floating enable
# Unity
for_window [class="^Unity$" title="^Starting Unity...$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Unity$" title="^Hold On$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Unity$" title="^Preparing Package$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Unity$" title="^Importing Package$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Friends$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="Steam - News"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title=".* - Chat"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Settings$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title=".* - event started"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title=".* CD key"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Steam - Self Updater$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Screenshot Uploader$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="^Steam Guard - Computer Authorization Required$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="Steam-Bibliotheksordner$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^Steam$" title="Neuen Steam-Bibliotheksordner auswählen oder erstellen:$"] floating enable
for_window [title="^Steam Keyboard$"] floating enable
#for_window [title="^Steam$"] floating enable
# There is no specific property for windows that should be floating (eg. the WM_NAME is the device name (PC1))
for_window [class="^PacketTracer6$"] floating enable
for_window [class="^PacketTracer6$" title="PT Activity"] floating disable
for_window [class="^PacketTracer6$" title="Cisco Packet Tracer"] floating disable
# Alsa-Steuerung & Lautstärke einstellen
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% && pamixer --get-volume > /tmp/wob
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5% && pamixer --get-volume > /tmp/wob
# Steuerung der Helligkeit
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec brightnessctl set 5%- | sed -En 's/.*\(([0-9]+)%\).*/\1/p' > /tmp/wob
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec brightnessctl set +5% | sed -En 's/.*\(([0-9]+)%\).*/\1/p' > /tmp/wob
# Touchpad controls
bindsym XF86TouchpadToggle exec /usr/bin/touchpad_toggle # toggle touchpad
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle
bindsym XF86AudioMicMute exec pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% && pamixer --get-volume > /tmp/wob
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5% && pamixer --get-volume > /tmp/wob
# Media player controls
bindsym XF86AudioPlay exec playerctl play
bindsym XF86AudioPause exec playerctl pause
bindsym $mod+XF86AudioPlay exec "echo 1 > /tmp/vmp"
bindsym $mod+XF86AudioNext exec "echo 2 > /tmp/vmp"
bindsym $mod+XF86AudioPrev exec "echo 3 > /tmp/vmp"
bindsym XF86AudioPlay exec playerctl play-pause
bindsym XF86AudioNext exec playerctl next
bindsym XF86AudioPrev exec playerctl previous
bindsym XF86Search exec fuzzel
# monitor-picture
# 1. Capture a Selection
@ -475,16 +277,22 @@ bindsym Shift+Print exec grim $(xdg-user-dir PICTURES)/$(date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S_
bindsym $mod+p exec wlogout -p layer-shell
bindsym --no-repeat $mod+Shift+p exec "echo 2 > /tmp/wcp"
# swaylock
bindsym $mod+shift+x exec swaylock -c 000000
# exit sway (logs you out of your Wayland session)
bindsym $mod+Shift+e exec swaynag -t warning -m 'You pressed the exit shortcut. Do you really want to exit sway? This will end your Wayland session.' -b 'Yes, exit sway' 'swaymsg exit'
# Power control script - a useful replacement for the normal i3 exiting keybind.
set $mode_system System (1) lock, (e) logout, (s) suspend, (h) hibernate, (r) reboot, (d) shutdown
mode "$mode_system" {
bindsym 1 exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/sway/swayexit lock, mode "default"
bindsym e exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/sway/swayexit logout, mode "default"
bindsym s exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/sway/swayexit suspend, mode "default"
bindsym h exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/sway/swayexit hibernate, mode "default"
bindsym r exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/sway/swayexit reboot, mode "default"
bindsym d exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/sway/swayexit shutdown, mode "default"
bindsym 1 exec ~/.config/sway/swayexit lock, mode "default"
bindsym e exec ~/.config/sway/swayexit logout, mode "default"
bindsym s exec ~/.config/sway/swayexit suspend, mode "default"
bindsym h exec ~/.config/sway/swayexit hibernate, mode "default"
bindsym r exec ~/.config/sway/swayexit reboot, mode "default"
bindsym d exec ~/.config/sway/swayexit shutdown, mode "default"
# back to normal: Enter or Escape
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
@ -495,10 +303,10 @@ bindsym $mod+x mode "$mode_system"
# Set the shortcuts and what they do
set $mode_display Ext Screen (v) eDP ON, (h) HDMI ON, (x) eDP OFF, (y) HDMI OFF
mode "$mode_display" {
bindsym v exec --no-startup-id output eDP-1 enable && output eDP-1 pos 1920 0 res 1920x1080
bindsym h exec --no-startup-id output HDMI-A-1 enable && output HDMI-A-1 pos 1920 0 res 1920x1080
bindsym x exec --no-startup-id output eDP-1 disable
bindsym y exec --no-startup-id output HDMI-A-1 disable
bindsym v exec output eDP-1 enable && output eDP-1 pos 1920 0 res 1920x1080, mode "default"
bindsym h exec output HDMI-A-1 enable && output HDMI-A-1 pos 1920 0 res 1920x1080, mode "default"
bindsym x exec output eDP-1 disable, mode "default"
bindsym y exec output HDMI-A-1 disable, mode "default"
# back to normal: Enter or Escape
bindsym Return mode "default"
@ -513,48 +321,20 @@ workspace_auto_back_and_forth yes
bindsym $mod+z workspace back_and_forth
bindsym $mod+Shift+z move container to workspace back_and_forth; workspace back_and_forth
# volumeicon
#exec --no-startup-id volumeicon
# Networkmanager
exec --no-startup-id nm-applet
exec nm-applet
# Bluetooth
exec --no-startup-id blueman-applet
# Start xscreensaver
#exec --no-startup-id "xscreensaver -no-splash"
# Start Pulseaudio Server
#already started
#exec --no-startup-id "pulseaudio --start"
exec blueman-applet
# Start mako-notifyd Service
exec --no-startup-id "mako -c .config/mako/config"
exec "mako -c .config/mako/config"
# Start volumeicon tray paystray (pulseaudio)
#exec --no-startup-id "pasystray --notify=all"
# authentication manager
exec /usr/bin/lxqt-policykit-agent
# imwheel faster scrolling (deactivated sound bug)
#exec --no-startup-id imwheel
# authentication manager (
exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/lxqt-policykit-agent
# xfce4-power-manager
#exec --no-startup-id xfce4-power-manager
# start gnome-keyring-daemon
#exec --no-startup-id /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=ssh,secrets,pkcs11
# notify service from smartphone
#exec --no-startup-id /opt/an2linuxserver/
# Adjust the color temperature of your screen according to your surroundings.
#exec gammastep
# starting Steam
#exec --no-startup-id sleep 30 && steam-native
# Waybar
exec waybar
# Clipboard Manager
exec wl-paste -t text --watch clipman store
@ -568,19 +348,8 @@ exec rm -f /tmp/wob && mkfifo /tmp/wob && tail -f /tmp/wob | wob
exec rm -f /tmp/sov && mkfifo /tmp/sov && tail -f /tmp/sov | sov -t 200
exec rm -f /tmp/wcp && mkfifo /tmp/wcp && tail -f /tmp/wcp | wcp -f 300x190 -m 20 -a rt
# swaylock
#convert image.jpg -resize $(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | sed -r 's/^[^0-9]*([0-9]+x[0-9]+).*$/\1/') RGB:- | i3lock --raw $(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | sed -r 's/^[^0-9]*([0-9]+x[0-9]+).*$/\1/'):rgb --image /dev/stdin
bindsym $mod+shift+x exec swaylock -c 000000
#bindsym $mod+shift+b exec xtrlock
### i3-gaps stuff ###
# Necessary for i3-gaps to work properly (pixel can be any value)
for_window [class="^.*"] border pixel 3
default_border none
default_floating_border normal
# Smart Gaps
smart_gaps on
@ -588,50 +357,9 @@ smart_gaps on
# Smart Borders
smart_borders on
# Set inner/outer gaps
gaps inner 12
gaps outer -2
# Gaps mode
set $mode_gaps Gaps: (o) outer, (i) inner
set $mode_gaps_outer Outer Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global)
set $mode_gaps_inner Inner Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift + +|-|0 (global)
bindsym $mod+Shift+g mode "$mode_gaps"
mode "$mode_gaps" {
bindsym o mode "$mode_gaps_outer"
bindsym i mode "$mode_gaps_inner"
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
mode "$mode_gaps_inner" {
bindsym plus gaps inner current plus 5
bindsym minus gaps inner current minus 5
bindsym 0 gaps inner current set 0
bindsym Shift+plus gaps inner all plus 5
bindsym Shift+minus gaps inner all minus 5
bindsym Shift+0 gaps inner all set 0
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
mode "$mode_gaps_outer" {
bindsym plus gaps outer current plus 5
bindsym minus gaps outer current minus 5
bindsym 0 gaps outer current set 0
bindsym Shift+plus gaps outer all plus 5
bindsym Shift+minus gaps outer all minus 5
bindsym Shift+0 gaps outer all set 0
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
default_border none
default_floating_border normal
gaps inner 5
gaps outer 0
gaps top -5
#xwayland disable
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
if [ -z $DISPLAY ] && [ "$(tty)" = "/dev/tty1" ]; then
# First make sure dbus is started
if [ -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ]; then
export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="$(dbus-daemon --session --fork --print-address)"
@ -8,9 +7,10 @@ if [ -z $DISPLAY ] && [ "$(tty)" = "/dev/tty1" ]; then
# Paragraph modified from
if [ -z "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}" ]; then
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR="/tmp/${UID}-runtime-dir"
if ! [ -d "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}" ]; then
if test -z "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"; then
UID="$(id -u)"
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/"${UID}"-runtime-dir
if ! test -d "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"; then
mkdir "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"
chmod 0700 "${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}"
@ -49,5 +49,7 @@ if [ -z $DISPLAY ] && [ "$(tty)" = "/dev/tty1" ]; then
#export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/.local/lib/
#XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=sway dbus-run-session sway
exec sway
@ -1,124 +1,25 @@
autoload -U promptinit; promptinit;
# needed for history and autosuggestions
export HISTFILE=~/.zhistory
export HISTSIZE=10000000
export SAVEHIST=10000000
autoload -U compinit
zstyle ':completion:*' menu yes select
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list '' 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}'
zstyle ':completion:*' rehash true
autoload -U select-word-style
select-word-style bash
setopt auto_cd
setopt interactive_comments
setopt inc_append_history
setopt share_history
for index ({1..9}) alias "$index"="cd +${index}"; unset index
bindkey "^[[H" beginning-of-line # HOME
bindkey "^[[F" end-of-line # END
bindkey "^[[3~" delete-char # DEL
bindkey -M emacs '\e#' pound-insert # ALT+#
bindkey '^R' history-incremental-pattern-search-backward
mem() {
echo $(echo $(smem -t -P $1 | tail -n 1 | rev | cut -d ' ' -f 2 | rev) / 1024 | bc) MB
# make midnight commander colorful
export TERM=xterm-256color
# by default backspace deletes whole word
bindkey "^H" backward-delete-char
# up/down should search in history not step
bindkey '\e[A' history-beginning-search-backward
bindkey '\e[B' history-beginning-search-forward
# colored prompt
autoload -U colors && colors
PS1="%{$fg[red]%}%n%{$reset_color%}@%{$fg[blue]%}%m %{$fg[yellow]%}%/ %{$reset_color%}% "
# called when executing a command
function preexec {
print -Pn "\e]0;${(q)1}\e\\"
alias eZ="vim ~/.zshrc"
alias eI="vim ~/.config/i3/config"
alias eW="vim ~/.config/wezterm/wezterm.lua"
alias eI="vim ~/.config/i3/config"
alias eV="vim ~/.vimrc"
alias eS="vim ~/.config/starship.toml"
alias wetter="curl; sleep 5; curl"
alias history="history 0"
alias etcher="usbimager"
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias s='the-way search'
function deepl
echo "$args"
echo "$args" | command deepl -s --to en
alias deepl="noglob deepl"
function rm
/bin/rm $@ -I
function ask
ai ask "$args"
alias ask="noglob ask"
alias chatgpt="noglob chatgpt --"
alias history="history | fzf"
function imgcat()
local CNT=0
local IFS=$'\n'
local posY=$(($(echo -e "cols" | tput -S) / 2))
local posX=$(($(echo -e "lines" | tput -S) / 4))
for i in $(find $1 -type f -exec file --mime-type {} \+ | awk -F: '{if ($2 ~/image\//) print $1}'); do
if test $(($CNT % 2)) -eq 0 && test "$2" != "-1"; then
printf "\033[${posX}A"
printf "\033[${posY}C"
echo -e "==== $(basename $i) ===="
printf "\033[${posY}C"
echo -e "==== $(basename $i) ===="
if echo "$i" | grep -e ".svg$" &> /dev/null; then
ffmpeg -i "$i" -vf scale=640:-1 -f image2pipe -vcodec png - 2> /dev/null | wezterm imgcat --height 20%
wezterm imgcat --height 20% "$i";
function cmdsave() {
PREV=$(fc -lrn | head -n 1)
sh -c "the-way cmd `printf %q "$PREV"`"
function cmdsearch() {
BUFFER=$(the-way search --stdout --languages="sh")
print -z $BUFFER
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/repos/scripts/helper"
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/scripts"
export PNPM_HOME="$HOME/.local/share/pnpm"
export TERMINAL=wezterm
export EDITOR=vim
source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh
source /usr/share/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh
source /usr/share/fzf/key-bindings.zsh
export EDITOR="vim"
eval "$(starship init zsh)"
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