#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Fetch weather for your city from OpenWeatherMap # You need an API key to fetch data, and store the API key inside ENV # export I3_OWM_APIKEY="0986273cf8ac41578b90bcc90bc559b4" # Depends on Weather Icons: https://erikflowers.github.io/weather-icons/ require 'open-uri' require 'json' # Get info from open weather map class Weather API = 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?id=CITY&units=metric&APPID=APIKEY' API_KEY = 'API-KEY-HERE' attr_accessor :api_url, :weather def initialize(city) @api_url = API.gsub('CITY', city).gsub('APIKEY', API_KEY) @weather = contact_openweathermap end # Public - Return formated response - temperature / weather # # Returns String def show info = @weather['weather'][0]['main'] temp = @weather['main']['temp'] " #{temp} #{icon(info)} #{info}" end private # Private - Use FontAwesome icons to show the weather conditions # # Returns Unicode char def icon(weather) case weather when 'Fog' then '' when /Clear/ then ' ' when /Rain/ then '' when /Cloud/ then '' when /Snow/ then '' else '' end end # Private - Fetch information from OpenWeatherMap # # Returns Hash def contact_openweathermap JSON.parse(open(@api_url).read) end end # city = 'Zagreb' city_id = '6618983' out = Weather.new(city_id).show puts "#{out}"