#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2015 James Murphy # Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 only. # # i3blocks blocklet script to output connected usb storage device info. import os def _default(name, default='', arg_type=str): val = default if name in os.environ: val = os.environ[name] return arg_type(val) ############################################################################### # BEGIN CONFIG # Most of these can be specified as command line options, run with --help for # more information. # You may edit any of the following entries. DO NOT delete any of them, else # the main script will have unpredictable behavior. ############################################################################### # Color options, can be a color name or #RRGGBB INFO_TEXT_COLOR = _default("INFO_TEXT_COLOR", "white") MOUNTED_COLOR = _default("MOUNTED_COLOR", "green") PLUGGED_COLOR = _default("PLUGGED_COLOR", "gray") LOCKED_COLOR = _default("LOCKED_COLOR", "gray") UNLOCKED_NOT_MOUNTED_COLOR = _default("UNLOCKED_NOT_MOUNTED_COLOR", "yellow") PARTITIONLESS_COLOR = _default("PARTITIONLESS_COLOR", "red") # Default texts PARTITIONLESS_TEXT = _default("PARTITIONLESS_TEXT", "no partitions") SEPARATOR = _default("SEPARATOR", "<span color='gray'> | </span>") # Indicate whether an encrypted partition is locked/unlocked, "" is allowed. LOCKED_INDICATOR = _default("LOCKED_INDICATOR", "\uf023 ") UNLOCKED_INDICATOR = _default("UNLOCKED_INDICATOR", "\uf09c ") # Shows instead of space available when a partition is mounted readonly READONLY_INDICATOR = _default("READONLY_INDICATOR", "ro") # Maximum length of a filesystem label to display. Use None to disable # truncation, a positive integer to right truncate to that many characters, or # a negative integer to left truncate to that many characters. Setting this # option to 0 will disable the displaying of filesystem labels. TRUNCATE_FS_LABELS = _default("TRUNCASE_FS_LABELS", None) # List of devices to ignore. Must be a valid python3 representation of a list # of strings IGNORE_LIST = _default("IGNORE_LIST", "[]") if IGNORE_LIST: import ast IGNORE_LIST = list(map(lambda p: p if p.startswith("/") else "/dev/{}".format(p), ast.literal_eval(IGNORE_LIST) )) # Edit this function to ignore certain devices (e.g. those that are always # plugged in). # The dictionary udev_attributes_dict contains all the attributes given by # udevadm info --query=propery --name=$path def ignore(path, udev_attributes_dict): # E.g. how to ignore devices whose device name begins with /dev/sda #if udev_attributes_dict["DEVNAME"].startswith("/dev/sda"): # return True return False # Edit this function to ignore devices before the udev attributes are # computed in order to save time and memory. def fastIgnore(path): if path in IGNORE_LIST: return True # E.g. how to to ignore devices whose path begins with /dev/sda #if path.startswith("/dev/sda"): # return True # E.g. how to ignore a fixed set of paths #if path in [ "/dev/path1", "/dev/path2", "/dev/path3" ]: # return True return False ############################################################################### # END CONFIG # DO NOT EDIT ANYTHING AFTER THIS POINT UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING ############################################################################### from subprocess import check_output import argparse def pangoEscape(text): return text.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">") def getLeafDevicePaths(): lines = check_output(['lsblk', '-spndo', 'NAME'], universal_newlines=True) lines = lines.split("\n") lines = filter(None, lines) return lines def getKernelName(path): return check_output(['lsblk', '-ndso', 'KNAME', path], universal_newlines=True).rstrip("\n") def getDeviceType(path): return check_output(['lsblk', '-no', 'TYPE', path], universal_newlines=True).strip() def getFSType(path): global attributeMaps return attributeMaps[path].get("ID_FS_TYPE") def isLUKSPartition(path): return getFSType(path) == "crypto_LUKS" def isSwapPartition(path): return getFSType(path) == "swap" def getFSLabel(path): global attributeMaps label = attributeMaps[path].get("ID_FS_LABEL_ENC", "") if label: label = label.encode().decode("unicode-escape") if type(TRUNCATE_FS_LABELS) == int: if TRUNCATE_FS_LABELS >= 0: label = label[:TRUNCATE_FS_LABELS] elif TRUNCATE_FS_LABELS < 0: label = label[TRUNCATE_FS_LABELS:] return label def getFSOptions(path): lines = check_output(['findmnt', '-no', 'FS-OPTIONS', path], universal_newlines=True).strip() lines = lines.split(",") return lines def isReadOnly(path): return "ro" in getFSOptions(path) def isExtendedPartitionMarker(path): global attributeMaps MARKERS = ["0xf", "0x5"] return attributeMaps[path].get("ID_PART_ENTRY_TYPE") in MARKERS def getMountPoint(path): return check_output(['lsblk', '-ndo', 'MOUNTPOINT', path], universal_newlines=True).rstrip("\n") def getSpaceAvailable(path): lines = check_output(['df', '-h', '--output=avail', path], universal_newlines=True) lines = lines.split("\n") if len(lines) != 3: return "" else: return lines[1].strip() def getLockedCryptOutput(path): form = "<span color='{}'>[{}{}]</span>" kname = pangoEscape(getKernelName(path)) output = form.format(LOCKED_COLOR, LOCKED_INDICATOR, kname) return output def getParentKernelName(path): lines = check_output(['lsblk', '-nso', 'KNAME', path], universal_newlines=True) lines = lines.split("\n") if len(lines) > 2: return lines[1].rstrip("\n") else: return "" def getUnlockedCryptOutput(path): mountPoint = getMountPoint(path) if mountPoint: color = MOUNTED_COLOR if isReadOnly(path): spaceAvail = READONLY_INDICATOR else: spaceAvail = pangoEscape(getSpaceAvailable(path)) mountPoint = "<i>{}</i>:".format(pangoEscape(mountPoint)) else: color = UNLOCKED_NOT_MOUNTED_COLOR spaceAvail = "" kernelName = pangoEscape(getKernelName(path)) parentKernelName = pangoEscape(getParentKernelName(path)) block = "<span color='{}'>[{}{}:{}]</span>" block = block.format(color, UNLOCKED_INDICATOR, parentKernelName, kernelName) label = pangoEscape(getFSLabel(path)) if label: label = '"{}"'.format(label) items = [block, label, mountPoint, spaceAvail] return " ".join(filter(None, items)) def getSwapOutput(path): return "" def getUnencryptedPartitionOutput(path): mountPoint = getMountPoint(path) if mountPoint: color = MOUNTED_COLOR if isReadOnly(path): spaceAvail = READONLY_INDICATOR else: spaceAvail = pangoEscape(getSpaceAvailable(path)) mountPoint = "<i>{}</i>:".format(pangoEscape(mountPoint)) else: color = PLUGGED_COLOR spaceAvail = "" kernelName = pangoEscape(getKernelName(path)) block = "<span color='{}'>[{}]</span>" block = block.format(color, kernelName) label = pangoEscape(getFSLabel(path)) if label: label = '"{}"'.format(label) items = [block, label, mountPoint, spaceAvail] return " ".join(filter(None, items)) def getDiskWithNoPartitionsOutput(path): form = "<span color='{}'>[{}] {}</span>" kernelName = pangoEscape(getKernelName(path)) return form.format(PARTITIONLESS_COLOR, kernelName, PARTITIONLESS_TEXT) def getOutput(path): if isSwapPartition(path): return getSwapOutput(path) t = getDeviceType(path) if t == "part": if isExtendedPartitionMarker(path): return "" elif isLUKSPartition(path): return getLockedCryptOutput(path) else: return getUnencryptedPartitionOutput(path) elif t == "disk": return getDiskWithNoPartitionsOutput(path) elif t == "crypt": return getUnlockedCryptOutput(path) elif t == "rom" : return "" def makeAttributeMap(path): attributeMap = {} lines = check_output( ['udevadm','info','--query=property','--name={}'.format(path)], universal_newlines=True) lines = lines.split("\n") for line in lines: if line: key, val = line.split("=", maxsplit=1) attributeMap[key] = val return attributeMap def getAttributeMaps(paths): return {path : makeAttributeMap(path) for path in paths} def parseArguments(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="usb.py", description="i3blocks blocklet script to output connected" " usb storage device info") parser.add_argument("--info-text-color", nargs=1, help="Set the info text color. " "Default: {}".format(INFO_TEXT_COLOR)) parser.add_argument("--mounted-color", nargs=1, help="Set the color of mounted devices. " "Default: {}".format(MOUNTED_COLOR)) parser.add_argument("--plugged-color", nargs=1, help="Set the color of plugged devices. " "Default: {}".format(PLUGGED_COLOR)) parser.add_argument("--locked-color", nargs=1, help="Set the color of locked crypt devices. " "Default: {}".format(LOCKED_COLOR)) parser.add_argument("--unlocked-not-mounted-color", nargs=1, help="Set the color of unlocked not mounted crypt devices. " "Default: {}".format(UNLOCKED_NOT_MOUNTED_COLOR)) parser.add_argument("--partitionless-color", nargs=1, help="Set the color of devicees with no partitions. " "Defaut: {}".format(PARTITIONLESS_COLOR)) parser.add_argument("--partitionless-text", nargs=1, help="Set the text to display for a device with no partitions. " "Default: {}".format(PARTITIONLESS_TEXT)) parser.add_argument("--separator", nargs=1, help="Set the separator between devices. " "Default: {}".format(SEPARATOR)) parser.add_argument("--locked-indicator", nargs=1, help="Set the indicator to use for a locked crypt device. " "Default: {}".format(LOCKED_INDICATOR)) parser.add_argument("--unlocked-indicator", nargs=1, help="Set the indicator to use for an unlocked crypt device. " "Default: {}".format(UNLOCKED_INDICATOR)) parser.add_argument("--readonly-indicator", nargs=1, help="Set the indicator to use for a readonly device. " "Default: {}".format(READONLY_INDICATOR)) parser.add_argument("--truncate-fs-labels", type=int, nargs=1, help="Trucate device labels to a certain number of characters, must be" "an integer." "Default: {}".format(TRUNCATE_FS_LABELS)) parser.add_argument("-i", "--ignore", action="append", help="Ignore a device by path. " "If path doesn't begin with / then it is assumed to be in /dev/") args = parser.parse_args() setParsedArgs(args) def setParsedArgs(args): if args.info_text_color != None: global INFO_TEXT_COLOR INFO_TEXT_COLOR = args.info_text_color[0] if args.mounted_color != None: global MOUNTED_COLOR MOUNTED_COLOR = args.mounted_color[0] if args.plugged_color != None: global PLUGGED_COLOR PLUGGED_COLOR = args.plugged_color[0] if args.locked_color != None: global LOCKED_COLOR LOCKED_COLOR = args.locked_color[0] if args.unlocked_not_mounted_color != None: global UNLOCKED_NOT_MOUNTED_COLOR UNLOCKED_NOT_MOUNTED_COLOR = args.unlocked_not_mounted_color[0] if args.partitionless_color != None: global PARTITIONLESS_COLOR PARTITIONLESS_COLOR = args.partitionless_color[0] if args.partitionless_text != None: global PARTITIONLESS_TEXT PARTITIONLESS_TEXT = args.partitionless_text[0] if args.separator != None: global SEPARATOR SEPARATOR = args.separator[0] if args.locked_indicator != None: global LOCKED_INDICATOR LOCKED_INDICATOR = args.locked_indicator[0] if args.unlocked_indicator != None: global UNLOCKED_INDICATOR UNLOCKED_INDICATOR = args.unlocked_indicator[0] if args.readonly_indicator != None: global READONLY_INDICATOR READONLY_INDICATOR = args.readonly_indicator[0] if args.truncate_fs_labels != None: global TRUNCATE_FS_LABELS TRUNCATE_FS_LABELS = args.truncate_fs_labels[0] if args.ignore != None: args.ignore = list(map(lambda p: p if p.startswith("/") else "/dev/{}".format(p), args.ignore)) global fastIgnore oldFastIgnore = fastIgnore def newFastIgnore(path): return oldFastIgnore(path) or path in args.ignore fastIgnore = newFastIgnore parseArguments() leaves = getLeafDevicePaths() leaves = [path for path in leaves if not fastIgnore(path)] attributeMaps = getAttributeMaps(leaves) leaves = (path for path in leaves if not ignore(path, attributeMaps[path])) outputs = filter(None, map(getOutput, leaves)) output = SEPARATOR.join(outputs) if output: output = "<span color='{}'>{}</span>".format(INFO_TEXT_COLOR, output) print(output) print(output)