# i3blocks config file # # Please see man i3blocks for a complete reference! # The man page is also hosted at http://vivien.github.io/i3blocks # # List of valid properties: # # align # color # command # full_text # instance # interval # label # min_width # name # separator # separator_block_width # short_text # signal # urgent command=$SCRIPT_DIR/$BLOCK_NAME color=#E0E0E0 # Global properties # # The top properties below are applied to every block, but can be overridden. # Each block command defaults to the script name to avoid boilerplate. command=/usr/lib/i3blocks/$BLOCK_NAME separator_block_width=7 markup=pango #[mediaplayer] #command=printf "<span font_family=\"FontAwesome\"></span> %s" "$(mpc current )" #instance=mpd #interval=5 #signal=10 #color=#E0E0E0 #color=#556270 #color=#FE4365 [batterybar] command=~/.config/i3/batterybar label=bat: interval=5 markup=pango min_width=bat: ■■■■■ color=#E0E0E0 # Discharging colors low to high #C1=#FF0027 #C2=#FF3B05 #C3=#FFB923 #C4=#FFD000 #C5=#E4FF00 #C6=#ADFF00 #C7=#6DFF00 #C8=#10BA00 #CHARGING_COLOR=#00AFE3 #FULL_COLOR=#FFFFFF #AC_COLOR=#535353 # Volume indicator # # The first parameter sets the step (and units to display) # The second parameter overrides the mixer selection # See the script for details. [volume] #command=printf "<span font_family=\"FontAwesome\"> </span> %s" "$(amixer get Speaker | grep -E -o '[0-9]{1,3}?%' | head -1)" command=printf "<span font_family=\"FontAwesome\"> </span> %s" "$(pamixer --get-volume-human)" #label=♪ # instance=Master # instance=PCM interval=1 color=#E0E0E0 #color=#556270 signal=10 [loading] command=printf "<span font_family=\"FontAwesome\"> </span> %s" "$(awk {'print $1,$2,$3 '} /proc/loadavg)" interval=2 color=#E0E0E0 #color=#556270 separator=true # Memory usage # # The type defaults to "mem" if the instance is not specified. [memory] command=printf "<span font_family=\"FontAwesome\"> </span> %s" "$(bash ~/.config/i3/mem)" separator=false color=#E0E0E0 #color=#556270 interval=30 separator=true [temperature] command=printf "<span font_family=\"FontAwesome\"> </span> %s" "$(bash ~/.config/i3/sensors.sh)" color=#E0E0E0 #color=#556270 interval=5 [vpn] command=printf "<span font_family=\"FontAwesome\"> %s </span>" "$(bash ~/.config/i3/vpn.sh)" label= VPN color=#E0E0E0 #color=#556270 interval=5 [disk] command=~/.config/i3/disk.sh interval=1 label= color=#E0E0E0 #[weather] #command=printf "<span font_family=\"Weather Icons\"> %s </span>" "$(ruby ~/.config/i3/weather.rb)" #interval=300 #color=#556270 #separator=true #[memory] #label=SWAP #instance=swap #separator=false #interval=30 # Disk usage # # The directory defaults to $HOME if the instance is not specified. # The script may be called with a optional argument to set the alert # (defaults to 10 for 10%). #[disk] #command=printf "<span font_family=\"FontAwesome\"></span> %s" "$(/usr/bin/i3blocks/$BLOCK_NAME)" #instance=/mnt/data #interval=30 # Network interface monitoring # # If the instance is not specified, use the interface used for default route. # The address can be forced to IPv4 or IPv6 with -4 or -6 switches. #[wifi] #instance=wlp3s0 #interval=10 #separator=false # [bandwidth] #command=printf "<span font_family=\"FontAwesome\"></span> %s" "$(/usr/lib/i3blocks/$BLOCK_NAME)" #instance=eth0 #interval=5 # CPU usage # # The script may be called with -w and -c switches to specify thresholds, # see the script for details. # Battery indicator # # The battery instance defaults to 0. #[battery] #label=BAT #label=⚡ #instance=1 #interval=30 # Date Time # # Generic media player support # # This displays "ARTIST - SONG" if a music is playing. # Supported players are: spotify, vlc, audacious, xmms2, mplayer, and others. #[mediaplayer] #instance=spotify #interval=5 #signal=10 # OpenVPN support # #Support multiple VPN, with colors. # Temperature # # Support multiple chips, though lm-sensors. # The script may be called with -w and -c switches to specify thresholds, # see the script for details. #[temperature] #label=TEMP #interval=10 # Key indicators # # Add the following bindings to i3 config file: # # bindsym --release Caps_Lock exec pkill -SIGRTMIN+11 i3blocks # bindsym --release Num_Lock exec pkill -SIGRTMIN+11 i3blocks #[keyindicator] #instance=CAPS #interval=once #signal=11 #[keyindicator] #instance=NUM #interval=once #signal=11 #[usb] #command=~/.config/i3/usb #markup=pango #signal=1 #interval=10 #IGNORE_LIST=[] #IGNORE_LIST=["sdd1", "mapper/sda1_crypt"] #INFO_TEXT_COLOR=white #MOUNTED_COLOR=green #PLUGGED_COLOR=gray #LOCKED_COLOR=gray #UNLOCKED_NOT_MOUNTED_COLOR=yellow #PARTITIONLESS_COLOR=red #PARTITIONLESS_TEXT=no partitions #SEPARATOR=<span color='gray'> | </span> #LOCKED_INDICATOR= #UNLOCKED_INDICATOR= #READONLY_INDICATOR=ro #TRUNCATE_FS_LABELS=[not set by default, accepts +/- integers] #[shutdown_menu] #full_text=Quit # If you are using FontAwesome, we recommend the power-off icon: # http://fontawesome.io/icon/power-off/ #command=~/.config/i3/shutdown_menu #FG_COLOR=#bbbbbb #BG_COLOR=#111111 #HLFG_COLOR=#111111 #HLBG_COLOR=#bbbbbb #BORDER_COLOR=#222222 #ROFI_TEXT=Menu: #ROFI_OPTIONS=-width 11 -location 3 -hide-scrollbar -bw 2 #ZENITY_TITLE=Menu #ZENITY_TEXT=Action: #ZENITY_OPTIONS=--column= --hide-header #ENABLE_CONFIRMATIONS=true (must be true or false) #LAUNCHER=rofi (must be rofi or zenity) #LOCKSCRIPT=i3lock --color=${BG_COLOR#"#"} #[pacman-updates] #label= #command=~/.config/i3/arch-update #markup=pango #interval= 3600 #QUIET=true #WATCH=^linux.* ^pacman.* #BASE_COLOR=#5fff5f #UPDATE_COLOR=#FFFF85 #AUR=true #[arch-update] #command=~/.config/i3/arch-update #label=Updates: #interval=3600 #markup=pango #[disk-io] #command=~/.config/i3/disk-io #command=$SCRIPT_DIR/disk-io -w 3 -M -P 0 #interval=persist #markup=pango #LABEL= #instance=/^sda/ #DT=5 #MB_ONLY=0 #0 or 1 #KB_ONLY=0 #0 or 1 #WIDTH=4 #MB_PRECISION=1 #KB_PRECISION=0 #REGEX=/^(s|h)d[a-zA-Z]+/ #THRESHOLD=0 #WARN_COLOR="#FF0000" #SEPARATOR=/ #PREFIX= #SUFFIX="B/s" #[calendar] #command=~/.config/i3/calendar #interval=1 #LABEL= #DATEFMT=+%H:%M:%S # SHORTFMT=+%H:%M:%S #HEIGHT=180 #WIDTH=220 [time] command=printf "<span font_family=\"FontAwesome\"> </span> %s" "$(date '+%b %a %d %Y | %H:%M:%S ')" interval=1 color=#E0E0E0 #color=#556270 separator=true [key_layout] command=~/.config/i3/key_layout label=Layout interval=30 color=#E0E0E0 # Query my default IP address only on startup [ip] command=ip addr | grep 'inet' | grep -v inet6 | grep -vE '127\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | grep -o -E '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' | head -1 interval=once #[bandwidth] #command=~/.config/i3/bandwidth #interval=5 #INTERFACE=enp2s0f1 #INLABEL="IN " #OUTLABEL="OUT " #TREAT_UNKNOWN_AS_UP=0 [monitors] command=~/.config/i3/monitor_manager interval=once color=#E0E0E0 #SHOW_ON_OFF=1 #SHOW_NAMES=1 #SHOW_PRIMARY=1 #SHOW_MODE=1 #SHOW_BLANKED=1 #SHOW_DUPLICATE=1 #SHOW_ROTATION=1 #SHOW_REFLECTION=1 #SHOW_BRIGHTNESS=1 #SHOW_BRIGHTNESS_VALUE=0 #SHOW_UP_DOWN=1 #FONT_FAMILY=DejaVu Sans Mono #FONT_SIZE=11 #CLOSE_TO_BOUNDARY_BUFFER=20