Changelog for Nord tmux — An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant tmux color theme.

# 0.3.0 ![Release Date: 2019-06-03]( [![Project Board](]( [![Milestone](]( ## Features **Nord Docs Transition** — #36 ⇄ #37 (⊶ 6101cf85) ↠ Transferred all documentations, assets and from „Nord tmux“ to [Nord Docs][nord] Please see the [corresponding issue in the Nord Docs repository][nord-docs#153] to get an overview of what has changed for Nord tmux and what has been done to migrate to Nord Docs. ###### Landing Page

Preview: Nord tmux Port Project Landing Page

###### Landing Page Docs

Preview: Nord tmux Docs Landing Page

###### Installation & Activation Docs

Preview: Nord tmux Installation & Activation Docs Page

###### Configuration Docs

Preview: Nord tmux Configuration Docs Page

###### Plugin Support Docs

Preview: Nord tmux Plugin Support Docs Page

**Patched Font Characters** — #5 ⇄ #11 (⊶ 0809657f) by [@petrhosek][gh-user-petrhosek] ↠ Added a new theme configuration to [disable patched fonts for the default status content][nord-docs-config-font-no-patched] by setting the `@nord_tmux_no_patched_font` variable to `1`. It can be used facing rendering problems with incompatible terminals or fonts. ```sh set -g @nord_tmux_no_patched_font "1" ```

**Optional Status Bar Content** — #7, #10 ⇄ #8, #12 (⊶ 27754979) by [@tsroten][gh-user-tsroten] and [@rgcr][gh-user-rgcr] ↠ Added a new theme configuration to [disable the default predefined status bar content][nord-docs-config-default-content], allowing to customize the status content, e.g. adding other plugins or adjust the layout, by setting the `@nord_tmux_show_status_content` variable to `0`: ```sh set -g @nord_tmux_show_status_content "0" ```

## Improvements **Respect User's Status Bar Positioning** — #13 ⇄ #14 (⊶ ee5542c5) by [@drzel][gh-user-drzel] ↠ Removed the `status-position` property in order to respect the user's preferred status bar positioning configuration instead of overriding it. **More Spacing** — #16 (⊶ 2da9466c) by [@dylnmc][gh-user-dylnmc] ↠ Added a space character to the first and last status bar element in order to improve the visual appearance to make it look not so squeezed together.



## Bug Fixes ### Documentation **Typo In `source-file` Command** — #32 (⊶ 72b0b3fb) by [@rememberYou][gh-user-rememberyou] ↠ Fixed a typo in the README for the `source-file` command. ## Tasks ### Documentation **More Spacing** — #16 (⊶ 2da9466c) by [@dylnmc][gh-user-dylnmc] ↠ Added a space character to the first and last status bar element in order to improve the visual appearance to make it look not so squeezed together. **MIT License** — #19 ⇄ #20 (⊶ 4d39639a) ↠ Adapted to the MIT license migration of the Nord project. Detailed information can be found in the main task ticket [nordtheme/nord#55][]. # 0.2.0 _2017-04-22_ ## Features ### Plugin Support ❯ Implemented support for the [tmux-prefix-highlight]( _prefix_- and `copy-mode` status indicator. (@kepbod, #3, 166c8956)

# 0.1.1 _2017-04-21_ ## Bug Fixes ❯ Fixed the plugin to be not loadable due to the missing `#!/usr/bin/env bash` hashbang and `+x` permission flag for the plugin loader [`nord.tmux`]( which caused `tpm` to exit with code `126`. (@svengreb, #4, c049da5e) # 0.1.0 _2017-04-20_ ## Features Detailed information about features and install instructions can be found in the [README]( ❯ Implemented the main color theme file [`nord.conf`]( (@svengreb, #1, e759aedc)

❯ Implemented the [`tpm`]( plugin loader [`nord.tmux`]( (@svengreb, #2, e58b52e9) # 0.0.0 _2016-04-20_ ❯ **Project Initialization** [nordtheme/nord#55]: [gh-user-drzel]: [gh-user-dylnmc]: [gh-user-petrhosek]: [gh-user-rememberyou]: [gh-user-rgcr]: [gh-user-tsroten]: [nord-docs-config-default-content]: [nord-docs-config-font-no-patched]: [nord-docs#153]: [nord]: