#!/usr/bin/env bash default_pane_resize="5" # tmux show-option "q" (quiet) flag does not set return value to 1, even though # the option does not exist. This function patches that. get_tmux_option() { local option=$1 local default_value=$2 local option_value=$(tmux show-option -gqv "$option") if [ -z $option_value ]; then echo $default_value else echo $option_value fi } pane_navigation_bindings() { tmux bind-key h select-pane -L tmux bind-key C-h select-pane -L tmux bind-key j select-pane -D tmux bind-key C-j select-pane -D tmux bind-key k select-pane -U tmux bind-key C-k select-pane -U tmux bind-key l select-pane -R tmux bind-key C-l select-pane -R } window_move_bindings() { tmux bind-key -r "<" swap-window -d -t -1 tmux bind-key -r ">" swap-window -d -t +1 } pane_resizing_bindings() { local pane_resize=$(get_tmux_option "@pane_resize" "$default_pane_resize") tmux bind-key -r H resize-pane -L "$pane_resize" tmux bind-key -r J resize-pane -D "$pane_resize" tmux bind-key -r K resize-pane -U "$pane_resize" tmux bind-key -r L resize-pane -R "$pane_resize" } pane_split_bindings() { tmux bind-key "|" split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}" tmux bind-key "\\" split-window -fh -c "#{pane_current_path}" tmux bind-key "-" split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}" tmux bind-key "_" split-window -fv -c "#{pane_current_path}" tmux bind-key "%" split-window -h -c "#{pane_current_path}" tmux bind-key '"' split-window -v -c "#{pane_current_path}" } improve_new_window_binding() { tmux bind-key "c" new-window -c "#{pane_current_path}" } main() { pane_navigation_bindings window_move_bindings pane_resizing_bindings pane_split_bindings improve_new_window_binding } main