- Include two Dockerfiles in the repo: one for Goreleaser and one for manual builds
- Update the Goreleaser config to use it's own Dockerfile
- The Dockerfile for manual builds uses a two step process to build the exporter - this way the base system does not need Go installed
Update the goreleaser config to rename the output binary and archive names
to `fail2ban_exporter` instead of defaulting to the project name. This
better aligns with conventions used by other exporters.
Update Dockerfile and Makefile to follow the new naming scheme.
Update the output archives to wrap the build files in a folder. This makes
extracting the archives a little easier.
BREAKING CHANGE: Release binary name has been changed to `fail2ban_exporter`.
Update the project changelog.
Refactor the changelog structure to no longer be fully automated. It now
includes some manual tweaks.
Update the Makefile command to generate a new `CHANGELOG_gen.md` file
instead of overwriting the existing Changelog file.
Update the project Dockerfile to compile the tool during the docker build
instead of assuming the goreleaser tool was run previously. This allows
for custom data to be set in the compiled tool (e.g. compiled by docker)
and removes the dependency on another build step.
Update the Makefile to include a new command to build the tool for docker
which sets the version data correctly. Rename the docker commands to follow
the `docker/build-...` format to avoid confusion with the build commands.
Update the project structure to move all golang files to a new `src/`
folder. This keeps all the code located in the same place and easier to
work with.
Update the Makefile and goreleaser config to continue to work with the new
folder structure.
Add a project Dockerfile to allow deploying the application in a docker
container. Add a `run.sh` script to start the application in the container.
Add Makefile commands to build the docker image based on the Dockerfile.
Fix possible nil reference error in the `db` package.
Add the `git-chglog` tool to handle auto-generating the project changelog
based on the commit history. Add a custom configuration and file template.
Update the Makefile to include a command to generate the changelog.
Add the `goreleaser` tool to the repository to handle building and
publishing the application. Add a simple configuration file to build the
application for all major OS versions.
Update the Makefile to include commands to build release and snapshot
versions of the tool.
Add a placeholder CHANGELOG file to be included in the package files.