ihatemodels 24e8161262 Add initial project structure
- add base structure
 - unify the proto metrics creation and propagation
 - implement arp and openvpn
 - refactor to meet the prom exporter standart
 - add instance label to the metrics
 - refactor the call chain
 - add gateway, unbound_dns and openvpn implementations
 - add gateway stuff
 - structure refactor; mod clean; cron implementation
 - implement cron in the collector; refactor utils in the opnsense package

refactor names and implement option functions to disable collectorInstances

add GH action workflows

Create codeql.yml

- clean

fix stuff
2023-11-26 16:06:03 +02:00

51 lines
1.5 KiB

package opnsense
import (
// parseStringToInt parses a string value to an int value.
// The endpoint is used to identify the EndpointPath that the caller used.
// so we can propagate in the *APICallError.
func parseStringToInt(value string, endpoint EndpointPath) (int, *APICallError) {
intValue, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
if err != nil {
return 0, &APICallError{
Endpoint: string(endpoint),
Message: fmt.Sprintf("error parsing %s to int: %s", value, err.Error()),
StatusCode: 0,
return intValue, nil
// parseStringToFloatWithReplace parses a string value to a float64 value.
// The replace pattern is used to remove any characters that are not part of the float64 value.
// The regex is first used to check if the value matches the regex format.
func parseStringToFloatWithReplace(value string, regex *regexp.Regexp, replacePattern string, valueTypeName string, logger log.Logger) float64 {
if regex.MatchString(value) {
cleanValue := strings.Replace(value, replacePattern, "", -1)
parsedValue, err := strconv.ParseFloat(cleanValue, 64)
if err != nil {
"msg", fmt.Sprintf("parsing %s: '%s' to float64 failed", valueTypeName, value),
"err", err,
return -1.0
return parsedValue
"msg", fmt.Sprintf("parsing %s: '%s' to float64 failed. Pattern matching failed.", valueTypeName, value),
return -1.0