ihatemodels 24e8161262 Add initial project structure
- add base structure
 - unify the proto metrics creation and propagation
 - implement arp and openvpn
 - refactor to meet the prom exporter standart
 - add instance label to the metrics
 - refactor the call chain
 - add gateway, unbound_dns and openvpn implementations
 - add gateway stuff
 - structure refactor; mod clean; cron implementation
 - implement cron in the collector; refactor utils in the opnsense package

refactor names and implement option functions to disable collectorInstances

add GH action workflows

Create codeql.yml

- clean

fix stuff
2023-11-26 16:06:03 +02:00

6 lines
336 B

// Package logfmt implements utilities to marshal and unmarshal data in the
// logfmt format. The logfmt format records key/value pairs in a way that
// balances readability for humans and simplicity of computer parsing. It is
// most commonly used as a more human friendly alternative to JSON for
// structured logging.
package logfmt