#!/usr/bin/env bash set -ex if [ "$1" == "--help" ] then echo "bash ./youtube-dl.sh URL FORMAT" echo "Formate: [opus/m4a/video/hd/fullhd/4k]" echo "Extra: (Zusätzliche Parameter)" exit 0 fi url="$1" format="$2" extra="$3" [[ -z "${url}" ]] && read -p "URL: " url [[ -z "${format}" ]] && read -p "Format [opus/flac/m4a/mp4/video/hd/fullhd/4k]: " format echo "Wenn man für alle Playlisten Unterordner anlegen will: [-o %(playlist_title)s/%(title)s.%(ext)s/--cookies cookies.txt/--cookies-from-browser firefox] (Praktisch für Downloads ganzer Kanäle" [[ -z "${extra}" ]] && read -p "Sind noch zusätzliche Parameter gewünscht?: " extra if [ "$format" == "opus" ] then # https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/issues/979 format="--audio-format opus -f "ba" --format-sort "abr,codec"" audio="-x" quality="--audio-quality 0" elif [ "$format" == "flac" ] then format="--audio-format flac -f "ba" --format-sort "abr,codec"" audio="-x" quality="--audio-quality 0" elif [ "$format" == "m4a" ] then format="--audio-format m4a" audio="-x" elif [ "$format" == "mp4" ] then format="--audio-format mp4" audio="-x" elif [ "$format" == "video" ] then # Download and merge the best video-only format and the best audio-only format, # or download the best combined format if video-only format is not available # Download the best video available with the largest resolution but no better than 480p, # or the best video with the smallest resolution if there is no video under 480p # Resolution is determined by using the smallest dimension. # So this works correctly for vertical videos as well format="-S "res:480" -f "bv+ba/b"" elif [ "$format" == "hd" ] then format="-S "res:720" -f "bv+ba/b"" elif [ "$format" == "fullhd" ] then format="-S "res:1080" -f "bv+ba/b"" elif [ "$format" == "4k" ] then format="-S "res:2160" -f "bv+ba/b"" fi yt-dlp -i -c --socket-timeout 10000 --force-ipv4 --restrict-filenames --embed-thumbnail --embed-metadata --match-filter "!was_live" ${format} ${audio} ${quality} -v ${url} ${extra}