* Added prefixes to all log messages. Prefix should describe source of message, like "config", "http", "ssl", "server", etc... This should give users more info to figure out what went wrong or what is going on. Prefixes also make automatic processing easier. * Usage is not displayed by default when given command line options are incorrect. This way it is easier to notice actual error.
437 lines
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437 lines
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// url.c -- Object representing uniform resource locators
// Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Markus Gutschke <markus@shellinabox.com>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
// published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
// In addition to these license terms, the author grants the following
// additional rights:
// If you modify this program, or any covered work, by linking or
// combining it with the OpenSSL project's OpenSSL library (or a
// modified version of that library), containing parts covered by the
// terms of the OpenSSL or SSLeay licenses, the author
// grants you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
// Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination
// shall include the source code for the parts of OpenSSL used as well
// as that of the covered work.
// You may at your option choose to remove this additional permission from
// the work, or from any part of it.
// It is possible to build this program in a way that it loads OpenSSL
// libraries at run-time. If doing so, the following notices are required
// by the OpenSSL and SSLeay licenses:
// This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
// for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)
// This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
// (eay@cryptsoft.com)
// The most up-to-date version of this program is always available from
// http://shellinabox.com
#include "config.h"
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h> // for strncasecmp()
#include "libhttp/url.h"
#include "logging/logging.h"
#defined ATTR_UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
#defined UNUSED(x) do { } while (0)
#define UNUSED(x) do { (void)(x); } while (0)
static char *urlUnescape(char *s) {
int warned = 0;
char *r = s;
for (char *u = s; *u; ) {
char ch = *u++;
if (ch == '+') {
ch = ' ';
} else if (ch == '%') {
char c1 = *u;
if ((c1 >= '0' && c1 <= '9') || ((c1 &= ~0x20) >= 'A' && c1 <= 'F')) {
ch = c1 - (c1 > '9' ? 'A' - 10 : '0');
char c2 = *++u;
if ((c2 >= '0' && c2 <= '9') || ((c2 &= ~0x20) >= 'A' && c2 <= 'F')) {
ch = (ch << 4) + c2 - (c2 > '9' ? 'A' - 10 : '0');
} else if (!warned++) {
warn("[http] Malformed URL encoded data \"%s\"!", r);
} else if (!warned++) {
warn("[http] Malformed URL encoded data \"%s\"!", r);
*s++ = ch;
*s = '\000';
return r;
static void urlDestroyHashMapEntry(void *arg ATTR_UNUSED, char *key,
char *value) {
static char *urlMakeString(const char *buf, int len) {
if (!buf) {
return NULL;
} else {
char *s;
check(s = malloc(len + 1));
memcpy(s, buf, len);
s[len] = '\000';
return s;
static void urlParseQueryString(struct HashMap *hashmap, const char *query, int len) {
const char *key = query;
const char *value = NULL;
for (const char *ampersand = query; len-- >= 0; ampersand++) {
char ch = len >= 0 ? *ampersand : '\000';
if (ch == '=' && !value) {
value = ampersand + 1;
} else if (ch == '&' || len < 0) {
int kl = (value ? value-1 : ampersand) - key;
int vl = value ? ampersand - value : 0;
if (kl) {
char *k = urlMakeString(key, kl);
char *v = NULL;
if (value) {
v = urlMakeString(value, vl);
addToHashMap(hashmap, k, v);
key = ampersand + 1;
value = NULL;
if (!ch) {
static void urlParseHeaderLine(struct HashMap *hashmap, const char *s,
int len) {
while (s && len > 0) {
while (len > 0 && (*s == ' ' || *s == ';')) {
const char *key = s;
const char *value = NULL;
while (len > 0 && *s != ';') {
if (*s == '=' && value == NULL) {
value = s + 1;
int kl = (value ? value-1 : s) - key;
int vl = value ? s - value : 0;
if (kl) {
char *k = urlMakeString(key, kl);
for (char *t = k; *t; t++) {
if (*t >= 'a' && *t <= 'z') {
*t |= 0x20;
char *v = NULL;
if (value) {
if (vl >= 2 && value[0] == '"' && value[vl-1] == '"') {
v = urlMakeString(value, vl);
addToHashMap(hashmap, k, v);
static const char *urlMemstr(const char *buf, int len, const char *s) {
int sLen = strlen(s);
if (!sLen) {
return buf;
while (len >= sLen) {
if (len > sLen) {
char *first = memchr(buf, *s, len - sLen);
if (!first) {
return NULL;
len -= first - buf;
buf = first;
if (!memcmp(buf, s, sLen)) {
return buf;
return NULL;
static int urlMemcmp(const char *buf, int len, const char *s) {
int sLen = strlen(s);
if (len < sLen) {
return s[len];
} else {
return memcmp(buf, s, sLen);
static int urlMemcasecmp(const char *buf, int len, const char *s) {
int sLen = strlen(s);
if (len < sLen) {
return s[len];
} else {
return strncasecmp(buf, s, sLen);
static void urlParsePart(struct URL *url, const char *buf, int len) {
// Most browsers seem to forget quoting data in the header fields. This
// means, it is quite possible for an HTML form to cause the submission of
// unparseable "multipart/form-data". If this happens, we just give up
// and ignore the malformed data.
// Example:
// <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
// <input type="file" name="" X: x="">
// <input type="submit">
// </form>
char *name = NULL;
for (const char *eol; !!(eol = urlMemstr(buf, len, "\r\n")); ) {
if (buf == eol) {
buf += 2;
len -= 2;
if (name) {
char *value = len ? urlMakeString(buf, len) : NULL;
addToHashMap(&url->args, name, value);
name = NULL;
} else {
if (!name && !urlMemcasecmp(buf, len, "content-disposition:")) {
struct HashMap fields;
initHashMap(&fields, urlDestroyHashMapEntry, NULL);
urlParseHeaderLine(&fields, buf + 20, eol - buf - 20);
if (getRefFromHashMap(&fields, "form-data")) {
// We currently don't bother to deal with binary files (e.g. files
// that include NUL characters). If this ever becomes necessary,
// we could check for the existence of a "filename" field and use
// that as an indicator to store the payload in something other
// than "url->args".
name = (char *)getFromHashMap(&fields, "name");
if (name && *name) {
check(name = strdup(name));
len -= eol - buf + 2;
buf = eol + 2;
static void urlParsePostBody(struct URL *url,
const struct HttpConnection *http,
const char *buf, int len) {
struct HashMap contentType;
initHashMap(&contentType, urlDestroyHashMapEntry, NULL);
const char *ctHeader = getFromHashMap(&http->header, "content-type");
urlParseHeaderLine(&contentType, ctHeader, ctHeader ? strlen(ctHeader) : 0);
if (getRefFromHashMap(&contentType, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) {
urlParseQueryString(&url->args, buf, len);
} else if (getRefFromHashMap(&contentType, "multipart/form-data")) {
const char *boundary = getFromHashMap(&contentType, "boundary");
if (boundary && *boundary) {
const char *lastPart = NULL;
for (const char *part = buf; len > 0; ) {
const char *ptr;
if ((part == buf && (ptr = urlMemstr(part, len, "--")) != NULL) ||
(ptr = urlMemstr(part, len, "\r\n--")) != NULL) {
len -= ptr - part + (part == buf ? 2 : 4);
part = ptr + (part == buf ? 2 : 4);
if (!urlMemcmp(part, len, boundary)) {
int i = strlen(boundary);
len -= i;
part += i;
if (!urlMemcmp(part, len, "\r\n")) {
len -= 2;
part += 2;
if (lastPart) {
urlParsePart(url, lastPart, ptr - lastPart);
} else {
if (ptr != buf) {
info("[http] Ignoring prologue before \"multipart/form-data\"!");
lastPart = part;
} else if (!urlMemcmp(part, len, "--\r\n")) {
len -= 4;
part += 4;
urlParsePart(url, lastPart, ptr - lastPart);
lastPart = NULL;
if (len > 0) {
info("[http] Ignoring epilogue past end of \"multipart/"
if (lastPart) {
warn("[http] Missing final \"boundary\" for \"multipart/form-data\"!");
} else {
warn("[http] Missing \"boundary\" information for \"multipart/form-data\"!");
struct URL *newURL(const struct HttpConnection *http,
const char *buf, int len) {
struct URL *url;
check(url = malloc(sizeof(struct URL)));
initURL(url, http, buf, len);
return url;
void initURL(struct URL *url, const struct HttpConnection *http,
const char *buf, int len) {
url->protocol = strdup(httpGetProtocol(http));
url->user = NULL;
url->password = NULL;
url->host = strdup(httpGetHost(http));
url->port = httpGetPort(http);
url->path = strdup(httpGetPath(http));
url->pathinfo = strdup(httpGetPathInfo(http));
url->query = strdup(httpGetQuery(http));
url->anchor = NULL;
url->url = NULL;
initHashMap(&url->args, urlDestroyHashMapEntry, NULL);
if (!strcmp(http->method, "GET")) {
urlParseQueryString(&url->args, url->query, strlen(url->query));
} else if (!strcmp(http->method, "POST")) {
urlParsePostBody(url, http, buf, len);
void destroyURL(struct URL *url) {
if (url) {
void deleteURL(struct URL *url) {
const char *urlGetProtocol(struct URL *url) {
return url->protocol;
const char *urlGetUser(struct URL *url) {
return url->user;
const char *urlGetPassword(struct URL *url) {
return url->password;
const char *urlGetHost(struct URL *url) {
return url->host;
int urlGetPort(struct URL *url) {
return url->port;
const char *urlGetPath(struct URL *url) {
return url->path;
const char *urlGetPathInfo(struct URL *url) {
return url->pathinfo;
const char *urlGetQuery(struct URL *url) {
return url->query;
const char *urlGetAnchor(struct URL *url) {
return url->anchor;
const char *urlGetURL(struct URL *url) {
if (!url->url) {
const char *host = urlGetHost(url);
int s_size = 8 + strlen(host) + 25 + strlen(url->path);
check(*(char **)&url->url = malloc(s_size + 1));
*url->url = '\000';
strncat(url->url, url->protocol, s_size);
strncat(url->url, "://", s_size);
strncat(url->url, host, s_size);
if (url->port != (strcmp(url->protocol, "http") ? 443 : 80)) {
snprintf(strrchr(url->url, '\000'), 25, ":%d", url->port);
strncat(url->url, url->path, s_size);
return url->url;
const struct HashMap *urlGetArgs(struct URL *url) {
return &url->args;
struct HashMap *urlParseQuery(const char *buf, int len) {
struct HashMap *hashmap = newHashMap(urlDestroyHashMapEntry, NULL);
urlParseQueryString(hashmap, buf, len);
return hashmap;