git-svn-id: 0da03de8-d603-11dd-86c2-0f8696b7b6f9
213 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable file
213 lines
7.5 KiB
Executable file
#!/bin/bash -e
# The script ensures that all commands succeed unless an error occurred. If it
# does though, the shell terminates the script and our exit handler runs.
trap 'tput bel || :; echo Failed! >&2' EXIT
# Ask the user a yes/no question. This function does not require the user to
# press ENTER after making a selection.
yes_no() {
local c
while :; do
c="$(set +e
trap 'stty echo -iuclc icanon 2>/dev/null' EXIT INT TERM QUIT
stty -echo iuclc -icanon 2>/dev/null
dd count=1 bs=1 2>/dev/null | od -An -tx1)"
case "$c" in
" 0a") if [ -n "$1" ]; then
[ $1 -eq 0 ] && echo "Y" || echo "N"
return $1
" 79") echo "Y"
return 0
" 6e") echo "N"
return 1
"") echo "Aborted" >&2
exit 1
*) # The user pressed an unrecognized key. As we are not echoing
# any incorrect user input, alert the user by ringing the bell.
(tput bel) 2>/dev/null || :
# Build Debian package and create all the files that are needed by the
# distribution maintainer.
debian_package() {
set -e
# Try to build the package. If things fail, let the exit handler remove all
# temporary files.
trap 'rm -rf "${prj}-${ver}" "${prj}_${ver}"*' EXIT
# Clean up any old temporary files
rm -rf "${prj}-${ver}" "${prj}_${ver}"*
# Extract the distribution source archive
tar zfx "${prj}-${ver}.tar.gz"
# We want to ship the "debian" directory with the source archive that
# users download directly from the project web site. This allows them to
# easily build their own Debian package by following the instructions in
# INSTALL.Debian.
# But when preparing our package for direct integration with Debian-based
# distributions, we have to instead remove the "debian" directory, as the
# distribution prefers that third-party projects are not built "natively".
mv "${prj}-${ver}/debian" "${prj}_${ver}_debian"
tar zfc "${prj}_${ver}.orig.tar.gz" "${prj}-${ver}"
mv "${prj}_${ver}_debian" "${prj}-${ver}/debian"
# Reset compatibility level
echo 7 >"${prj}-${ver}/debian/compat"
sed -i -e 's/debhelper *([^0-9]*[^)]*)/debhelper (>= 7.0.0)/' \
sed -i -e 's/dh_clean *-k/dh_prep/' "${prj}-${ver}/debian/rules"
# Check that the version number in the debian/changelog file matches
if [ "$(sed -e 's/^'"${prj}"' *(\([^-]*\)-.*).*/\1/;t1;d;:1;q' \
"${prj}-${ver}/debian/changelog")" != "${ver}" ]; then
echo "Debian changelog file does not match current version number!" >&2
exit 1
# Build Debian packages.
(cd "${prj}-${ver}"
fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -sa -us -uc || :)
trap '' EXIT
# Run lintian
lintian --verbose -I ${prj}_${ver}*_*.changes
) || exit 1
# Revert any changes that might be pending in distributions/debian/*
local revert="$(svn st |
grep distributions/debian |
grep '^[^?]' |
awk '{ print $2 }' |
if [ -n "${revert}" ]; then
svn revert ${revert}
rm -f ${revert}
# Create distributions/debian if it does not exist yet.
mkdir -p distributions/debian
for i in distributions distributions/debian; do
if [ -z "$(svn st "${i}" 2>/dev/null | grep -v '^[?]')" ]; then
svn add --depth=empty "${i}"
# If this version of files already exists in the distribution directory,
# we are not yet ready to cut a new release. Just clean up and exit.
for i in "${prj}_${ver}"[-.]*.*; do
[ -r "distributions/debian/${i}" ] && {
rm $(ls "${prj}_${ver}"[-.]* | egrep -v '_*.changes|_*.deb')
return 0
# Move new Debian files into release area.
mv $(ls "${prj}_${ver}"[-.]* | egrep -v '_*.changes|_*.deb') \
svn add distributions/debian/"${prj}_${ver}"[-.]*.*
# Let the caller know that we added new packages.
return 1
# Quick sanity check that we are running from the correct directory
test -r
# Make sure there are no stale files
svn update
# Determine Subversion revision number, project name, and public version
# number
rev=$(($(svn info | sed -e 's/^Revision: \(.*\)/\1/;t1;d;:1;q')+1))
prj="$(sed -e 's/^AC_INIT(\([^,]*\),.*/\1/;t1;d;:1;q'"
ver="$(sed -e 's/^AC_INIT([^,]*, *\([^,]*\),.*/\1/;t1;d;:1;q'"
} 2>/dev/null
# Update "" with the next Subversion revision number. This
# information will trickle down into various source files where it becomes
# part of the user-visible version information.
sed -i -e 's/^\(VCS_REVISION=\).*/\1'"${rev}"'/'
touch shellinabox/vt100.jspp shellinabox/shell_in_a_box.jspp
# If the manual page has been changed, make sure that the time stamp will be
# changed, too.
if [ -n "$(svn st shellinabox/ 2>/dev/null |
grep '^M')" ]; then
sed -i -e 's/^\([.]TH .*\)"[^"]*"/\1"'"$(date +'%b %d, %Y')"'"/
s/2008-2[01][0-9][0-9]/2008-'"$(date +'%Y')"'/g' \
# Always update the year in the user visible copyright statement(s)
for i in shellinabox/shell_in_a_box.jspp \
shellinabox/vt100.jspp \
debian/copyright; do
sed -i -e 's/\(2[01][0-9][0-9]-\)2[01][0-9][0-9]/\1'"$(date +'%Y')"'/g' "$i"
# If a source file has changed, make sure to update the year in the copyright
# statement for that particular file.
svn st | egrep '^[MA]' | awk '{ print $2 }' |
egrep '^(shellinabox|libhttp|demo)/' |
egrep '[.](html|h|c|css|jspp)$' |
while read -r f; do
sed -i -e 's/\(2[01][0-9][0-9]-\)2[01][0-9][0-9]/\1'"$(date +'%Y')"'/g' "$f"
# For now, Ubuntu/Hardy is still quite popular. We want to make it easy for
# our users to build Debian packages from source. So, make sure we lock the
# compatibility level at 6. Once we no longer care about maintaining strict
# backwards compatibility, we can lift this restriction.
echo 6 >debian/compat
sed -i -e 's/debhelper *([^0-9]*[^)]*)/debhelper (>= 6.0.0)/' debian/control
sed -i -e 's/dh_prep/dh_clean *-k/' debian/rules
# Build all the sources, create the distribution tar archive, and run some
# basic sanity checks.
make all distcheck
# Build Debian package and create all the files that are needed by the
# distribution maintainer.
debian_package || {
NOTICE: New version released. Please do not forget to notify distributions"
if [ -r ~/.shellinabox-notifier ]; then
while read e; do
echo "This is an automatically generated e-mail notification that"
echo "a new release of ShellInABox has just been made available"
echo "on the project's website at"
echo "You had previously requested to be notified when this happens."
} | mail -s "New ShellInABox release" "$e"
NOTICE: Could not find ~/.shellinabox-notifier. Not sending e-mail..."
svn diff $(svn st |
egrep -v ' configure$| aclocal.m4$|distributions|^[?]' |
sed -e 's/^[^ ]* *//') | less
echo -n 'Commit these changes (Y/n): '
yes_no 0 || exit 1
svn commit
echo "${msg}"
trap '' EXIT
exit 0