git-svn-id: 0da03de8-d603-11dd-86c2-0f8696b7b6f9
1027 lines
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1027 lines
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// shellinaboxd.c -- A custom web server that makes command line applications
// available as AJAX web applications.
// Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Markus Gutschke <>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
// published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
// In addition to these license terms, the author grants the following
// additional rights:
// If you modify this program, or any covered work, by linking or
// combining it with the OpenSSL project's OpenSSL library (or a
// modified version of that library), containing parts covered by the
// terms of the OpenSSL or SSLeay licenses, the author
// grants you additional permission to convey the resulting work.
// Corresponding Source for a non-source form of such a combination
// shall include the source code for the parts of OpenSSL used as well
// as that of the covered work.
// You may at your option choose to remove this additional permission from
// the work, or from any part of it.
// It is possible to build this program in a way that it loads OpenSSL
// libraries at run-time. If doing so, the following notices are required
// by the OpenSSL and SSLeay licenses:
// This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
// for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (
// This product includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young
// (
// The most up-to-date version of this program is always available from
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include "config.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include "libhttp/http.h"
#include "logging/logging.h"
#include "shellinabox/externalfile.h"
#include "shellinabox/launcher.h"
#include "shellinabox/privileges.h"
#include "shellinabox/service.h"
#include "shellinabox/session.h"
#define PORTNUM 4200
#define MAX_RESPONSE 2048
static int port;
static int portMin;
static int portMax;
static int noBeep = 0;
static int numericHosts = 0;
static int enableSSL = 1;
static int enableSSLMenu = 1;
static char *certificateDir;
static int certificateFd = -1;
static HashMap *externalFiles;
static Server *cgiServer;
static char *cgiSessionKey;
static int cgiSessions;
static char *jsonEscape(const char *buf, int len) {
static const char *hexDigit = "0123456789ABCDEF";
// Determine the space that is needed to encode the buffer
int count = 0;
const char *ptr = buf;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
unsigned char ch = *(unsigned char *)ptr++;
if (ch < ' ') {
switch (ch) {
case '\b': case '\f': case '\n': case '\r': case '\t':
count += 2;
count += 6;
} else if (ch == '"' || ch == '\\' || ch == '/') {
count += 2;
} else if (ch > '\x7F') {
count += 6;
} else {
// Encode the buffer using JSON string escaping
char *result;
check(result = malloc(count + 1));
char *dst = result;
ptr = buf;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
unsigned char ch = *(unsigned char *)ptr++;
if (ch < ' ') {
*dst++ = '\\';
switch (ch) {
case '\b': *dst++ = 'b'; break;
case '\f': *dst++ = 'f'; break;
case '\n': *dst++ = 'n'; break;
case '\r': *dst++ = 'r'; break;
case '\t': *dst++ = 't'; break;
*dst++ = 'u';
*dst++ = '0';
*dst++ = '0';
*dst++ = hexDigit[ch >> 4];
*dst++ = hexDigit[ch & 0xF];
} else if (ch == '"' || ch == '\\' || ch == '/') {
*dst++ = '\\';
*dst++ = ch;
} else if (ch > '\x7F') {
*dst++ = '\\';
goto unicode;
} else {
*dst++ = ch;
*dst++ = '\000';
return result;
static int printfUnchecked(const char *format, ...) {
// Some Linux distributions enable -Wformat=2 by default. This is a
// very unfortunate decision, as that option generates a lot of false
// positives. We try to work around the problem by defining an unchecked
// version of "printf()"
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, format);
int rc = vprintf(format, ap);
return rc;
static int completePendingRequest(struct Session *session,
const char *buf, int len, int maxLength) {
// If there is no pending HTTP request, save the data and return
// immediately.
if (!session->http) {
if (len) {
if (session->buffered) {
check(session->buffered = realloc(session->buffered,
session->len + len));
memcpy(session->buffered + session->len, buf, len);
session->len += len;
} else {
check(session->buffered = malloc(len));
memcpy(session->buffered, buf, len);
session->len = len;
} else {
// If we have a pending HTTP request, we can reply to it, now.
char *data;
if (session->buffered) {
check(session->buffered = realloc(session->buffered,
session->len + len));
memcpy(session->buffered + session->len, buf, len);
session->len += len;
if (maxLength > 0 && session->len > maxLength) {
data = jsonEscape(session->buffered, maxLength);
session->len -= maxLength;
memmove(session->buffered, session->buffered + maxLength,
} else {
data = jsonEscape(session->buffered, session->len);
session->buffered = NULL;
session->len = 0;
} else {
if (maxLength > 0 && len > maxLength) {
session->len = len - maxLength;
check(session->buffered = malloc(session->len));
memcpy(session->buffered, buf + maxLength, session->len);
data = jsonEscape(buf, maxLength);
} else {
data = jsonEscape(buf, len);
char *json = stringPrintf(NULL, "{"
session->sessionKey, data);
HttpConnection *http = session->http;
char *response = stringPrintf(NULL,
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
"Content-Type: application/json; "
"Content-Length: %ld\r\n"
"HEAD") ? json : "");
session->http = NULL;
httpTransfer(http, response, strlen(response));
if (session->done && !session->buffered) {
return 0;
return 1;
static void sessionDone(void *arg) {
debug("Child terminated");
struct Session *session = (struct Session *)arg;
session->done = 1;
completePendingRequest(session, "", 0, INT_MAX);
static int handleSession(struct ServerConnection *connection, void *arg,
short *events, short revents) {
struct Session *session = (struct Session *)arg;
session->connection = connection;
int len = MAX_RESPONSE - session->len;
if (len <= 0) {
len = 1;
char buf[len];
int bytes = 0;
if (revents & POLLIN) {
bytes = NOINTR(read(session->pty, buf, len));
if (bytes <= 0) {
return 0;
int timedOut = serverGetTimeout(connection) < 0;
if (bytes || timedOut) {
if (!session->http && timedOut) {
debug("Timeout. Closing session.");
return 0;
check(completePendingRequest(session, buf, bytes, MAX_RESPONSE));
connection = serverGetConnection(session->server,
session->connection = connection;
if (session->len >= MAX_RESPONSE) {
serverConnectionSetEvents(session->server, connection, 0);
serverSetTimeout(connection, AJAX_TIMEOUT);
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
static int invalidatePendingHttpSession(void *arg, const char *key,
char **value) {
struct Session *session = *(struct Session **)value;
if (session->http && session->http == (HttpConnection *)arg) {
debug("Clearing pending HTTP connection for session %s", key);
session->http = NULL;
serverDeleteConnection(session->server, session->pty);
// Return zero in order to remove this HTTP from the "session" hashmap
return 0;
// If the session is still in use, do not remove it from the "sessions" map
return 1;
static int dataHandler(HttpConnection *http, struct Service *service,
const char *buf, int len, URL *url) {
if (!buf) {
// Somebody unexpectedly closed our http connection (e.g. because of a
// timeout). This is the last notification that we will get.
iterateOverSessions(invalidatePendingHttpSession, http);
return HTTP_DONE;
// Find an existing session, or create the record for a new one
int isNew;
struct Session *session = findCGISession(&isNew, http, url, cgiSessionKey);
if (session == NULL) {
httpSendReply(http, 400, "Bad Request", NO_MSG);
return HTTP_DONE;
// Sanity check
if (!isNew && strcmp(session->peerName, httpGetPeerName(http))) {
error("Peername changed from %s to %s",
session->peerName, httpGetPeerName(http));
httpSendReply(http, 400, "Bad Request", NO_MSG);
return HTTP_DONE;
const HashMap *args = urlGetArgs(session->url);
int oldWidth = session->width;
int oldHeight = session->height;
const char *width = getFromHashMap(args, "width");
const char *height = getFromHashMap(args, "height");
const char *keys = getFromHashMap(args, "keys");
// Adjust window dimensions if provided by client
if (width && height) {
session->width = atoi(width);
session->height = atoi(height);
// Create a new session, if the client did not provide an existing one
if (isNew) {
if (cgiServer && cgiSessions++) {
serverExitLoop(cgiServer, 1);
httpSendReply(http, 400, "Bad Request", NO_MSG);
return HTTP_DONE;
session->http = http;
if (launchChild(service->id, session) < 0) {
httpSendReply(http, 500, "Internal Error", NO_MSG);
return HTTP_DONE;
if (cgiServer) {
session->connection = serverAddConnection(httpGetServer(http),
session->pty, handleSession,
sessionDone, session);
serverSetTimeout(session->connection, AJAX_TIMEOUT);
// Reset window dimensions of the pseudo TTY, if changed since last time set.
if (session->width > 0 && session->height > 0 &&
(session->width != oldWidth || session->height != oldHeight)) {
debug("Window size changed to %dx%d", session->width, session->height);
setWindowSize(session->pty, session->width, session->height);
// Process keypresses, if any. Then send a synchronous reply.
if (keys) {
char *keyCodes;
check(keyCodes = malloc(strlen(keys)/2));
int len = 0;
for (const unsigned char *ptr = (const unsigned char *)keys; ;) {
unsigned c0 = *ptr++;
if (c0 < '0' || (c0 > '9' && c0 < 'A') ||
(c0 > 'F' && c0 < 'a') || c0 > 'f') {
unsigned c1 = *ptr++;
if (c1 < '0' || (c1 > '9' && c1 < 'A') ||
(c1 > 'F' && c1 < 'a') || c1 > 'f') {
keyCodes[len++] = 16*((c0 & 0xF) + 9*(c0 > '9')) +
(c1 & 0xF) + 9*(c1 > '9');
if (write(session->pty, keyCodes, len) < 0 && errno == EAGAIN) {
completePendingRequest(session, "\007", 1, MAX_RESPONSE);
httpSendReply(http, 200, "OK", " ");
return HTTP_DONE;
} else {
// This request is polling for data. Finish any pending requests and
// queue (or process) a new one.
if (session->http && session->http != http &&
!completePendingRequest(session, "", 0, MAX_RESPONSE)) {
httpSendReply(http, 400, "Bad Request", NO_MSG);
return HTTP_DONE;
session->http = http;
session->connection = serverGetConnection(session->server,
if (session->buffered) {
if (completePendingRequest(session, "", 0, MAX_RESPONSE) &&
session->connection) {
// Reset the timeout, as we just received a new request.
serverSetTimeout(session->connection, AJAX_TIMEOUT);
if (session->len < MAX_RESPONSE) {
// Re-enable input on the child's pty
serverConnectionSetEvents(session->server, session->connection,POLLIN);
return HTTP_DONE;
} else if (session->connection) {
// Re-enable input on the child's pty
serverConnectionSetEvents(session->server, session->connection, POLLIN);
serverSetTimeout(session->connection, AJAX_TIMEOUT);
static void serveStaticFile(HttpConnection *http, const char *contentType,
const char *start, const char *end) {
char *response = stringPrintf(NULL,
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
"Content-Type: %s\r\n"
"Content-Length: %ld\r\n"
contentType, (long)(end - start));
int len = strlen(response);
if (strcmp(httpGetMethod(http), "HEAD")) {
check(response = realloc(response, len + (end - start)));
memcpy(response + len, start, end - start);
len += end - start;
httpTransfer(http, response, len);
static int shellInABoxHttpHandler(HttpConnection *http, void *arg,
const char *buf, int len) {
URL *url = newURL(http, buf, len);
const HashMap *headers = httpGetHeaders(http);
const char *contentType = getFromHashMap(headers, "content-type");
// Normalize the path info
const char *pathInfo = urlGetPathInfo(url);
while (*pathInfo == '/') {
const char *endPathInfo;
for (endPathInfo = pathInfo;
*endPathInfo && *endPathInfo != '/';
endPathInfo++) {
int pathInfoLength = endPathInfo - pathInfo;
// The root page either serves the AJAX application or redirects to the
// secure HTTPS URL.
if (!pathInfoLength ||
(pathInfoLength == 5 && !memcmp(pathInfo, "plain", 5))) {
if (contentType &&
!strncasecmp(contentType, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", 33)) {
// XMLHttpRequest carrying data between the AJAX application and the
// client session.
return dataHandler(http, arg, buf, len, url);
if (enableSSL && !pathInfoLength && strcmp(urlGetProtocol(url), "https")) {
httpSendReply(http, 200, "Shell In A Box",
"<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--\n"
"JavaScript must be enabled for ShellInABox\n"
} else {
extern char rootPageStart[];
extern char rootPageEnd[];
serveStaticFile(http, "text/html; charset=utf-8",
rootPageStart, rootPageEnd);
} else if (pathInfoLength == 8 && !memcmp(pathInfo, "beep.wav", 8)) {
// Serve the audio sample for the console bell.
extern char beepStart[];
extern char beepEnd[];
serveStaticFile(http, "audio/x-wav", beepStart, beepEnd);
} else if (pathInfoLength == 11 && !memcmp(pathInfo, "favicon.ico", 11)) {
// Serve the favicon
extern char faviconStart[];
extern char faviconEnd[];
serveStaticFile(http, "image/x-icon", faviconStart, faviconEnd);
} else if (pathInfoLength == 14 && !memcmp(pathInfo, "ShellInABox.js", 14)) {
// Serve both vt100.js and shell_in_a_box.js in the same transaction.
// Also, indicate to the client whether the server is SSL enabled.
extern char vt100Start[];
extern char vt100End[];
extern char shellInABoxStart[];
extern char shellInABoxEnd[];
char *stateVars = stringPrintf(NULL,
"serverSupportsSSL = %s;\n"
"disableSSLMenu = %s;\n"
"suppressAllAudio = %s;\n\n",
enableSSL ? "true" : "false",
!enableSSLMenu ? "true" : "false",
noBeep ? "true" : "false");
int stateVarsLength = strlen(stateVars);
int contentLength = stateVarsLength +
(vt100End - vt100Start) +
(shellInABoxEnd - shellInABoxStart);
char *response = stringPrintf(NULL,
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
"Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8\r\n"
"Content-Length: %d\r\n"
int headerLength = strlen(response);
if (strcmp(httpGetMethod(http), "HEAD")) {
check(response = realloc(response, headerLength + contentLength));
response + headerLength, stateVars, stateVarsLength)+stateVarsLength,
vt100Start, vt100End - vt100Start) + (vt100End - vt100Start),
shellInABoxStart, shellInABoxEnd - shellInABoxStart);
} else {
contentLength = 0;
httpTransfer(http, response, headerLength + contentLength);
} else if (pathInfoLength == 10 && !memcmp(pathInfo, "styles.css", 10)) {
// Serve the style sheet.
extern char stylesStart[];
extern char stylesEnd[];
serveStaticFile(http, "text/css; charset=utf-8", stylesStart, stylesEnd);
} else {
httpSendReply(http, 404, "File not found", NO_MSG);
return HTTP_DONE;
static int strtoint(const char *s, int minVal, int maxVal) {
char *ptr;
if (!*s) {
fatal("Missing numeric value.");
long l = strtol(s, &ptr, 10);
if (*ptr || l < minVal || l > maxVal) {
fatal("Range error on numeric value \"%s\".", s);
return l;
static void usage(void) {
// Drop privileges so that we can tell which uid/gid we would normally
// run at.
uid_t r_uid, e_uid, s_uid;
uid_t r_gid, e_gid, s_gid;
check(!getresuid(&r_uid, &e_uid, &s_uid));
check(!getresgid(&r_gid, &e_gid, &s_gid));
const char *user = getUserName(r_uid);
const char *group = getGroupName(r_gid);
message("Usage: shellinaboxd [OPTIONS]...\n"
"Starts an HTTP server that serves terminal emulators to AJAX "
"enabled browsers.\n"
"List of command line options:\n"
" -b, --background[=PIDFILE] run in background\n"
" --cgi[=PORTMIN-PORTMAX] run as CGI\n"
" -d, --debug enable debug mode\n"
" -f, --static-file=URL:FILE serve static file from URL path\n"
" -g, --group=GID switch to this group (default: %s)\n"
" -h, --help print this message\n"
" --no-beep suppress all audio output\n"
" -n, --numeric do not resolve hostnames\n"
" -p, --port=PORT select a port (default: %d)\n"
" -s, --service=SERVICE define one or more services\n"
" -q, --quiet turn off all messages\n"
" -u, --user=UID switch to this user (default: %s)\n"
" -v, --verbose enable logging messages\n"
" --version prints version information\n"
"Debug, quiet, and verbose are mutually exclusive.\n"
"One or more --service arguments define services that should "
"be made available \n"
"through the web interface:\n"
" SERVICE := <url-path> ':' APP\n"
" APP := 'LOGIN' | USER ':' CWD ':' <cmdline>\n"
" USER := %s<username> ':' <groupname>\n"
" CWD := 'HOME' | <dir>\n"
"<cmdline> supports variable expansion:\n"
" ${columns} - number of columns\n"
" ${gid} - gid id\n"
" ${group} - group name\n"
" ${home} - home directory\n"
" ${lines} - number of rows\n"
" ${peer} - name of remote peer\n"
" ${uid} - user id\n"
" ${user} - user name",
!serverSupportsSSL() ? "" :
" -c, --cert=CERTDIR set certificate dir "
"(default: $PWD)\n"
" --cert-fd=FD set certificate file from fd\n",
group, PORTNUM,
!serverSupportsSSL() ? "" :
" -t, --disable-ssl disable transparent SSL support\n"
" --disable-ssl-menu disallow changing transport mode\n",
user, supportsPAM() ? "'AUTH' | " : "");
free((char *)user);
free((char *)group);
static void destroyExternalFileHashEntry(void *arg, char *key, char *value) {
static void parseArgs(int argc, char * const argv[]) {
int hasSSL = serverSupportsSSL();
if (!hasSSL) {
enableSSL = 0;
int demonize = 0;
int cgi = 0;
const char *pidfile = NULL;
int verbosity = MSG_DEFAULT;
externalFiles = newHashMap(destroyExternalFileHashEntry, NULL);
HashMap *serviceTable = newHashMap(destroyServiceHashEntry, NULL);
for (;;) {
static const char optstring[] = "+hb::c:df:g:np:s:tqu:v";
static struct option options[] = {
{ "help", 0, 0, 'h' },
{ "background", 2, 0, 'b' },
{ "cert", 1, 0, 'c' },
{ "cert-fd", 1, 0, 0 },
{ "cgi", 2, 0, 0 },
{ "debug", 0, 0, 'd' },
{ "static-file", 1, 0, 'f' },
{ "group", 1, 0, 'g' },
{ "no-beep", 0, 0, 0 },
{ "numeric", 0, 0, 'n' },
{ "port", 1, 0, 'p' },
{ "service", 1, 0, 's' },
{ "disable-ssl", 0, 0, 't' },
{ "disable-ssl-menu", 0, 0, 0 },
{ "quiet", 0, 0, 'q' },
{ "user", 1, 0, 'u' },
{ "verbose", 0, 0, 'v' },
{ "version", 0, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 } };
int idx = -1;
int c = getopt_long(argc, argv, optstring, options, &idx);
if (c > 0) {
for (int i = 0; options[i].name; i++) {
if (options[i].val == c) {
idx = i;
} else if (c < 0) {
if (idx-- <= 0) {
// Help (or invalid argument)
exit(idx != -1);
} else if (!idx--) {
// Background
if (cgi) {
fatal("CGI and background operations are mutually exclusive");
demonize = 1;
if (optarg && pidfile) {
fatal("Only one pidfile can be given");
if (optarg) {
pidfile = strdup(optarg);
} else if (!idx--) {
// Certificate
if (!hasSSL) {
warn("Ignoring certificate directory, as SSL support is unavailable");
if (certificateFd >= 0) {
fatal("Cannot set both a certificate directory and file handle");
if (certificateDir) {
fatal("Only one certificate directory can be selected");
check(certificateDir = strdup(optarg));
} else if (!idx--) {
// Certificate file descriptor
if (!hasSSL) {
warn("Ignoring certificate directory, as SSL support is unavailable");
if (certificateDir) {
fatal("Cannot set both a certificate directory and file handle");
if (certificateFd >= 0) {
fatal("Only one certificate file handle can be provided");
int tmpFd = strtoint(optarg, 3, INT_MAX);
certificateFd = dup(tmpFd);
if (certificateFd < 0) {
fatal("Invalid certificate file handle");
} else if (!idx--) {
// CGI
if (demonize) {
fatal("CGI and background operations are mutually exclusive");
if (port) {
fatal("Cannot specify a port for CGI operation");
cgi = 1;
if (optarg) {
char *ptr = strchr(optarg, '-');
if (!ptr) {
fatal("Syntax error in port range specification");
*ptr = '\000';
portMin = strtoint(optarg, 1, 65535);
*ptr = '-';
portMax = strtoint(ptr + 1, portMin, 65535);
} else if (!idx--) {
// Debug
if (!logIsDefault() && !logIsDebug()) {
fatal("--debug is mutually exclusive with --quiet and --verbose.");
verbosity = MSG_DEBUG;
} else if (!idx--) {
// Static file
char *ptr, *path, *file;
if ((ptr = strchr(optarg, ':')) == NULL) {
fatal("Syntax error in static-file definition \"%s\".", optarg);
check(path = malloc(ptr - optarg + 1));
memcpy(path, optarg, ptr - optarg);
path[ptr - optarg] = '\000';
file = strdup(ptr + 1);
if (getRefFromHashMap(externalFiles, path)) {
fatal("Duplicate static-file definition for \"%s\".", path);
addToHashMap(externalFiles, path, file);
} else if (!idx--) {
// Group
if (runAsGroup >= 0) {
fatal("Duplicate --group option.");
runAsGroup = parseGroup(optarg, NULL);
} else if (!idx--) {
// No Beep
noBeep = 1;
} else if (!idx--) {
// Numeric
numericHosts = 1;
} else if (!idx--) {
// Port
if (port) {
fatal("Duplicate --port option");
if (cgi) {
fatal("Cannot specifiy a port for CGI operation");
port = strtoint(optarg, 1, 65535);
} else if (!idx--) {
// Service
struct Service *service;
service = newService(optarg);
if (getRefFromHashMap(serviceTable, service->path)) {
fatal("Duplicate service description for \"%s\".", service->path);
addToHashMap(serviceTable, service->path, (char *)service);
} else if (!idx--) {
// Disable SSL
if (!hasSSL) {
warn("Ignoring disable-ssl option, as SSL support is unavailable");
enableSSL = 0;
} else if (!idx--) {
// Disable SSL Menu
if (!hasSSL) {
warn("Ignoring disable-ssl-menu option, as SSL support is "
enableSSLMenu = 0;
} else if (!idx--) {
// Quiet
if (!logIsDefault() && !logIsQuiet()) {
fatal("--quiet is mutually exclusive with --debug and --verbose.");
verbosity = MSG_QUIET;
} else if (!idx--) {
// User
if (runAsUser >= 0) {
fatal("Duplicate --user option.");
runAsUser = parseUser(optarg, NULL);
} else if (!idx--) {
// Verbose
if (!logIsDefault() && (!logIsInfo() || logIsDebug())) {
fatal("--verbose is mutually exclusive with --debug and --quiet");
verbosity = MSG_INFO;
} else if (!idx--) {
// Version
message("ShellInABox version " VERSION " (revision " VCS_REVISION ")");
if (optind != argc) {
char *buf = NULL;
check(argc >= 1);
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
buf = stringPrintf(buf, " %s", argv[i]);
info("Command line:%s", buf);
// If the user did not specify a port, use the default one
if (!cgi && !port) {
port = PORTNUM;
// If the user did not register any services, provide the default service
if (!getHashmapSize(serviceTable)) {
addToHashMap(serviceTable, "/", (char *)newService(":LOGIN"));
// Do not allow non-root URLs for CGI operation
if (cgi) {
for (int i = 0; i < numServices; i++) {
if (strcmp(services[i]->path, "/")) {
fatal("Non-root service URLs are incompatible with CGI operation");
check(cgiSessionKey = newSessionKey());
if (demonize) {
pid_t pid;
check((pid = fork()) >= 0);
if (pid) {
if (pidfile) {
#define O_LARGEFILE 0
int fd = NOINTR(open(pidfile,
if (fd >= 0) {
char buf[40];
NOINTR(write(fd, buf, snprintf(buf, 40, "%d", (int)getpid())));
free((char *)pidfile);
static void removeLimits() {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(res)/sizeof(int); i++) {
struct rlimit rl;
getrlimit(res[i], &rl);
if (rl.rlim_max < RLIM_INFINITY) {
rl.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY;
setrlimit(res[i], &rl);
getrlimit(res[i], &rl);
if (rl.rlim_cur < rl.rlim_max) {
rl.rlim_cur = rl.rlim_max;
setrlimit(res[i], &rl);
static void setUpSSL(Server *server) {
serverEnableSSL(server, enableSSL);
// Enable SSL support (if available)
if (enableSSL) {
if (certificateFd >= 0) {
serverSetCertificateFd(server, certificateFd);
} else if (certificateDir) {
char *tmp;
if (strchr(certificateDir, '%')) {
fatal("Invalid certificate directory name \"%s\".", certificateDir);
check(tmp = stringPrintf(NULL, "%s/certificate%%s.pem", certificateDir));
serverSetCertificate(server, tmp, 1);
} else {
serverSetCertificate(server, "certificate%s.pem", 1);
int main(int argc, char * const argv[]) {
// Disable core files
prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0);
struct rlimit rl = { 0 };
setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rl);
// Parse command line arguments
parseArgs(argc, argv);
// Fork the launcher process, allowing us to drop privileges in the main
// process.
int launcherFd = forkLauncher();
// Make sure that our timestamps will print in the standard format
setlocale(LC_TIME, "POSIX");
// Create a new web server
Server *server;
if (port) {
check(server = newServer(port));
} else {
// For CGI operation we fork the new server, so that it runs in the
// background.
pid_t pid;
int fds[2];
check((pid = fork()) >= 0);
if (pid) {
// Wait for child to output initial HTML page
char wait;
check(!NOINTR(read(fds[0], &wait, 1)));
check(server = newCGIServer(portMin, portMax, AJAX_TIMEOUT));
cgiServer = server;
// Output a <frameset> that includes our root page
check(port = serverGetListeningPort(server));
extern char cgiRootStart[];
extern char cgiRootEnd[];
char *cgiRoot;
check(cgiRoot = malloc(cgiRootEnd - cgiRootStart + 1));
memcpy(cgiRoot, cgiRootStart, cgiRootEnd - cgiRootStart);
cgiRoot[cgiRootEnd - cgiRootStart] = '\000';
printf("X-ShellInABox-Port: %d\r\n"
"X-ShellInABox-Pid: %d\r\n"
"Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n\r\n",
port, pid);
printfUnchecked(cgiRoot, port, cgiSessionKey);
closeAllFds((int []){ launcherFd, serverGetFd(server) }, 2);
// Set log file format
serverSetNumericHosts(server, numericHosts);
// Disable /quit handler
serverRegisterHttpHandler(server, "/quit", NULL, NULL);
// Register HTTP handler(s)
for (int i = 0; i < numServices; i++) {
serverRegisterHttpHandler(server, services[i]->path,
shellInABoxHttpHandler, services[i]);
// Register handlers for external files
iterateOverHashMap(externalFiles, registerExternalFiles, server);
// Start the server
// Clean up
for (int i = 0; i < numServices; i++) {