A command line utility for setting up and using Steam Mobile Authenticator (AKA Steam 2FA). It can also be used to respond to trade and market confirmations.
**The only legitamate place to download steamguard-cli binaries is through this repo's releases, or by any package manager that is linked in this document.**
**This utility is effectively in beta. Use this software at your own risk. Make sure to back up your maFiles regularly, and make sure to actually write down your revocation code. If you lose both of these, we can't help you, your only recourse is to beg Steam support.**
By contributing code to this project, you give me and any future maintainers a non-exclusive transferable license to use that code for this project, including permission to modify, redistribute, and relicense it.
# License
`steamguard-cli`, the command line program is licensed under GPLv3.
`steamguard`, the library that is used by `steamguard-cli` is dual licensed under MIT or Apache 2.0, at your option.