update steam protobufs (#347)
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 191 additions and 26 deletions
@ -19,5 +19,3 @@ message CAuthentication_BeginAuthSessionViaCredentials_Request_BinaryGuardData {
optional uint32 language = 11;
optional int32 qos_level = 12 [default = 2, (description) = "[ENetQOSLevel] client-specified priority for this auth attempt"];
message CTwoFactor_Time_Request {}
@ -59,9 +59,10 @@ enum EPersonaStateFlag {
enum EContentCheckProvider {
k_EContentCheckProvider_Invalid = 0;
k_EContentCheckProvider_Google = 1;
k_EContentCheckProvider_Google_DEPRECATED = 1;
k_EContentCheckProvider_Amazon = 2;
k_EContentCheckProvider_Local = 3;
k_EContentCheckProvider_GoogleVertexAI = 4;
enum EProfileCustomizationType {
@ -89,6 +90,7 @@ enum EProfileCustomizationType {
k_EProfileCustomizationTypeLoyaltyRewardReactions = 21;
k_EProfileCustomizationTypeSingleArtworkShowcase = 22;
k_EProfileCustomizationTypeAchievementsCompletionist = 23;
k_EProfileCustomizationTypeReplay = 24;
enum EPublishedFileStorageSystem {
@ -113,17 +115,32 @@ enum ESDCardFormatStage {
k_ESDCardFormatStage_Finalizing = 5;
enum EStorageFormatStage {
k_EStorageFormatStage_Invalid = 0;
k_EStorageFormatStage_NotRunning = 1;
k_EStorageFormatStage_Starting = 2;
k_EStorageFormatStage_Testing = 3;
k_EStorageFormatStage_Rescuing = 4;
k_EStorageFormatStage_Formatting = 5;
k_EStorageFormatStage_Finalizing = 6;
enum ESystemFanControlMode {
k_SystemFanControlMode_Invalid = 0;
k_SystemFanControlMode_Disabled = 1;
k_SystemFanControlMode_Default = 2;
enum EColorProfile {
k_EColorProfile_Invalid = 0;
k_EColorProfile_Native = 1;
k_EColorProfile_Standard = 2;
k_EColorProfile_Vivid = 3;
enum EStartupMovieVariant {
k_EStartupMovieVariant_Invalid = 0;
k_EStartupMovieVariant_Default = 1;
k_EStartupMovieVariant_Orange = 2;
enum EColorGamutLabelSet {
k_ColorGamutLabelSet_Default = 0;
k_ColorGamutLabelSet_sRGB_Native = 1;
k_ColorGamutLabelSet_Native_sRGB_Boosted = 2;
enum EBluetoothDeviceType {
@ -206,6 +223,52 @@ enum EScalingFilter {
k_EScalingFilter_NIS = 5;
enum ESplitScalingFilter {
k_ESplitScalingFilter_Invalid = 0;
k_ESplitScalingFilter_Linear = 1;
k_ESplitScalingFilter_Nearest = 2;
k_ESplitScalingFilter_FSR = 3;
k_ESplitScalingFilter_NIS = 4;
enum ESplitScalingScaler {
k_ESplitScalingScaler_Invalid = 0;
k_ESplitScalingScaler_Auto = 1;
k_ESplitScalingScaler_Integer = 2;
k_ESplitScalingScaler_Fit = 3;
k_ESplitScalingScaler_Fill = 4;
k_ESplitScalingScaler_Stretch = 5;
enum EGamescopeBlurMode {
k_EGamescopeBlurMode_Disabled = 0;
k_EGamescopeBlurMode_IfOccluded = 1;
k_EGamescopeBlurMode_Always = 2;
enum ESLSHelper {
k_ESLSHelper_Invalid = 0;
k_ESLSHelper_Minidump = 1;
k_ESLSHelper_Kdump = 2;
k_ESLSHelper_Journal = 3;
k_ESLSHelper_Gpu = 4;
k_ESLSHelper_SystemInfo = 5;
enum EHDRVisualization {
k_EHDRVisualization_None = 0;
k_EHDRVisualization_Heatmap = 1;
k_EHDRVisualization_Analysis = 2;
k_EHDRVisualization_HeatmapExtended = 3;
k_EHDRVisualization_HeatmapClassic = 4;
enum EHDRToneMapOperator {
k_EHDRToneMapOperator_Invalid = 0;
k_EHDRToneMapOperator_Uncharted = 1;
k_EHDRToneMapOperator_Reinhard = 2;
enum ECPUGovernor {
k_ECPUGovernor_Invalid = 0;
k_ECPUGovernor_Perf = 1;
@ -249,6 +312,20 @@ enum EStorageBlockFileSystemType {
k_EStorageBlockFileSystemType_Ext4 = 3;
enum EStorageDriveMediaType {
k_EStorageDriveMediaType_Invalid = 0;
k_EStorageDriveMediaType_Unknown = 1;
k_EStorageDriveMediaType_HDD = 2;
k_EStorageDriveMediaType_SSD = 3;
k_EStorageDriveMediaType_Removable = 4;
enum ESystemDisplayCompatibilityMode {
k_ESystemDisplayCompatibilityMode_Invalid = 0;
k_ESystemDisplayCompatibilityMode_None = 1;
k_ESystemDisplayCompatibilityMode_MinimalBandwith = 2;
enum ESteamDeckCompatibilityCategory {
k_ESteamDeckCompatibilityCategory_Unknown = 0;
k_ESteamDeckCompatibilityCategory_Unsupported = 1;
@ -285,6 +362,7 @@ enum EOSBranch {
k_EOSBranch_Beta = 3;
k_EOSBranch_BetaCandidate = 4;
k_EOSBranch_Main = 5;
k_EOSBranch_Staging = 6;
enum ECommunityItemClass {
@ -305,6 +383,7 @@ enum ECommunityItemClass {
k_ECommunityItemClass_AvatarFrame = 14;
k_ECommunityItemClass_AnimatedAvatar = 15;
k_ECommunityItemClass_SteamDeckKeyboardSkin = 16;
k_ECommunityItemClass_SteamDeckStartupMovie = 17;
enum ESteamDeckCompatibilityFeedback {
@ -342,3 +421,54 @@ enum ESessionPersistence {
k_ESessionPersistence_Ephemeral = 0;
k_ESessionPersistence_Persistent = 1;
enum ENewSteamAnnouncementState {
k_ENewSteamAnnouncementState_Invalid = 0;
k_ENewSteamAnnouncementState_AllRead = 1;
k_ENewSteamAnnouncementState_NewAnnouncement = 2;
k_ENewSteamAnnouncementState_FeaturedAnnouncement = 3;
enum ECommentThreadType {
k_ECommentThreadTypeInvalid = 0;
k_ECommentThreadTypeScreenshot_Deprecated = 1;
k_ECommentThreadTypeWorkshopAccount_Developer = 2;
k_ECommentThreadTypeWorkshopAccount_Public = 3;
k_ECommentThreadTypePublishedFile_Developer = 4;
k_ECommentThreadTypePublishedFile_Public = 5;
k_ECommentThreadTypeTest = 6;
k_ECommentThreadTypeForumTopic = 7;
k_ECommentThreadTypeRecommendation = 8;
k_ECommentThreadTypeVideo_Deprecated = 9;
k_ECommentThreadTypeProfile = 10;
k_ECommentThreadTypeNewsPost = 11;
k_ECommentThreadTypeClan = 12;
k_ECommentThreadTypeClanAnnouncement = 13;
k_ECommentThreadTypeClanEvent = 14;
k_ECommentThreadTypeUserStatusPublished = 15;
k_ECommentThreadTypeUserReceivedNewGame = 16;
k_ECommentThreadTypePublishedFile_Announcement = 17;
k_ECommentThreadTypeModeratorMessage = 18;
k_ECommentThreadTypeClanCuratedApp = 19;
k_ECommentThreadTypeQAndASession = 20;
k_ECommentThreadTypeMax = 21;
enum EBroadcastPermission {
k_EBroadcastPermissionDisabled = 0;
k_EBroadcastPermissionFriendsApprove = 1;
k_EBroadcastPermissionFriendsAllowed = 2;
k_EBroadcastPermissionPublic = 3;
k_EBroadcastPermissionSubscribers = 4;
enum EBroadcastEncoderSetting {
k_EBroadcastEncoderBestQuality = 0;
k_EBroadcastEncoderBestPerformance = 1;
enum ECloudGamingPlatform {
k_ECloudGamingPlatformNone = 0;
k_ECloudGamingPlatformValve = 1;
k_ECloudGamingPlatformNVIDIA = 2;
@ -38,20 +38,13 @@ message CTwoFactor_AddAuthenticator_Response {
optional bytes secret_1 = 9;
optional int32 status = 10;
optional string phone_number_hint = 11;
message CTwoFactor_CreateEmergencyCodes_Request {
optional string code = 1;
optional int32 confirm_type = 12;
message CTwoFactor_CreateEmergencyCodes_Response {
repeated string codes = 1;
message CTwoFactor_DestroyEmergencyCodes_Request {
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
message CTwoFactor_DestroyEmergencyCodes_Response {
@ -132,6 +125,10 @@ message CTwoFactor_Status_Response {
optional uint32 version = 14;
message CTwoFactor_Time_Request {
optional uint64 sender_time = 1;
message CTwoFactor_Time_Response {
optional uint64 server_time = 1;
optional uint64 skew_tolerance_seconds = 2;
@ -153,25 +150,21 @@ message CTwoFactor_UpdateTokenVersion_Request {
message CTwoFactor_UpdateTokenVersion_Response {
message CTwoFactor_ValidateToken_Request {
optional string code = 1;
message CTwoFactor_ValidateToken_Response {
optional bool valid = 1;
service TwoFactor {
rpc AddAuthenticator (.CTwoFactor_AddAuthenticator_Request) returns (.CTwoFactor_AddAuthenticator_Response);
rpc CreateEmergencyCodes (.CTwoFactor_CreateEmergencyCodes_Request) returns (.CTwoFactor_CreateEmergencyCodes_Response);
rpc DestroyEmergencyCodes (.CTwoFactor_DestroyEmergencyCodes_Request) returns (.CTwoFactor_DestroyEmergencyCodes_Response);
rpc CreateEmergencyCodes (.NotImplemented) returns (.CTwoFactor_CreateEmergencyCodes_Response);
rpc DestroyEmergencyCodes (.NotImplemented) returns (.CTwoFactor_DestroyEmergencyCodes_Response);
rpc FinalizeAddAuthenticator (.CTwoFactor_FinalizeAddAuthenticator_Request) returns (.CTwoFactor_FinalizeAddAuthenticator_Response);
rpc QueryStatus (.CTwoFactor_Status_Request) returns (.CTwoFactor_Status_Response);
rpc QueryTime (.NotImplemented) returns (.CTwoFactor_Time_Response);
rpc QueryTime (.CTwoFactor_Time_Request) returns (.CTwoFactor_Time_Response);
rpc RemoveAuthenticator (.CTwoFactor_RemoveAuthenticator_Request) returns (.CTwoFactor_RemoveAuthenticator_Response);
rpc RemoveAuthenticatorViaChallengeContinue (.CTwoFactor_RemoveAuthenticatorViaChallengeContinue_Request) returns (.CTwoFactor_RemoveAuthenticatorViaChallengeContinue_Response);
rpc RemoveAuthenticatorViaChallengeStart (.CTwoFactor_RemoveAuthenticatorViaChallengeStart_Request) returns (.CTwoFactor_RemoveAuthenticatorViaChallengeStart_Response);
rpc SendEmail (.CTwoFactor_SendEmail_Request) returns (.CTwoFactor_SendEmail_Response);
rpc UpdateTokenVersion (.CTwoFactor_UpdateTokenVersion_Request) returns (.CTwoFactor_UpdateTokenVersion_Response);
rpc ValidateToken (.CTwoFactor_ValidateToken_Request) returns (.CTwoFactor_ValidateToken_Response);
rpc ValidateToken (.NotImplemented) returns (.CTwoFactor_ValidateToken_Response);
@ -28,12 +28,20 @@ enum EAuthSessionSecurityHistory {
k_EAuthSessionSecurityHistory_NoPriorHistory = 2;
enum ETokenRenewalType {
k_ETokenRenewalType_None = 0;
k_ETokenRenewalType_Allow = 1;
enum EAuthTokenRevokeAction {
k_EAuthTokenRevokeLogout = 0;
k_EAuthTokenRevokePermanent = 1;
k_EAuthTokenRevokeReplaced = 2;
k_EAuthTokenRevokeSupport = 3;
k_EAuthTokenRevokeConsume = 4;
k_EAuthTokenRevokeNonRememberedLogout = 5;
k_EAuthTokenRevokeNonRememberedPermanent = 6;
k_EAuthTokenRevokeAutomatic = 7;
enum EAuthTokenState {
@ -62,6 +70,8 @@ message CAuthentication_DeviceDetails {
optional .EAuthTokenPlatformType platform_type = 2 [default = k_EAuthTokenPlatformType_Unknown, (description) = "EAuthTokenPlatformType, claimed, of device"];
optional int32 os_type = 3 [(description) = "EOSType, claimed, of authorized device"];
optional uint32 gaming_device_type = 4 [(description) = "EGamingDeviceType, claimed, of authorized device for steam client-type devices"];
optional uint32 client_count = 5 [(description) = "For desktop clients, quantized number of users in history"];
optional bytes machine_id = 6 [(description) = "Additional device context"];
message CAuthentication_BeginAuthSessionViaQR_Request {
@ -173,10 +183,12 @@ message CAuthentication_UpdateAuthSessionWithSteamGuardCode_Response {
message CAuthentication_AccessToken_GenerateForApp_Request {
optional string refresh_token = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid = 2;
optional .ETokenRenewalType renewal_type = 3 [default = k_ETokenRenewalType_None];
message CAuthentication_AccessToken_GenerateForApp_Response {
optional string access_token = 1;
optional string refresh_token = 2;
message CAuthentication_RefreshToken_Enumerate_Request {
@ -228,6 +240,14 @@ message CAuthentication_MigrateMobileSession_Response {
optional string access_token = 2;
message CAuthentication_Token_Revoke_Request {
optional string token = 1;
optional .EAuthTokenRevokeAction revoke_action = 2 [default = k_EAuthTokenRevokePermanent, (description) = "Select between logout and logout-and-forget-machine"];
message CAuthentication_Token_Revoke_Response {
message CAuthentication_RefreshToken_Revoke_Request {
optional fixed64 token_id = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid = 2 [(description) = "Token holder if an admin action on behalf of another user"];
@ -373,6 +393,10 @@ service Authentication {
option (method_description) = "Migrates a WG token to an access and refresh token using a signature generated with the user's 2FA secret";
rpc RevokeToken (.CAuthentication_Token_Revoke_Request) returns (.CAuthentication_Token_Revoke_Response) {
option (method_description) = "Revoke a single token immediately, making it unable to renew or generate new access tokens";
rpc RevokeRefreshToken (.CAuthentication_RefreshToken_Revoke_Request) returns (.CAuthentication_RefreshToken_Revoke_Response) {
option (method_description) = "Mark the given refresh token as revoked";
@ -92,6 +92,11 @@ message CMsgGCRoutingProtoBufHeader {
message CMsgProtoBufHeader {
enum ESessionDisposition {
k_ESessionDispositionNormal = 0;
k_ESessionDispositionDisconnect = 1;
optional fixed64 steamid = 1;
optional int32 client_sessionid = 2;
optional uint32 routing_appid = 3;
@ -120,6 +125,10 @@ message CMsgProtoBufHeader {
optional uint32 debug_source_string_index = 35;
optional uint64 token_id = 36;
optional .CMsgGCRoutingProtoBufHeader routing_gc = 37;
optional .CMsgProtoBufHeader.ESessionDisposition session_disposition = 38 [default = k_ESessionDispositionNormal];
optional string wg_token = 39;
optional string webui_auth_key = 40;
repeated int32 exclude_client_sessionids = 41;
oneof ip_addr {
uint32 ip = 15;
@ -145,6 +154,7 @@ message CMsgAuthTicket {
optional uint32 ticket_crc = 6;
optional bytes ticket = 7;
optional bytes server_secret = 8;
optional uint32 ticket_type = 9;
message CCDDBAppDetailCommon {
@ -302,6 +312,8 @@ message CPackageReservationStatus {
optional bool expired = 6;
optional uint32 time_expires = 7;
optional uint32 time_reserved = 8;
optional uint32 rtime_estimated_notification = 9;
optional string notificaton_token = 10;
message CMsgKeyValuePair {
@ -312,3 +324,12 @@ message CMsgKeyValuePair {
message CMsgKeyValueSet {
repeated .CMsgKeyValuePair pairs = 1;
message UserContentDescriptorPreferences {
message ContentDescriptor {
optional uint32 content_descriptorid = 1;
optional uint32 timestamp_added = 2;
repeated .UserContentDescriptorPreferences.ContentDescriptor content_descriptors_to_exclude = 1;
@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ message CMsgClientLogonResponse {
optional string email_domain = 8;
optional bytes steam2_ticket = 9;
optional int32 eresult_extended = 10;
optional string webapi_authenticate_user_nonce = 11;
optional uint32 cell_id_ping_threshold = 12;
optional bool deprecated_use_pics = 13;
optional string vanity_url = 14;
optional .CMsgIPAddress public_ip = 15;
optional string user_country = 16;
optional fixed64 client_supplied_steamid = 20;
optional string ip_country_code = 21;
optional bytes parental_settings = 22;
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ use crate::transport::{Transport, TransportError};
use super::{ApiRequest, ApiResponse, BuildableRequest};
use crate::protobufs::custom::CTwoFactor_Time_Request;
use crate::protobufs::service_twofactor::*;
const SERVICE_NAME: &str = "ITwoFactorService";
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