Moved Manifest class to seperate file
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 424 additions and 416 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using SteamAuth;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class Manifest
public bool Encrypted { get; set; }
public bool FirstRun { get; set; } = true;
public List<ManifestEntry> Entries { get; set; }
public bool PeriodicChecking { get; set; } = false;
public int PeriodicCheckingInterval { get; set; } = 5;
public bool CheckAllAccounts { get; set; } = false;
public bool AutoConfirmMarketTransactions { get; set; } = false;
public bool AutoConfirmTrades { get; set; } = false;
private static Manifest _manifest { get; set; }
public static string GetExecutableDir()
return Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
public static Manifest GetManifest(bool forceLoad = false)
// Check if already staticly loaded
if (_manifest != null && !forceLoad)
return _manifest;
// Find config dir and manifest file
string maFile = Program.SteamGuardPath + "/manifest.json";
// If there's no config dir, create it
if (!Directory.Exists(Program.SteamGuardPath))
_manifest = _generateNewManifest();
return _manifest;
// If there's no manifest, create it
if (!File.Exists(maFile))
if (Program.Verbose) Console.WriteLine("warn: No manifest file found at {0}", maFile);
_manifest = _generateNewManifest(true);
return _manifest;
string manifestContents = File.ReadAllText(maFile);
_manifest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Manifest>(manifestContents);
if (_manifest.Encrypted && _manifest.Entries.Count == 0)
_manifest.Encrypted = false;
if (_manifest.Encrypted)
throw new NotSupportedException("Encrypted maFiles are not supported at this time.");
return _manifest;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("error: Could not open manifest file: {0}", ex.ToString());
return null;
private static Manifest _generateNewManifest(bool scanDir = false)
if (Program.Verbose) Console.WriteLine("Generating new manifest...");
// No directory means no manifest file anyways.
Manifest newManifest = new Manifest();
newManifest.Encrypted = false;
newManifest.PeriodicCheckingInterval = 5;
newManifest.PeriodicChecking = false;
newManifest.AutoConfirmMarketTransactions = false;
newManifest.AutoConfirmTrades = false;
newManifest.Entries = new List<ManifestEntry>();
newManifest.FirstRun = true;
// Take a pre-manifest version and generate a manifest for it.
if (scanDir)
if (Directory.Exists(Program.SteamGuardPath))
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Program.SteamGuardPath);
var files = dir.GetFiles();
foreach (var file in files)
if (file.Extension != ".maFile") continue;
string contents = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName);
SteamGuardAccount account = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SteamGuardAccount>(contents);
ManifestEntry newEntry = new ManifestEntry()
Filename = file.Name,
SteamID = account.Session.SteamID
catch (Exception)
if (newManifest.Entries.Count > 0)
newManifest.PromptSetupPassKey("This version of SDA has encryption. Please enter a passkey below, or hit cancel to remain unencrypted");
if (newManifest.Save())
return newManifest;
return null;
public class IncorrectPassKeyException : Exception { }
public class ManifestNotEncryptedException : Exception { }
public string PromptForPassKey()
if (!this.Encrypted)
throw new ManifestNotEncryptedException();
bool passKeyValid = false;
string passKey = "";
while (!passKeyValid)
Console.WriteLine("Please enter encryption password: ");
passKey = Console.ReadLine();
if (passKey == "")
passKeyValid = this.VerifyPasskey(passKey);
if (!passKeyValid)
return passKey;
public string PromptSetupPassKey(string initialPrompt = "Enter passkey, or hit cancel to remain unencrypted.")
Console.Write("Would you like to use encryption? [Y/n] ");
string doEncryptAnswer = Console.ReadLine();
if (doEncryptAnswer == "n" || doEncryptAnswer == "N")
Console.WriteLine("WARNING: You chose to not encrypt your files. Doing so imposes a security risk for yourself. If an attacker were to gain access to your computer, they could completely lock you out of your account and steal all your items.");
return null;
string newPassKey = "";
string confirmPassKey = "";
Console.Write("Enter passkey: ");
newPassKey = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Confirm passkey: ");
confirmPassKey = Console.ReadLine();
if (newPassKey != confirmPassKey)
Console.WriteLine("Passkeys do not match.");
} while (newPassKey != confirmPassKey);
if (!this.ChangeEncryptionKey(null, newPassKey))
Console.WriteLine("Unable to set passkey.");
return null;
Console.WriteLine("Passkey successfully set.");
return newPassKey;
public SteamAuth.SteamGuardAccount[] GetAllAccounts(string passKey = null, int limit = -1)
if (passKey == null && this.Encrypted) return new SteamGuardAccount[0];
List<SteamAuth.SteamGuardAccount> accounts = new List<SteamAuth.SteamGuardAccount>();
foreach (var entry in this.Entries)
string fileText = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(Program.SteamGuardPath, entry.Filename));
if (this.Encrypted)
throw new NotSupportedException("Encrypted maFiles are not supported at this time.");
//string decryptedText = FileEncryptor.DecryptData(passKey, entry.Salt, entry.IV, fileText);
//if (decryptedText == null) return new SteamGuardAccount[0];
//fileText = decryptedText;
var account = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SteamAuth.SteamGuardAccount>(fileText);
if (account == null) continue;
if (limit != -1 && limit >= accounts.Count)
return accounts.ToArray();
public bool ChangeEncryptionKey(string oldKey, string newKey)
throw new NotSupportedException("Encrypted maFiles are not supported at this time.");
public bool VerifyPasskey(string passkey)
if (!this.Encrypted || this.Entries.Count == 0) return true;
var accounts = this.GetAllAccounts(passkey, 1);
return accounts != null && accounts.Length == 1;
public bool RemoveAccount(SteamGuardAccount account, bool deleteMaFile = true)
ManifestEntry entry = (from e in this.Entries where e.SteamID == account.Session.SteamID select e).FirstOrDefault();
if (entry == null) return true; // If something never existed, did you do what they asked?
string filename = Path.Combine(Program.SteamGuardPath, entry.Filename);
if (this.Entries.Count == 0)
this.Encrypted = false;
if (this.Save() && deleteMaFile)
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;
return false;
public bool SaveAccount(SteamGuardAccount account, bool encrypt, string passKey = null)
if (encrypt && String.IsNullOrEmpty(passKey)) return false;
if (!encrypt && this.Encrypted) return false;
string salt = null;
string iV = null;
string jsonAccount = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(account);
if (encrypt)
throw new NotSupportedException("Encrypted maFiles are not supported at this time.");
string filename = account.Session.SteamID.ToString() + ".maFile";
ManifestEntry newEntry = new ManifestEntry()
SteamID = account.Session.SteamID,
IV = iV,
Salt = salt,
Filename = filename
bool foundExistingEntry = false;
for (int i = 0; i < this.Entries.Count; i++)
if (this.Entries[i].SteamID == account.Session.SteamID)
this.Entries[i] = newEntry;
foundExistingEntry = true;
if (!foundExistingEntry)
bool wasEncrypted = this.Encrypted;
this.Encrypted = encrypt || this.Encrypted;
if (!this.Save())
this.Encrypted = wasEncrypted;
return false;
File.WriteAllText(Program.SteamGuardPath + filename, jsonAccount);
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;
public bool Save()
string filename = Program.SteamGuardPath + "manifest.json";
if (!Directory.Exists(Program.SteamGuardPath))
catch (Exception)
return false;
string contents = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this);
File.WriteAllText(filename, contents);
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;
private void RecomputeExistingEntries()
List<ManifestEntry> newEntries = new List<ManifestEntry>();
foreach (var entry in this.Entries)
string filename = Path.Combine(Program.SteamGuardPath, entry.Filename);
if (File.Exists(filename))
this.Entries = newEntries;
if (this.Entries.Count == 0)
this.Encrypted = false;
public void MoveEntry(int from, int to)
if (from < 0 || to < 0 || from > Entries.Count || to > Entries.Count - 1) return;
ManifestEntry sel = Entries[from];
Entries.Insert(to, sel);
public class ManifestEntry
public string IV { get; set; }
public string Salt { get; set; }
public string Filename { get; set; }
public ulong SteamID { get; set; }
@ -108,418 +108,3 @@ public static class Program
Console.WriteLine("error: No Steam accounts found in {0}", SteamGuardAccounts);
public class Manifest
public bool Encrypted { get; set; }
public bool FirstRun { get; set; } = true;
public List<ManifestEntry> Entries { get; set; }
public bool PeriodicChecking { get; set; } = false;
public int PeriodicCheckingInterval { get; set; } = 5;
public bool CheckAllAccounts { get; set; } = false;
public bool AutoConfirmMarketTransactions { get; set; } = false;
public bool AutoConfirmTrades { get; set; } = false;
private static Manifest _manifest { get; set; }
public static string GetExecutableDir()
return Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
public static Manifest GetManifest(bool forceLoad = false)
// Check if already staticly loaded
if (_manifest != null && !forceLoad)
return _manifest;
// Find config dir and manifest file
string maFile = Program.SteamGuardPath + "/manifest.json";
// If there's no config dir, create it
if (!Directory.Exists(Program.SteamGuardPath))
_manifest = _generateNewManifest();
return _manifest;
// If there's no manifest, create it
if (!File.Exists(maFile))
if (Program.Verbose) Console.WriteLine("warn: No manifest file found at {0}", maFile);
_manifest = _generateNewManifest(true);
return _manifest;
string manifestContents = File.ReadAllText(maFile);
_manifest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Manifest>(manifestContents);
if (_manifest.Encrypted && _manifest.Entries.Count == 0)
_manifest.Encrypted = false;
if (_manifest.Encrypted)
throw new NotSupportedException("Encrypted maFiles are not supported at this time.");
return _manifest;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("error: Could not open manifest file: {0}", ex.ToString());
return null;
private static Manifest _generateNewManifest(bool scanDir = false)
if (Program.Verbose) Console.WriteLine("Generating new manifest...");
// No directory means no manifest file anyways.
Manifest newManifest = new Manifest();
newManifest.Encrypted = false;
newManifest.PeriodicCheckingInterval = 5;
newManifest.PeriodicChecking = false;
newManifest.AutoConfirmMarketTransactions = false;
newManifest.AutoConfirmTrades = false;
newManifest.Entries = new List<ManifestEntry>();
newManifest.FirstRun = true;
// Take a pre-manifest version and generate a manifest for it.
if (scanDir)
if (Directory.Exists(Program.SteamGuardPath))
DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(Program.SteamGuardPath);
var files = dir.GetFiles();
foreach (var file in files)
if (file.Extension != ".maFile") continue;
string contents = File.ReadAllText(file.FullName);
SteamGuardAccount account = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SteamGuardAccount>(contents);
ManifestEntry newEntry = new ManifestEntry()
Filename = file.Name,
SteamID = account.Session.SteamID
catch (Exception)
if (newManifest.Entries.Count > 0)
newManifest.PromptSetupPassKey("This version of SDA has encryption. Please enter a passkey below, or hit cancel to remain unencrypted");
if (newManifest.Save())
return newManifest;
return null;
public class IncorrectPassKeyException : Exception { }
public class ManifestNotEncryptedException : Exception { }
public string PromptForPassKey()
if (!this.Encrypted)
throw new ManifestNotEncryptedException();
bool passKeyValid = false;
string passKey = "";
while (!passKeyValid)
Console.WriteLine("Please enter encryption password: ");
passKey = Console.ReadLine();
if (passKey == "")
passKeyValid = this.VerifyPasskey(passKey);
if (!passKeyValid)
return passKey;
public string PromptSetupPassKey(string initialPrompt = "Enter passkey, or hit cancel to remain unencrypted.")
Console.Write("Would you like to use encryption? [Y/n] ");
string doEncryptAnswer = Console.ReadLine();
if (doEncryptAnswer == "n" || doEncryptAnswer == "N")
Console.WriteLine("WARNING: You chose to not encrypt your files. Doing so imposes a security risk for yourself. If an attacker were to gain access to your computer, they could completely lock you out of your account and steal all your items.");
return null;
string newPassKey = "";
string confirmPassKey = "";
Console.Write("Enter passkey: ");
newPassKey = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("Confirm passkey: ");
confirmPassKey = Console.ReadLine();
if (newPassKey != confirmPassKey)
Console.WriteLine("Passkeys do not match.");
} while (newPassKey != confirmPassKey);
if (!this.ChangeEncryptionKey(null, newPassKey))
Console.WriteLine("Unable to set passkey.");
return null;
Console.WriteLine("Passkey successfully set.");
return newPassKey;
public SteamAuth.SteamGuardAccount[] GetAllAccounts(string passKey = null, int limit = -1)
if (passKey == null && this.Encrypted) return new SteamGuardAccount[0];
List<SteamAuth.SteamGuardAccount> accounts = new List<SteamAuth.SteamGuardAccount>();
foreach (var entry in this.Entries)
string fileText = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(Program.SteamGuardPath, entry.Filename));
if (this.Encrypted)
throw new NotSupportedException("Encrypted maFiles are not supported at this time.");
//string decryptedText = FileEncryptor.DecryptData(passKey, entry.Salt, entry.IV, fileText);
//if (decryptedText == null) return new SteamGuardAccount[0];
//fileText = decryptedText;
var account = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SteamAuth.SteamGuardAccount>(fileText);
if (account == null) continue;
if (limit != -1 && limit >= accounts.Count)
return accounts.ToArray();
public bool ChangeEncryptionKey(string oldKey, string newKey)
throw new NotSupportedException("Encrypted maFiles are not supported at this time.");
public bool VerifyPasskey(string passkey)
if (!this.Encrypted || this.Entries.Count == 0) return true;
var accounts = this.GetAllAccounts(passkey, 1);
return accounts != null && accounts.Length == 1;
public bool RemoveAccount(SteamGuardAccount account, bool deleteMaFile = true)
ManifestEntry entry = (from e in this.Entries where e.SteamID == account.Session.SteamID select e).FirstOrDefault();
if (entry == null) return true; // If something never existed, did you do what they asked?
string filename = Path.Combine(Program.SteamGuardPath, entry.Filename);
if (this.Entries.Count == 0)
this.Encrypted = false;
if (this.Save() && deleteMaFile)
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;
return false;
public bool SaveAccount(SteamGuardAccount account, bool encrypt, string passKey = null)
if (encrypt && String.IsNullOrEmpty(passKey)) return false;
if (!encrypt && this.Encrypted) return false;
string salt = null;
string iV = null;
string jsonAccount = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(account);
if (encrypt)
throw new NotSupportedException("Encrypted maFiles are not supported at this time.");
string filename = account.Session.SteamID.ToString() + ".maFile";
ManifestEntry newEntry = new ManifestEntry()
SteamID = account.Session.SteamID,
IV = iV,
Salt = salt,
Filename = filename
bool foundExistingEntry = false;
for (int i = 0; i < this.Entries.Count; i++)
if (this.Entries[i].SteamID == account.Session.SteamID)
this.Entries[i] = newEntry;
foundExistingEntry = true;
if (!foundExistingEntry)
bool wasEncrypted = this.Encrypted;
this.Encrypted = encrypt || this.Encrypted;
if (!this.Save())
this.Encrypted = wasEncrypted;
return false;
File.WriteAllText(Program.SteamGuardPath + filename, jsonAccount);
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;
public bool Save()
string filename = Program.SteamGuardPath + "manifest.json";
if (!Directory.Exists(Program.SteamGuardPath))
catch (Exception)
return false;
string contents = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this);
File.WriteAllText(filename, contents);
return true;
catch (Exception)
return false;
private void RecomputeExistingEntries()
List<ManifestEntry> newEntries = new List<ManifestEntry>();
foreach (var entry in this.Entries)
string filename = Path.Combine(Program.SteamGuardPath, entry.Filename);
if (File.Exists(filename))
this.Entries = newEntries;
if (this.Entries.Count == 0)
this.Encrypted = false;
public void MoveEntry(int from, int to)
if (from < 0 || to < 0 || from > Entries.Count || to > Entries.Count - 1) return;
ManifestEntry sel = Entries[from];
Entries.Insert(to, sel);
public class ManifestEntry
public string IV { get; set; }
public string Salt { get; set; }
public string Filename { get; set; }
public ulong SteamID { get; set; }
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ all: Program.cs
nuget restore SteamAuth/SteamAuth/SteamAuth.sln
mcs -target:library -out:build/SteamAuth.dll -r:SteamAuth/SteamAuth/packages/Newtonsoft.Json.7.0.1/lib/net45/Newtonsoft.Json.dll SteamAuth/SteamAuth/APIEndpoints.cs SteamAuth/SteamAuth/AuthenticatorLinker.cs SteamAuth/SteamAuth/Confirmation.cs SteamAuth/SteamAuth/SessionData.cs SteamAuth/SteamAuth/SteamGuardAccount.cs SteamAuth/SteamAuth/SteamWeb.cs SteamAuth/SteamAuth/TimeAligner.cs SteamAuth/SteamAuth/UserLogin.cs SteamAuth/SteamAuth/Util.cs SteamAuth/SteamAuth/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
cp SteamAuth/SteamAuth/packages/Newtonsoft.Json.7.0.1/lib/net45/Newtonsoft.Json.dll build/
mcs -out:build/steamguard -r:build/SteamAuth.dll -r:build/Newtonsoft.Json.dll Program.cs
mcs -out:build/steamguard -r:build/SteamAuth.dll -r:build/Newtonsoft.Json.dll Program.cs Manifest.cs
build/steamguard -v
Add table
Reference in a new issue