use crate::protobufs::service_twofactor::{ CTwoFactor_AddAuthenticator_Request, CTwoFactor_FinalizeAddAuthenticator_Request, }; use crate::steamapi::twofactor::TwoFactorClient; use crate::token::TwoFactorSecret; use crate::transport::WebApiTransport; use crate::{steamapi::EResult, token::Tokens, SteamGuardAccount}; use log::*; use thiserror::Error; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct AccountLinker { device_id: String, pub account: Option, pub finalized: bool, tokens: Tokens, client: TwoFactorClient, } impl AccountLinker { pub fn new(tokens: Tokens) -> AccountLinker { Self { device_id: generate_device_id(), account: None, finalized: false, tokens, client: TwoFactorClient::new(WebApiTransport::new()), } } pub fn tokens(&self) -> &Tokens { &self.tokens } pub fn link(&mut self) -> anyhow::Result { let access_token = self.tokens.access_token(); let steam_id = access_token.decode()?.steam_id(); let mut req = CTwoFactor_AddAuthenticator_Request::new(); req.set_authenticator_type(1); req.set_steamid(steam_id); req.set_sms_phone_id("1".to_owned()); req.set_device_identifier(self.device_id.clone()); let resp = self.client.add_authenticator(req, access_token)?; if resp.result != EResult::OK { return Err(resp.result.into()); } let mut resp = resp.into_response_data(); let account = SteamGuardAccount { account_name: resp.take_account_name(), steam_id, serial_number: resp.serial_number().to_string(), revocation_code: resp.take_revocation_code().into(), uri: resp.take_uri().into(), shared_secret: TwoFactorSecret::from_bytes(resp.take_shared_secret()), token_gid: resp.take_token_gid(), identity_secret: base64::encode(resp.take_identity_secret()).into(), device_id: self.device_id.clone(), secret_1: base64::encode(resp.take_secret_1()).into(), tokens: Some(self.tokens.clone()), }; let success = AccountLinkSuccess { account, server_time: resp.server_time(), phone_number_hint: resp.take_phone_number_hint(), }; Ok(success) } /// You may have to call this multiple times. If you have to call it a bunch of times, then you can assume that you are unable to generate correct 2fa codes. pub fn finalize( &mut self, time: u64, account: &mut SteamGuardAccount, sms_code: String, ) -> anyhow::Result<(), FinalizeLinkError> { let code = account.generate_code(time); let token = self.tokens.access_token(); let steam_id = account.steam_id; let mut req = CTwoFactor_FinalizeAddAuthenticator_Request::new(); req.set_steamid(steam_id); req.set_authenticator_code(code); req.set_authenticator_time(time); req.set_activation_code(sms_code); let resp = self.client.finalize_authenticator(req, token)?; if resp.result != EResult::OK { return Err(resp.result.into()); } let resp = resp.into_response_data(); if resp.want_more() { return Err(FinalizeLinkError::WantMore { server_time: resp.server_time(), }); } self.finalized = true; Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct AccountLinkSuccess { account: SteamGuardAccount, server_time: u64, phone_number_hint: String, } impl AccountLinkSuccess { pub fn account(&self) -> &SteamGuardAccount { &self.account } pub fn into_account(self) -> SteamGuardAccount { self.account } pub fn server_time(&self) -> u64 { self.server_time } pub fn phone_number_hint(&self) -> &str { &self.phone_number_hint } } fn generate_device_id() -> String { format!("android:{}", uuid::Uuid::new_v4()) } #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum AccountLinkError { /// No phone number on the account #[error("A phone number is needed, but not already present on the account.")] MustProvidePhoneNumber, /// User need to click link from confirmation email #[error("An email has been sent to the user's email, click the link in that email.")] MustConfirmEmail, #[error("Authenticator is already present on this account.")] AuthenticatorPresent, #[error("You are sending too many requests to Steam, and we got rate limited. Wait at least a couple hours and try again.")] RateLimitExceeded, #[error("Steam was unable to link the authenticator to the account. No additional information about this error is available. This is a Steam error, not a steamguard-cli error. Try adding a phone number to your Steam account (which you can do here:, or try again later.")] GenericFailure, #[error("Steam returned an unexpected error code: {0:?}")] UnknownEResult(EResult), #[error(transparent)] Unknown(#[from] anyhow::Error), } impl From for AccountLinkError { fn from(result: EResult) -> Self { match result { EResult::RateLimitExceeded => AccountLinkError::RateLimitExceeded, EResult::NoVerifiedPhone => AccountLinkError::MustProvidePhoneNumber, EResult::DuplicateRequest => AccountLinkError::AuthenticatorPresent, // If the user has no phone number on their account, it will always return this status code. // However, this does not mean that this status just means "no phone number". It can also // be literally anything else, so that's why we return GenericFailure here. // update 2023: This may be no longer true, now it seems to return NoVerifiedPhone if there is no phone number. We'll see. EResult::Fail => AccountLinkError::GenericFailure, r => AccountLinkError::UnknownEResult(r), } } } #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum FinalizeLinkError { #[error("Provided SMS code was incorrect.")] BadSmsCode, /// Steam wants more 2fa codes to verify that we can generate valid codes. Call finalize again. #[error("Steam wants more 2fa codes for verification.")] WantMore { server_time: u64 }, #[error("Steam returned an unexpected error code: {0:?}")] UnknownEResult(EResult), #[error(transparent)] Unknown(#[from] anyhow::Error), } impl From for FinalizeLinkError { fn from(result: EResult) -> Self { match result { EResult::TwoFactorActivationCodeMismatch => FinalizeLinkError::BadSmsCode, r => FinalizeLinkError::UnknownEResult(r), } } }