using Newtonsoft.Json; using SteamAuth; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace SteamGuard { public static class Program { public const string defaultSteamGuardPath = "~/maFiles"; public static string SteamGuardPath { get; set; } = defaultSteamGuardPath; public static Manifest Manifest { get; set; } public static SteamGuardAccount[] SteamGuardAccounts { get; set; } public static bool Verbose { get; set; } = false; /// /// The main entry point for the application /// [STAThread] public static void Main(string[] args) { string action = ""; string user = ""; string passkey = ""; // Parse cli arguments for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { if (args[i].StartsWith("-")) { // TODO: there's gotta be some framework or tool or something for this if (args[i] == "-v" || args[i] == "--verbose") { Verbose = true; } else if (args[i] == "-m" || args[i] == "--mafiles-path") { i++; if (i < args.Length) { SteamGuardPath = args[i]; } else { Console.WriteLine($"Expected path after {args[i-1]}"); return; } } else if (args[i] == "-p" || args[i] == "--passkey") { i++; if (i < args.Length) { passkey = args[i]; } else { Console.WriteLine($"Expected encryption passkey after {args[i-1]}"); return; } } else if (args[i] == "--help" || args[i] == "-h") { ShowHelp(); return; } } else // Parse as action or username { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(action)) { if (args[i] == "add" || args[i] == "setup") { action = "setup"; } else if (args[i] == "trade") { action = "trade"; } else if (args[i] == "encrypt") { action = "encrypt"; } else if (args[i] == "decrypt") { action = "decrypt"; } else if (args[i] == "remove") { action = "remove"; } else if (args[i] == "2fa" || args[i] == "code" || args[i] == "generate-code") { action = "generate-code"; } else if (args[i] == "accept-all") { action = "accept-all"; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user)) { user = args[i]; } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user)) { user = args[i]; } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(action)) { action = "generate-code"; } // Do some configuring SteamGuardPath = SteamGuardPath.Replace("~", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME")); if (!Directory.Exists(SteamGuardPath)) { if (SteamGuardPath == defaultSteamGuardPath.Replace("~", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("HOME"))) { Utils.Verbose("warn: {0} does not exist, creating...", SteamGuardPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(SteamGuardPath); } else { Console.WriteLine("error: {0} does not exist.", SteamGuardPath); return; } } Utils.Verbose($"Action: {action}"); if (user.Length > 0) { Utils.Verbose($"User: {user}"); } Utils.Verbose($"Passkey: {passkey.Length > 0 ? "[specified]" : "[not specified]" }"); Utils.Verbose($"maFiles path: {SteamGuardPath}"); // Perform desired action switch (action) { case "generate-code": GenerateCode(user, passkey); break; case "encrypt": // Can also be used to change passkey Console.WriteLine(Encrypt(passkey)); break; case "decrypt": Console.WriteLine(Decrypt(passkey)); break; case "setup": Setup(user, passkey); break; case "trade": Trade(user, passkey); break; case "accept-all": AcceptAllTrades(user, passkey); break; default: Console.WriteLine("error: Unknown action: {0}", action); return; } } static void ShowHelp() { var descPadding = 26; var descWidth = Console.BufferWidth - descPadding; if (descWidth < 20) descWidth = 20; var flags = new Dictionary { { "-h, --help", "Display this help message." }, { "-v, --verbose", "Display some extra information when the program is running." }, { "-m, --mafiles-path", "Specify which folder your maFiles are in. Ex: ~/maFiles" }, { "-p, --passkey", "Specify your encryption passkey." }, }; var actions = new Dictionary { { "generate-code", "Generate a Steam Guard code for the specified user (if any) and exit. (default)" }, { "encrypt", "Encrypt your maFiles or change your encryption passkey." }, { "decrypt", "Remove encryption from your maFiles." }, { "code", "Same as generate-code" }, { "2fa", "Same as generate-code" }, { "add", "Set up Steam Guard for 2 factor authentication." }, { "setup", "Same as add" }, { "trade", "Opens an interactive prompt to handle trade confirmations." }, { "accept-all", "Accepts all trade confirmations." } }; Console.WriteLine($"steamguard-cli - v{Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version}"); Console.WriteLine("usage: steamguard ACTION [STEAM USERNAME] [OPTIONS]..."); Console.WriteLine(); foreach (var flag in flags) { // word wrap the descriptions, if needed var desc = flag.Value; if (desc.Length > descWidth) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < desc.Length; i += descWidth) { if (i > 0) sb.Append("".PadLeft((flag.Key.StartsWith("--") ? 5 : 2) + descPadding)); sb.AppendLine(desc.Substring(i, i + descWidth > desc.Length ? desc.Length - i : descWidth).Trim()); } desc = sb.ToString().TrimEnd('\n'); } Console.WriteLine($"{(flag.Key.StartsWith("--") ? " " : " " )}{flag.Key.PadRight(descPadding)}{desc}"); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Actions:"); foreach (var action in actions) { // word wrap the descriptions, if needed var desc = action.Value; if (desc.Length > descWidth) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < desc.Length; i += descWidth) { if (i > 0) sb.Append("".PadLeft(descPadding + 2)); sb.AppendLine(desc.Substring(i, i + descWidth > desc.Length ? desc.Length - i : descWidth).Trim()); } desc = sb.ToString().TrimEnd('\n'); } Console.WriteLine($" {action.Key.PadRight(descPadding)}{desc}"); } } static void GenerateCode(string user = "", string passkey = "") { Utils.Verbose("Aligning time..."); TimeAligner.AlignTime(); Utils.Verbose("Opening manifest..."); Manifest = Manifest.GetManifest(true); Utils.Verbose("Reading accounts from manifest..."); if (Manifest.Encrypted) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(passkey)) { passkey = Manifest.PromptForPassKey(); } SteamGuardAccounts = Manifest.GetAllAccounts(passkey); } else { SteamGuardAccounts = Manifest.GetAllAccounts(); } if (SteamGuardAccounts.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("error: No accounts read."); return; } Utils.Verbose("Selecting account..."); string code = ""; for (int i = 0; i < SteamGuardAccounts.Length; i++) { SteamGuardAccount account = SteamGuardAccounts[i]; if (user != "") { if (account.AccountName.ToLower() == user.ToLower()) { Utils.Verbose("Generating code for {0}...", account.AccountName); code = account.GenerateSteamGuardCode(); break; } } else { Utils.Verbose("Generating code for {0}...", account.AccountName); code = account.GenerateSteamGuardCode(); break; } } if (code != "") Console.WriteLine(code); else Console.WriteLine("error: No Steam accounts found in {0}", SteamGuardAccounts); } static bool Encrypt(string passkey = "") { // NOTE: in this context, `passkey` refers to the old passkey, if there was one Utils.Verbose("Opening manifest..."); Manifest = Manifest.GetManifest(true); Utils.Verbose("Reading accounts from manifest..."); if (Manifest.Encrypted) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(passkey)) { passkey = Manifest.PromptForPassKey(); } SteamGuardAccounts = Manifest.GetAllAccounts(passkey); } else { SteamGuardAccounts = Manifest.GetAllAccounts(); } string newPassKey = Manifest.PromptSetupPassKey(); for (int i = 0; i < SteamGuardAccounts.Length; i++) { var account = SteamGuardAccounts[i]; var salt = Manifest.GetRandomSalt(); var iv = Manifest.GetInitializationVector(); bool success = Manifest.SaveAccount(account, true, newPassKey, salt, iv); Utils.Verbose("Encrypted {0}: {1}", account.AccountName, success); if (!success) return false; } return true; } static bool Decrypt(string passkey = "") { Utils.Verbose("Opening manifest..."); Manifest = Manifest.GetManifest(true); Utils.Verbose("Reading accounts from manifest..."); if (Manifest.Encrypted) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(passkey)) { passkey = Manifest.PromptForPassKey(); } SteamGuardAccounts = Manifest.GetAllAccounts(passkey); } else { Utils.Verbose("Decryption not required."); return true; } for (int i = 0; i < SteamGuardAccounts.Length; i++) { var account = SteamGuardAccounts[i]; bool success = Manifest.SaveAccount(account, false); Utils.Verbose("Decrypted {0}: {1}", account.AccountName, success); if (!success) return false; } return true; } static void Setup(string username = "", string passkey = "") { Utils.Verbose("Opening manifest..."); Manifest = Manifest.GetManifest(true); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username)) { Console.Write("Username: "); username = Console.ReadLine(); } Console.Write("Password: "); var password = Utils.ReadLineSecure(); UserLogin login = new UserLogin(username, password); string emailCode = null, twoFactorCode = null; while (true) { login.EmailCode = emailCode; login.TwoFactorCode = twoFactorCode; Console.Write($"Logging in {username}... "); LoginResult loginResult = login.DoLogin(); Console.WriteLine(loginResult); if (loginResult == LoginResult.NeedEmail) { Console.Write("Email code: "); emailCode = Console.ReadLine(); continue; } else if (loginResult == LoginResult.Need2FA) { Console.Write("2FA code: "); twoFactorCode = Console.ReadLine(); continue; } if (!login.LoggedIn) return; break; } AuthenticatorLinker linker = new AuthenticatorLinker(login.Session); AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult linkResult = AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.GeneralFailure; do { linkResult = linker.AddAuthenticator(); Console.WriteLine($"Link result: {linkResult}"); switch (linkResult) { case AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.MustProvidePhoneNumber: var phonenumber = ""; do { Console.WriteLine("Enter your mobile phone number in the following format: +{cC} phoneNumber. EG, +1 123-456-7890"); phonenumber = Console.ReadLine(); phonenumber = FilterPhoneNumber(phonenumber); linker.PhoneNumber = phonenumber; } while (!PhoneNumberOkay(phonenumber)); break; case AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.MustRemovePhoneNumber: linker.PhoneNumber = null; break; case AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.AwaitingFinalization: break; case AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.GeneralFailure: Console.WriteLine("error: Unable to add your phone number. Steam returned GeneralFailure"); return; case AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.AuthenticatorPresent: Console.WriteLine("An authenticator is already present."); Console.WriteLine("If you have the revocation code (Rxxxxx), this program can remove it for you."); Console.Write("Would you like to remove the current authenticator using your revocation code? (y/n) "); var answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (answer != "y") continue; Console.Write("Revocation code (Rxxxxx): "); var revocationCode = Console.ReadLine(); var account = new SteamGuardAccount(); account.Session = login.Session; account.RevocationCode = revocationCode; if (account.DeactivateAuthenticator()) Console.WriteLine("Successfully deactivated the current authenticator."); else Console.WriteLine("Deactivating the current authenticator was unsuccessful."); continue; default: Console.WriteLine($"error: Unexpected linker result: {linkResult}"); return; } } while (linkResult != AuthenticatorLinker.LinkResult.AwaitingFinalization); string passKey = null; if (Manifest.Entries.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Looks like we are setting up your first account."); passKey = Manifest.PromptSetupPassKey(true); } else if (Manifest.Entries.Count > 0 && Manifest.Encrypted) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(passkey)) { passkey = Manifest.PromptForPassKey(); } } //Save the file immediately; losing this would be bad. if (!Manifest.SaveAccount(linker.LinkedAccount, passKey != null, passKey)) { Manifest.RemoveAccount(linker.LinkedAccount); Console.WriteLine("Unable to save mobile authenticator file. The mobile authenticator has not been linked."); return; } Console.WriteLine( $"The Mobile Authenticator has not yet been linked. Before finalizing the authenticator, please write down your revocation code: {linker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode}"); AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult finalizeResponse = AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.GeneralFailure; do { Console.Write("Please input the SMS message sent to your phone number: "); string smsCode = Console.ReadLine(); finalizeResponse = linker.FinalizeAddAuthenticator(smsCode); Utils.Verbose(finalizeResponse); switch (finalizeResponse) { case AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.BadSMSCode: continue; case AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.UnableToGenerateCorrectCodes: Console.WriteLine( "Unable to generate the proper codes to finalize this authenticator. The authenticator should not have been linked."); Console.WriteLine( $"In the off-chance it was, please write down your revocation code, as this is the last chance to see it: {linker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode}"); Manifest.RemoveAccount(linker.LinkedAccount); return; case AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.GeneralFailure: Console.WriteLine("Unable to finalize this authenticator. The authenticator should not have been linked."); Console.WriteLine( $"In the off-chance it was, please write down your revocation code, as this is the last chance to see it: {linker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode}"); Manifest.RemoveAccount(linker.LinkedAccount); return; } } while (finalizeResponse != AuthenticatorLinker.FinalizeResult.Success); //Linked, finally. Re-save with FullyEnrolled property. Manifest.SaveAccount(linker.LinkedAccount, passKey != null, passKey); Console.WriteLine( $"Mobile authenticator successfully linked. Please actually write down your revocation code: {linker.LinkedAccount.RevocationCode}"); } public static string FilterPhoneNumber(string phoneNumber) => phoneNumber.Replace("-", "").Replace("(", "").Replace(")", ""); public static bool PhoneNumberOkay(string phoneNumber) { if (phoneNumber == null || phoneNumber.Length == 0) return false; if (phoneNumber[0] != '+') return false; return true; } static void Trade(string user = "", string passkey = "") { Utils.Verbose("Opening manifest..."); Manifest = Manifest.GetManifest(true); Utils.Verbose("Reading accounts from manifest..."); if (Manifest.Encrypted) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(passkey)) { passkey = Manifest.PromptForPassKey(); } SteamGuardAccounts = Manifest.GetAllAccounts(passkey); } else { SteamGuardAccounts = Manifest.GetAllAccounts(); } if (SteamGuardAccounts.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("error: No accounts read."); return; } foreach (var account in SteamGuardAccounts) { if (user != "") if (!string.Equals(account.AccountName, user, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) continue; processConfirmations(account); } } enum TradeAction { Accept = 1, Deny = 0, Ignore = -1 } static bool promptRefreshSession(SteamGuardAccount account) { Console.WriteLine("Your Steam credentials have expired. For trade and market confirmations to work properly, please login again."); string username = account.AccountName; Console.WriteLine($"Username: {username}"); Console.Write("Password: "); var password = Console.ReadLine(); UserLogin login = new UserLogin(username, password); Console.Write($"Logging in {username}... "); LoginResult loginResult = login.DoLogin(); if (loginResult == LoginResult.Need2FA && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(account.SharedSecret)) { // if we need a 2fa code, and we can generate it, generate a 2fa code and log in. Utils.Verbose(loginResult); TimeAligner.AlignTime(); login.TwoFactorCode = account.GenerateSteamGuardCode(); if (Verbose) Console.Write($"Logging in {username}... "); loginResult = login.DoLogin(); } Console.WriteLine(loginResult); if (loginResult == LoginResult.LoginOkay) { account.Session = login.Session; } if (account.RefreshSession()) { Utils.Verbose("Session refreshed"); Manifest.SaveAccount(account, Manifest.Encrypted); return true; } else { return false; } } static void processConfirmations(SteamGuardAccount account) { Utils.Verbose("Refeshing Session..."); if (account.RefreshSession()) { Utils.Verbose("Session refreshed"); Manifest.SaveAccount(account, Manifest.Encrypted); } else { Utils.Verbose("Failed to refresh session, prompting user..."); if (!promptRefreshSession(account)) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to refresh session, aborting..."); } } Console.WriteLine("Retrieving trade confirmations..."); var tradesTask = account.FetchConfirmationsAsync(); tradesTask.Wait(); var trades = tradesTask.Result; var tradeActions = new TradeAction[trades.Length]; for (var i = 0; i < tradeActions.Length; i++) { tradeActions[i] = TradeAction.Ignore; } if (trades.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine($"No trade confirmations for {account.AccountName}."); return; } var selected = 0; var colorAccept = ConsoleColor.Green; var colorDeny = ConsoleColor.Red; var colorIgnore = ConsoleColor.Gray; var colorSelected = ConsoleColor.Yellow; var confirm = false; do { Console.Clear(); if (selected >= trades.Length) selected = trades.Length - 1; else if (selected < 0) selected = 0; Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine($"Trade confirmations for {account.AccountName}..."); Console.WriteLine("No action will be made without your confirmation."); Console.WriteLine("[a]ccept [d]eny [i]gnore [enter] Confirm [q]uit"); // accept = 1, deny = 0, ignore = -1 Console.WriteLine(); for (var t = 0; t < trades.Length; t++) { ConsoleColor itemColor; switch (tradeActions[t]) { case TradeAction.Accept: itemColor = colorAccept; break; case TradeAction.Deny: itemColor = colorDeny; break; case TradeAction.Ignore: itemColor = colorIgnore; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } Console.ForegroundColor = t == selected ? colorSelected : itemColor; Console.WriteLine($" [{t}] [{tradeActions[t]}] {trades[t].ConfType} {trades[t].Creator} {trades[t].Description}"); } var key = Console.ReadKey(); switch (key.Key) { case ConsoleKey.UpArrow: case ConsoleKey.W: selected--; break; case ConsoleKey.DownArrow: case ConsoleKey.S: selected++; break; case ConsoleKey.A: tradeActions[selected] = TradeAction.Accept; break; case ConsoleKey.D: tradeActions[selected] = TradeAction.Deny; break; case ConsoleKey.I: tradeActions[selected] = TradeAction.Ignore; break; case ConsoleKey.Enter: confirm = true; break; case ConsoleKey.Escape: case ConsoleKey.Q: Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine("Quitting..."); return; default: break; } } while (!confirm); Console.ResetColor(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Processing..."); for (var t = 0; t < trades.Length; t++) { bool success = false; switch (tradeActions[t]) { case TradeAction.Accept: if (Verbose) Console.Write($"Accepting {trades[t].ConfType} {trades[t].Creator} {trades[t].Description}..."); success = account.AcceptConfirmation(trades[t]); break; case TradeAction.Deny: if (Verbose) Console.Write($"Denying {trades[t].ConfType} {trades[t].Creator} {trades[t].Description}..."); success = account.DenyConfirmation(trades[t]); break; case TradeAction.Ignore: if (Verbose) Console.Write($"Ignoring {trades[t].ConfType} {trades[t].Creator} {trades[t].Description}..."); success = true; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } Utils.Verbose(success); } Console.WriteLine("Done."); } static void AcceptAllTrades(string user = "", string passkey = "") { Utils.Verbose("Opening manifest..."); Manifest = Manifest.GetManifest(true); Utils.Verbose("Reading accounts from manifest..."); if (Manifest.Encrypted) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(passkey)) { passkey = Manifest.PromptForPassKey(); } SteamGuardAccounts = Manifest.GetAllAccounts(passkey); } else { SteamGuardAccounts = Manifest.GetAllAccounts(); } if (SteamGuardAccounts.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("error: No accounts read."); return; } for (int i = 0; i < SteamGuardAccounts.Length; i++) { SteamGuardAccount account = SteamGuardAccounts[i]; if ((user != "" && account.AccountName.ToLower() == user.ToLower()) || user == "") { Console.WriteLine($"Accepting Confirmations on {account.AccountName}"); Utils.Verbose("Refeshing Session..."); if (account.RefreshSession()) { Utils.Verbose("Session refreshed"); Manifest.SaveAccount(account, Manifest.Encrypted); } else { Utils.Verbose("Failed to refresh session, prompting user..."); if (!promptRefreshSession(account)) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to refresh session, aborting..."); } } Utils.Verbose("Fetching Confirmations..."); var tradesTask = account.FetchConfirmationsAsync(); tradesTask.Wait(); Confirmation[] confirmations = tradesTask.Result; Utils.Verbose("Accepting Confirmations..."); account.AcceptMultipleConfirmations(confirmations); if (user != "") { break; } } } } } }