extern crate rpassword; use clap::{crate_version, App, Arg}; use log::*; use regex::Regex; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::{ io::{stdin, stdout, Write}, path::Path, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, }; use steamguard::{ steamapi, AccountLinker, Confirmation, ConfirmationType, LoginError, SteamGuardAccount, UserLogin, }; use termion::{ event::{Event, Key}, input::TermRead, raw::IntoRawMode, screen::AlternateScreen, }; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; #[macro_use] extern crate anyhow; mod accountmanager; lazy_static! { static ref CAPTCHA_VALID_CHARS: Regex = Regex::new("^([A-H]|[J-N]|[P-R]|[T-Z]|[2-4]|[7-9]|[@%&])+$").unwrap(); } fn main() { let matches = App::new("steamguard-cli") .version(crate_version!()) .bin_name("steamguard") .author("dyc3 (Carson McManus)") .about("Generate Steam 2FA codes and confirm Steam trades from the command line.") .arg( Arg::with_name("username") .long("username") .short("u") .help("Select the account you want by steam username. By default, the first account in the manifest is selected.") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("all") .long("all") .short("a") .takes_value(false) .help("Select all accounts in the manifest.") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("mafiles-path") .long("mafiles-path") .short("m") .default_value("~/maFiles") .help("Specify which folder your maFiles are in.") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("passkey") .long("passkey") .short("p") .help("Specify your encryption passkey.") ) .arg( Arg::with_name("verbosity") .short("v") .help("Log what is going on verbosely.") .takes_value(false) .multiple(true) ) .subcommand( App::new("trade") .about("Interactive interface for trade confirmations") .arg( Arg::with_name("accept-all") .short("a") .long("accept-all") .takes_value(false) .help("Accept all open trade confirmations. Does not open interactive interface.") ) ) .subcommand( App::new("setup") .about("Set up a new account with steamguard-cli") ) .subcommand( App::new("debug") .arg( Arg::with_name("demo-conf-menu") .help("Show an example confirmation menu using dummy data.") .takes_value(false) ) ) .get_matches(); let verbosity = matches.occurrences_of("verbosity") as usize + 2; stderrlog::new() .verbosity(verbosity) .module(module_path!()) .init() .unwrap(); if let Some(demo_matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("debug") { if demo_matches.is_present("demo-conf-menu") { demo_confirmation_menu(); } return; } let path = Path::new(matches.value_of("mafiles-path").unwrap()).join("manifest.json"); let mut manifest: accountmanager::Manifest; match accountmanager::Manifest::load(path.as_path()) { Ok(m) => { manifest = m; } Err(e) => { error!("Could not load manifest: {}", e); return; } } manifest .load_accounts() .expect("Failed to load accounts in manifest"); if matches.is_present("setup") { println!("Log in to the account that you want to link to steamguard-cli"); let session = do_login_raw().expect("Failed to log in. Account has not been linked."); let mut linker = AccountLinker::new(session); let account: SteamGuardAccount; loop { match linker.link() { Ok(a) => { account = a; break; } Err(err) => { error!( "Failed to link authenticator. Account has not been linked. {}", err ); return; } } } manifest.add_account(account); match manifest.save() { Ok(_) => {} Err(err) => { error!("Aborting the account linking process because we failed to save the manifest. This is really bad. Here is the error: {}", err); println!( "Just in case, here is the account info. Save it somewhere just in case!\n{:?}", manifest.accounts.last().as_ref().unwrap() ); return; } } debug!("attempting link finalization"); print!("Enter SMS code: "); let sms_code = prompt(); linker.finalize(sms_code); return; } let mut selected_accounts: Vec>> = vec![]; if matches.is_present("all") { // manifest.accounts.iter().map(|a| selected_accounts.push(a.b)); for account in &manifest.accounts { selected_accounts.push(account.clone()); } } else { for account in &manifest.accounts { if !matches.is_present("username") { selected_accounts.push(account.clone()); break; } if matches.value_of("username").unwrap() == account.lock().unwrap().account_name { selected_accounts.push(account.clone()); break; } } } debug!( "selected accounts: {:?}", selected_accounts .iter() .map(|a| a.lock().unwrap().account_name.clone()) .collect::>() ); if let Some(trade_matches) = matches.subcommand_matches("trade") { info!("trade"); for a in selected_accounts.iter_mut() { let mut account = a.lock().unwrap(); info!("Checking for trade confirmations"); let confirmations: Vec; loop { match account.get_trade_confirmations() { Ok(confs) => { confirmations = confs; break; } Err(_) => { info!("failed to get trade confirmations, asking user to log in"); do_login(&mut account); } } } if trade_matches.is_present("accept-all") { info!("accepting all confirmations"); for conf in &confirmations { let result = account.accept_confirmation(conf); debug!("accept confirmation result: {:?}", result); } } else { if termion::is_tty(&stdout()) { let (accept, deny) = prompt_confirmation_menu(confirmations); for conf in &accept { let result = account.accept_confirmation(conf); debug!("accept confirmation result: {:?}", result); } for conf in &deny { let result = account.deny_confirmation(conf); debug!("deny confirmation result: {:?}", result); } } else { warn!("not a tty, not showing menu"); for conf in &confirmations { println!("{}", conf.description()); } } } } manifest.save(); } else { let server_time = steamapi::get_server_time(); for account in selected_accounts { trace!("{:?}", account); let code = account.lock().unwrap().generate_code(server_time); println!("{}", code); } } } fn validate_captcha_text(text: &String) -> bool { return CAPTCHA_VALID_CHARS.is_match(text); } #[test] fn test_validate_captcha_text() { assert!(validate_captcha_text(&String::from("2WWUA@"))); assert!(validate_captcha_text(&String::from("3G8HT2"))); assert!(validate_captcha_text(&String::from("3J%@X3"))); assert!(validate_captcha_text(&String::from("2GCZ4A"))); assert!(validate_captcha_text(&String::from("3G8HT2"))); assert!(!validate_captcha_text(&String::from("asd823"))); assert!(!validate_captcha_text(&String::from("!PQ4RD"))); assert!(!validate_captcha_text(&String::from("1GQ4XZ"))); assert!(!validate_captcha_text(&String::from("8GO4XZ"))); assert!(!validate_captcha_text(&String::from("IPQ4RD"))); assert!(!validate_captcha_text(&String::from("0PT4RD"))); assert!(!validate_captcha_text(&String::from("APTSRD"))); assert!(!validate_captcha_text(&String::from("AP5TRD"))); assert!(!validate_captcha_text(&String::from("AP6TRD"))); } /// Prompt the user for text input. fn prompt() -> String { let mut text = String::new(); let _ = std::io::stdout().flush(); stdin() .read_line(&mut text) .expect("Did not enter a correct string"); return String::from(text.strip_suffix('\n').unwrap()); } fn prompt_captcha_text(captcha_gid: &String) -> String { println!("Captcha required. Open this link in your web browser: https://steamcommunity.com/public/captcha.php?gid={}", captcha_gid); let mut captcha_text; loop { print!("Enter captcha text: "); captcha_text = prompt(); if captcha_text.len() > 0 && validate_captcha_text(&captcha_text) { break; } warn!("Invalid chars for captcha text found in user's input. Prompting again..."); } return captcha_text; } /// Returns a tuple of (accepted, denied). Ignored confirmations are not included. fn prompt_confirmation_menu( confirmations: Vec, ) -> (Vec, Vec) { println!("press a key other than enter to show the menu."); let mut to_accept_idx: HashSet = HashSet::new(); let mut to_deny_idx: HashSet = HashSet::new(); let mut screen = AlternateScreen::from(stdout().into_raw_mode().unwrap()); let stdin = stdin(); let mut selected_idx = 0; for c in stdin.events() { match c.expect("could not get events") { Event::Key(Key::Char('a')) => { to_accept_idx.insert(selected_idx); to_deny_idx.remove(&selected_idx); } Event::Key(Key::Char('d')) => { to_accept_idx.remove(&selected_idx); to_deny_idx.insert(selected_idx); } Event::Key(Key::Char('i')) => { to_accept_idx.remove(&selected_idx); to_deny_idx.remove(&selected_idx); } Event::Key(Key::Char('A')) => { (0..confirmations.len()).for_each(|i| { to_accept_idx.insert(i); to_deny_idx.remove(&i); }); } Event::Key(Key::Char('D')) => { (0..confirmations.len()).for_each(|i| { to_accept_idx.remove(&i); to_deny_idx.insert(i); }); } Event::Key(Key::Char('I')) => { (0..confirmations.len()).for_each(|i| { to_accept_idx.remove(&i); to_deny_idx.remove(&i); }); } Event::Key(Key::Up) if selected_idx > 0 => { selected_idx -= 1; } Event::Key(Key::Down) if selected_idx < confirmations.len() - 1 => { selected_idx += 1; } Event::Key(Key::Char('\n')) => { break; } Event::Key(Key::Esc) | Event::Key(Key::Ctrl('c')) => { return (vec![], vec![]); } _ => {} } write!( screen, "{}{}{}arrow keys to select, [a]ccept, [d]eny, [i]gnore, [enter] confirm choices\n\n", termion::clear::All, termion::cursor::Goto(1, 1), termion::color::Fg(termion::color::White) ) .unwrap(); for i in 0..confirmations.len() { if selected_idx == i { write!( screen, "\r{} >", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::LightYellow) ) .unwrap(); } else { write!(screen, "\r{} ", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::White)).unwrap(); } if to_accept_idx.contains(&i) { write!( screen, "{}[a]", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::LightGreen) ) .unwrap(); } else if to_deny_idx.contains(&i) { write!( screen, "{}[d]", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::LightRed) ) .unwrap(); } else { write!(screen, "[ ]").unwrap(); } if selected_idx == i { write!( screen, "{}", termion::color::Fg(termion::color::LightYellow) ) .unwrap(); } write!(screen, " {}\n", confirmations[i].description()).unwrap(); } } return ( to_accept_idx.iter().map(|i| confirmations[*i]).collect(), to_deny_idx.iter().map(|i| confirmations[*i]).collect(), ); } fn do_login(account: &mut SteamGuardAccount) { if account.account_name.len() > 0 { println!("Username: {}", account.account_name); } else { print!("Username: "); account.account_name = prompt(); } let _ = std::io::stdout().flush(); let password = rpassword::prompt_password_stdout("Password: ").unwrap(); if password.len() > 0 { debug!("password is present"); } else { debug!("password is empty"); } // TODO: reprompt if password is empty let mut login = UserLogin::new(account.account_name.clone(), password); let mut loops = 0; loop { match login.login() { Ok(s) => { account.session = Option::Some(s); break; } Err(LoginError::Need2FA) => { debug!("generating 2fa code and retrying"); let server_time = steamapi::get_server_time(); login.twofactor_code = account.generate_code(server_time); } Err(LoginError::NeedCaptcha { captcha_gid }) => { debug!("need captcha to log in"); login.captcha_text = prompt_captcha_text(&captcha_gid); } Err(LoginError::NeedEmail) => { println!("You should have received an email with a code."); print!("Enter code"); login.email_code = prompt(); } r => { error!("Fatal login result: {:?}", r); return; } } loops += 1; if loops > 2 { error!("Too many loops. Aborting login process, to avoid getting rate limited."); return; } } } fn do_login_raw() -> anyhow::Result { print!("Username: "); let username = prompt(); let _ = std::io::stdout().flush(); let password = rpassword::prompt_password_stdout("Password: ").unwrap(); if password.len() > 0 { debug!("password is present"); } else { debug!("password is empty"); } // TODO: reprompt if password is empty let mut login = UserLogin::new(username, password); let mut loops = 0; loop { match login.login() { Ok(s) => { return Ok(s); } Err(LoginError::Need2FA) => { print!("Enter 2fa code: "); let server_time = steamapi::get_server_time(); login.twofactor_code = prompt(); } Err(LoginError::NeedCaptcha { captcha_gid }) => { debug!("need captcha to log in"); login.captcha_text = prompt_captcha_text(&captcha_gid); } Err(LoginError::NeedEmail) => { println!("You should have received an email with a code."); print!("Enter code: "); login.email_code = prompt(); } Err(r) => { error!("Fatal login result: {:?}", r); bail!(r); } } loops += 1; if loops > 2 { error!("Too many loops. Aborting login process, to avoid getting rate limited."); bail!("Too many loops. Login process aborted to avoid getting rate limited."); } } } fn demo_confirmation_menu() { info!("showing demo menu"); let (accept, deny) = prompt_confirmation_menu(vec![ Confirmation { id: 1234, key: 12345, conf_type: ConfirmationType::Trade, creator: 09870987, }, Confirmation { id: 1234, key: 12345, conf_type: ConfirmationType::MarketSell, creator: 09870987, }, Confirmation { id: 1234, key: 12345, conf_type: ConfirmationType::AccountRecovery, creator: 09870987, }, Confirmation { id: 1234, key: 12345, conf_type: ConfirmationType::Trade, creator: 09870987, }, ]); println!("accept: {}, deny: {}", accept.len(), deny.len()); }