use crate::confirmation::{ConfirmationListResponse, SendConfirmationResponse}; use crate::protobufs::service_twofactor::CTwoFactor_RemoveAuthenticator_Request; use crate::steamapi::EResult; use crate::{ steamapi::twofactor::TwoFactorClient, token::TwoFactorSecret, transport::WebApiTransport, }; pub use accountlinker::{AccountLinkError, AccountLinker, FinalizeLinkError}; use anyhow::Result; pub use confirmation::{Confirmation, ConfirmationType}; use hmacsha1::hmac_sha1; use log::*; pub use qrapprover::{QrApprover, QrApproverError}; use reqwest::{ cookie::CookieStore, header::{COOKIE, USER_AGENT}, Url, }; pub use secrecy::{ExposeSecret, SecretString}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::{collections::HashMap, io::Read}; use token::Tokens; pub use userlogin::{DeviceDetails, LoginError, UserLogin}; #[macro_use] extern crate lazy_static; #[macro_use] extern crate anyhow; extern crate maplit; pub mod accountlinker; mod api_responses; mod confirmation; pub mod phonelinker; pub mod protobufs; mod qrapprover; pub mod refresher; mod secret_string; pub mod steamapi; pub mod token; pub mod transport; pub mod userlogin; extern crate base64; extern crate cookie; extern crate hmacsha1; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct SteamGuardAccount { pub account_name: String, pub steam_id: u64, pub serial_number: String, #[serde(with = "secret_string")] pub revocation_code: SecretString, pub shared_secret: TwoFactorSecret, pub token_gid: String, #[serde(with = "secret_string")] pub identity_secret: SecretString, #[serde(with = "secret_string")] pub uri: SecretString, pub device_id: String, #[serde(with = "secret_string")] pub secret_1: SecretString, pub tokens: Option, } fn build_time_bytes(time: u64) -> [u8; 8] { time.to_be_bytes() } fn generate_confirmation_hash_for_time( time: u64, tag: &str, identity_secret: impl AsRef<[u8]>, ) -> String { let decode: &[u8] = &base64::decode(identity_secret).unwrap(); let time_bytes = build_time_bytes(time); let tag_bytes = tag.as_bytes(); let array = [&time_bytes, tag_bytes].concat(); let hash = hmac_sha1(decode, &array); base64::encode(hash) } impl Default for SteamGuardAccount { fn default() -> Self { Self { account_name: String::from(""), steam_id: 0, serial_number: String::from(""), revocation_code: String::from("").into(), shared_secret: TwoFactorSecret::new(), token_gid: String::from(""), identity_secret: String::from("").into(), uri: String::from("").into(), device_id: String::from(""), secret_1: String::from("").into(), tokens: None, } } } impl SteamGuardAccount { pub fn new() -> Self { Self::default() } pub fn from_reader(r: T) -> anyhow::Result where T: Read, { Ok(serde_json::from_reader(r)?) } pub fn set_tokens(&mut self, tokens: Tokens) { self.tokens = Some(tokens); } pub fn is_logged_in(&self) -> bool { self.tokens.is_some() } pub fn generate_code(&self, time: u64) -> String { self.shared_secret.generate_code(time) } fn get_confirmation_query_params(&self, tag: &str, time: u64) -> HashMap<&str, String> { let mut params = HashMap::new(); params.insert("p", self.device_id.clone()); params.insert("a", self.steam_id.to_string()); params.insert( "k", generate_confirmation_hash_for_time(time, tag, self.identity_secret.expose_secret()), ); params.insert("t", time.to_string()); params.insert("m", String::from("android")); params.insert("tag", String::from(tag)); params } fn build_cookie_jar(&self) -> reqwest::cookie::Jar { let url = "".parse::().unwrap(); let cookies = reqwest::cookie::Jar::default(); // let session = self.session.as_ref().unwrap().expose_secret(); let tokens = self.tokens.as_ref().unwrap(); cookies.add_cookie_str("mobileClientVersion=0 (2.1.3)", &url); cookies.add_cookie_str("mobileClient=android", &url); cookies.add_cookie_str("Steam_Language=english", &url); cookies.add_cookie_str("dob=", &url); // cookies.add_cookie_str(format!("sessionid={}", session.session_id).as_str(), &url); cookies.add_cookie_str(format!("steamid={}", self.steam_id).as_str(), &url); cookies.add_cookie_str( format!( "steamLoginSecure={}||{}", self.steam_id, tokens.access_token().expose_secret() ) .as_str(), &url, ); cookies } pub fn get_trade_confirmations(&self) -> Result, anyhow::Error> { // uri: "" // confirmation details: let url = "".parse::().unwrap(); let cookies = self.build_cookie_jar(); let client = reqwest::blocking::ClientBuilder::new() .cookie_store(true) .build()?; let time = steamapi::get_server_time()?.server_time(); let resp = client .get("".parse::().unwrap()) .header("X-Requested-With", "") .header(USER_AGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.1.1; en-us; Google Nexus 4 - 4.1.1 - API 16 - 768x1280 Build/JRO03S) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30") .header(COOKIE, cookies.cookies(&url).unwrap()) .query(&self.get_confirmation_query_params("conf", time)) .send()?; trace!("{:?}", resp); let text = resp.text().unwrap(); trace!("text: {:?}", text); trace!("{}", text); let body: ConfirmationListResponse = serde_json::from_str(text.as_str())?; ensure!(body.success); Ok(body.conf) } /// Respond to a confirmation. /// /// Host: /// Steam Endpoint: `GET /mobileconf/ajaxop` fn send_confirmation_ajax(&self, conf: &Confirmation, operation: String) -> anyhow::Result<()> { ensure!(operation == "allow" || operation == "cancel"); let url = "".parse::().unwrap(); let cookies = self.build_cookie_jar(); let client = reqwest::blocking::ClientBuilder::new() .cookie_store(true) .build()?; let time = steamapi::get_server_time()?.server_time(); let mut query_params = self.get_confirmation_query_params("conf", time); query_params.insert("op", operation); query_params.insert("cid",; query_params.insert("ck", conf.nonce.to_string()); let resp = client.get("".parse::().unwrap()) .header("X-Requested-With", "") .header(USER_AGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.1.1; en-us; Google Nexus 4 - 4.1.1 - API 16 - 768x1280 Build/JRO03S) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30") .header(COOKIE, cookies.cookies(&url).unwrap()) .query(&query_params) .send()?; trace!("send_confirmation_ajax() response: {:?}", &resp); debug!( "send_confirmation_ajax() response status code: {}", &resp.status() ); let raw = resp.text()?; debug!("send_confirmation_ajax() response body: {:?}", &raw); let body: SendConfirmationResponse = serde_json::from_str(raw.as_str())?; if !body.success { return Err(anyhow!("Server responded with failure.")); } Ok(()) } pub fn accept_confirmation(&self, conf: &Confirmation) -> anyhow::Result<()> { self.send_confirmation_ajax(conf, "allow".into()) } pub fn deny_confirmation(&self, conf: &Confirmation) -> anyhow::Result<()> { self.send_confirmation_ajax(conf, "cancel".into()) } /// Steam Endpoint: `GET /mobileconf/details/:id` pub fn get_confirmation_details(&self, conf: &Confirmation) -> anyhow::Result { #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] struct ConfirmationDetailsResponse { pub success: bool, pub html: String, } let url = "".parse::().unwrap(); let cookies = self.build_cookie_jar(); let client = reqwest::blocking::ClientBuilder::new() .cookie_store(true) .build()?; let time = steamapi::get_server_time()?.server_time(); let query_params = self.get_confirmation_query_params("details", time); let resp: ConfirmationDetailsResponse = client.get(format!("{}", .header("X-Requested-With", "") .header(USER_AGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.1.1; en-us; Google Nexus 4 - 4.1.1 - API 16 - 768x1280 Build/JRO03S) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/534.30") .header(COOKIE, cookies.cookies(&url).unwrap()) .query(&query_params) .send()? .json()?; ensure!(resp.success); Ok(resp.html) } /// Removes the mobile authenticator from the steam account. If this operation succeeds, this object can no longer be considered valid. /// Returns whether or not the operation was successful. pub fn remove_authenticator(&self, revocation_code: Option) -> anyhow::Result { ensure!( matches!(revocation_code, Some(_)) || !self.revocation_code.expose_secret().is_empty(), "Revocation code not provided." ); let Some(tokens) = &self.tokens else { return Err(anyhow!("Tokens not set, login required")); }; let mut client = TwoFactorClient::new(WebApiTransport::new()); let mut req = CTwoFactor_RemoveAuthenticator_Request::new(); req.set_revocation_code( revocation_code.unwrap_or(self.revocation_code.expose_secret().to_owned()), ); let resp = client.remove_authenticator(req, tokens.access_token())?; if resp.result != EResult::OK { Err(anyhow!("Failed to remove authenticator: {:?}", resp.result)) } else { Ok(true) } } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn test_generate_confirmation_hash_for_time() { assert_eq!( generate_confirmation_hash_for_time(1617591917, "conf", "GQP46b73Ws7gr8GmZFR0sDuau5c="), String::from("NaL8EIMhfy/7vBounJ0CvpKbrPk=") ); } }