fixes #193 fixes #192 fixes #107 - [x] Implement the new login process - [x] Tested - [x] Update the authenticator setup process - [x] Tested - [x] Update the authenticator remove process - [x] Tested - [x] Manifest format migrator - [x] Tested - [x] Make it possible to import SDA accounts - [x] Make sure confirmations still work - [x] Fetching - [x] Responding - [x] Make it so that the login process doesn't prompt for which method to use - [x] Make it so that device confirmation and email confirmation auth session guards work
23 lines
1.4 KiB
Protocol Buffer
23 lines
1.4 KiB
Protocol Buffer
import "steammessages_base.proto";
import "steammessages_unified_base.steamclient.proto";
import "enums.proto";
import "steammessages_auth.steamclient.proto";
option cc_generic_services = true;
message CAuthentication_BeginAuthSessionViaCredentials_Request_BinaryGuardData {
optional string device_friendly_name = 1;
optional string account_name = 2;
optional string encrypted_password = 3 [(description) = "password, RSA encrypted client side"];
optional uint64 encryption_timestamp = 4 [(description) = "timestamp to map to a key - STime"];
optional bool remember_login = 5 [(description) = "deprecated"];
optional .EAuthTokenPlatformType platform_type = 6 [default = k_EAuthTokenPlatformType_Unknown];
optional .ESessionPersistence persistence = 7 [default = k_ESessionPersistence_Persistent, (description) = "whether we are requesting a persistent or an ephemeral session"];
optional string website_id = 8 [default = "Unknown", (description) = "(EMachineAuthWebDomain) identifier of client requesting auth"];
optional .CAuthentication_DeviceDetails device_details = 9 [(description) = "User-supplied details about the device attempting to sign in"];
optional bytes guard_data = 10 [(description) = "steam guard data for client login"];
optional uint32 language = 11;
optional int32 qos_level = 12 [default = 2, (description) = "[ENetQOSLevel] client-specified priority for this auth attempt"];
message CTwoFactor_Time_Request {}